a mish mash of ideas regarding religion and cultural focus

Let say, hypothetically, that we do find some way to motivate people to make drastic changes for the sake of their earth. No, i am not saying that global warming is here to kill us all. just that we become conscious of our impact on the only house we can't move out of, and as a people decide to neglect some superfluous habits in order to improve our overall lifestyle.
How do you think this would effect religion?
Do you think that if, as a people, our focus is on improving our earth, that our religions will tip their focus as well?
Do you see a return of earth based religions?
or will modern religion continue to adapt practices that make it fit the new focus?

I think global warming is a religion to many liberals. Most people are not interested in participating. Most Americans are Christians/believe in God, not global warming. They are more concerned with threats from Muslim terrorists, jobs, the economy, the criminal alien invasion/takeover, taxes, increased big government, crime etc.
My religion, Christianity will NEVER tip its focus. We focus on Jesus Christ/ God/Holy Spirit. We focus on getting people saved and churched. Not in worshipping the earth.
I see no return of pagan religions. The Bible indicates Jesus Christ is coming back soon. Most people want to know they are going to Heaven.; not if they remembered to recycyle a piece of foil.
You can do everything humanly possible to fight global warming. All it takes is one hypocrite like alGore or John Edwards who uses 20x more energy than anyone else. So many people think "why bother"?
I think global warming is a religion to many liberals. Most people are not interested in participating. Most Americans are Christians/believe in God, not global warming. They are more concerned with threats from Muslim terrorists, jobs, the economy, the criminal alien invasion/takeover, taxes, increased big government, crime etc.
My religion, Christianity will NEVER tip its focus. We focus on Jesus Christ/ God/Holy Spirit. We focus on getting people saved and churched. Not in worshipping the earth.
I see no return of pagan religions. The Bible indicates Jesus Christ is coming back soon. Most people want to know they are going to Heaven.; not if they remembered to recycyle a piece of foil.
You can do everything humanly possible to fight global warming. All it takes is one hypocrite like alGore or John Edwards who uses 20x more energy than anyone else. So many people think "why bother"?

what does "churched" mean?
my husband just got "churched" this morning before he went to work. you know i'm all about the communion baby.
and the republicans shall inherit the earth. oh, no wait, that's the meek.