A message from the other side!


The illusion is you, let go.
Registered Senior Member
Ok I wouldn't normally open an OP with a link then refer to it but....

..... if you are an ambassador of the soul and have an ounce of spiritual reckoning this link will explain creation implicitly. The best example of macrocosmic sense I've come across in years.


Care to discuss? My head is still trying to come to terms with what was said!
My head is still trying to come to terms with what was said!

It is difficult to understand the misunderstood because they are not sure of anything except what they believe is going on around themselves. In their views of everything only they want to explain it as they "envision" it as being a part of yet only convolute reality into a hyperbolic continuum.
I could not make it to the end because I have come across that sort of thing before. In technical language, it's a load of bollocks.
I can relate to 'we are our own inteligent creation' as we are.... no-one made us the way we are its down to our own choices be it ,right or wrong.
At some time in life we have all made a choice in what we wanted to be,I doubt whether what you wanted to be when you were young was what you ended up being.

I.E. (excuse the analogy, it was an interesting link)
So you make a descision on what you want to be,the being that you are going to create( which is 'yourself'), the physicality that you were/are gets in the way of the 'entity' which you want to be...
You want to be a policeman (1young)
but you end up getting a criminal record,but still want to be policeman(2teenager),
you can't become a policeman(3adult)(4middle aged)(5old)
you then struggle to find a job in the area you wanted to be in because of 2,even though what happened in 2 could have been anything it becomes a stagnant perception of who you are which alters or hinders the 'being which you seek to become' so you become a community worker who gets bored and like throwing punches when pissed, you are the not the direct image of what you aimed at creating,because of what you were...
DANG IT,that analogy doesn't explain what i mean properly....

The moment you make the descisison of what you want to be,
what you are will get in the way,
but until you can give up who you were,
you will not able to become what you want,
so the realisation of this will be the letting go,
and the embracing/becoming of who you are(what you wanted)

but the stagnancy of who you were can effect the outcome,and you may end up nothing more than an echo of what you wanted to be...

It was good but it all depends on interpretation, I suppose
The moment you make the descisison of what you want to be,
what you are will get in the way,
but until you can give up who you were,
you will not able to become what you want,
so the realisation of this will be the letting go,
and the embracing/becoming of who you are(what you wanted)

but the stagnancy of who you were can effect the outcome,and you may end up nothing more than an echo of what you wanted to be...

It was good but it all depends on interpretation, I suppose

This is a problem in the society we live in. Due to its structural nature we can easily be prevented from actually achieving what it is we have set out to do, this is mostly due to circumstances and influence from others.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if our siblings were free of matterial needs but of course this won't happen in the near future.

"but the stagnancy of who you were can effect the outcome,and you may end up nothing more than an echo of what you wanted to be..."

What you said here is what the link pointed to as being a problem as to the apparant stagnation of our reality, this has also led to our prevention from evolving.
The video contains no truth, no objective knowledge, but a whole lot of subjective stroking of emotional needs.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if our siblings were free of matterial needs but of course this won't happen in the near future.
It will happen before they are born and after they are dead.
It's typical of the gobbledygook I have come to associate with America. In short, it's nonsense.

You can't really make people value truth; however, you can marginalize those who don't (at least if they try to peddle their crap).
The video contains no truth, no objective knowledge, but a whole lot of subjective stroking of emotional needs.

It's typical of the gobbledygook I have come to associate with America. In short, it's nonsense.

Well said. Bunch of BS geared towards mindless numbskulls who are confused and desperate to buy into something that makes them feel unique, intelligent and enlightened. I hate this kind of shit.
The video contains no truth, no objective knowledge, but a whole lot of subjective stroking of emotional needs.

It's typical of the gobbledygook I have come to associate with America. In short, it's nonsense.

It will happen before they are born and after they are dead.

You can't really make people value truth; however, you can marginalize those who don't (at least if they try to peddle their crap).

Well said. Bunch of BS geared towards mindless numbskulls who are confused and desperate to buy into something that makes them feel unique, intelligent and enlightened. I hate this kind of shit.

The truth is you can't handle the truth. If you listen carefully it should make perfect sense the reason you are pushing it away is probably because your mindset isn't ready to accept what they are proposing in the link ie a reconnection to the source. I see your replies in the same light as you see the link ergo your words stink. You've made no attempt to single out any part of the thread and discuss why you think it's BS, but have instead dismissed it all.
Whatever it is , I'm certain it is a positive, feelgood communication from someone who has reached higher levels of consciousness than we shall ever aspire to.

I may be wrong but I got the impresion that money was mentioned somewhere in the text.
Pharaohmoan, what is the message ?

Well for me the message is about coming out of what I see as a stagnatory pattern that is existance as we see it today. It's about reconnecting to the source or family of light. It also explains to us the power of consciousness.

IMO we are experiencing a slow death of consciousness as we are in a ciculatory state of being. Sure we see slight improvements to our way of life each day but spiritually there is little to ignite the spirit within. We have little to no experience of transcendental moments where we are struck by a greater awareness, an awareness that tells us 'instintively' that we are cosmic in nature and truly interconected with other more organised forms of intelligence and higher vibrations of energy.