A Mathematical Model for The Mind


m = mind
gd = gravitational distance
K = Kinetic Energy

Because of the leading theory that gravity ''unravels'' consciousness, we must assume that all the forces are at work. This is because all the forces make up one force: Quantum Gravity.

So i gave, using gravitational accelated formulea's:


but we can work out how much energy there is against the Gravitational Distance raised to the power of two...



mG|T_abE^2(gd^4 -> K- G_ab=T_ab)

Which left the question of: How is gravity important... indeed, how is any of the forces important?

The Graviphoton is an exctitation of the Gravitational Potential, and directly couples to fermions: Particles with spns of 1/2, 3/2, 5/2 ect ect.

According to Dr. Penrose, there are about 10^17 tubulins (which are tiny shells, located around the neurons in our brains). The negative energy of the vacuum must be (gd^4) due to the Kaluza-Klein Theory and the Casimir Effect... therego, there are tiny negative fluctuations which MIGHT spark consciousness using the graviphoton:

(1/2)- (2/1) ~ (2/1')- (1/2') = mG|T_abE^2(gd^4 -> K- G_ab=T_ab)

Which in short, allows magnetism and electronic fluctuations in the gravitational field to ''unravel'' consciousness. The Curles are allowed because of the following set of equation:

A(X) and is curled into electricity through > B=Nabla(A)

I leave it there for now, and probably recieve the heavy scrutiny. Just remember, it is very difficult to find a mathematical model for the mind, so we must resort to using the like-equations i have shown above.

Stop right there!

What are the units of "mind"? How is "mind" measured?

gd = gravitational distance

How is "gravitational distance" different from normal distance?

Because of the leading theory that gravity ''unravels'' consciousness, we must assume that all the forces are at work.

What leading theory, specifically?

So i gave, using gravitational accelated formulea's:


So mind has units of acceleration, does it? Why?


mG|T_abE^2(gd^4 -> K- G_ab=T_ab)

This makes no sense at all. Please try formatting it so it makes sense.

The Graviphoton is an exctitation of the Gravitational Potential, and directly couples to fermions: Particles with spns of 1/2, 3/2, 5/2 ect ect.

Where can I find out more about the graviphoton? I have never heard of such a thing.

According to Dr. Penrose, there are about 10^17 tubulins (which are tiny shells, located around the neurons in our brains).

How is this relevant?

The negative energy of the vacuum must be (gd^4) due to the Kaluza-Klein Theory and the Casimir Effect...

Where can I find the proof of that?

(1/2)- (2/1) ~ (2/1')- (1/2') = mG|T_abE^2(gd^4 -> K- G_ab=T_ab)

This appears to be meaningless. Perhaps if you reformat it, it will make sense.

Which in short, allows magnetism and electronic fluctuations in the gravitational field to ''unravel'' consciousness.

What does it mean to "unravel" consciousness? Is consciousness ravelled? Why?

Just remember, it is very difficult to find a mathematical model for the mind, so we must resort to using the like-equations i have shown above.

Must we? Why?

Stop right there!

What are the units of "mind"? How is "mind" measured?

How is "gravitational distance" different from normal distance?

What leading theory, specifically?

So mind has units of acceleration, does it? Why?

This makes no sense at all. Please try formatting it so it makes sense.

Where can I find out more about the graviphoton? I have never heard of such a thing.

How is this relevant?

Where can I find the proof of that?

This appears to be meaningless. Perhaps if you reformat it, it will make sense.

What does it mean to "unravel" consciousness? Is consciousness ravelled? Why?

Must we? Why?

''Stop right there!

What are the units of "mind"? How is "mind" measured?''

m is a generalized format. It is hard to define units, unless we measure the mind (m) against the energy it contains.

''How is "gravitational distance" different from normal distance?''

Is this a trick question?

''What leading theory, specifically?''

Dr. Penroses theory. Never heard of it? Shame.

''So mind has units of acceleration, does it? Why?''

Of course it does. These tiny objects inside our mind never stop moving. You should know this.

I'll answer the rest of your questions in a second.
''Stop right there!

What are the units of "mind"? How is "mind" measured?''

m is a generalized format. It is hard to define units, unless we measure the mind (m) against the energy it contains.

''How is "gravitational distance" different from normal distance?''

Is this a trick question?

''What leading theory, specifically?''

Dr. Penroses theory. Never heard of it? Shame.

''So mind has units of acceleration, does it? Why?''

Of course it does. These tiny objects inside our mind never stop moving. You should know this.

I'll answer the rest of your questions in a second.

I know of Roger Penrose and I have read some of his stuff. There is no way he would espouse the nonsense you ascribe to him.

You can prove me wrong by citing your source.
''How is this relevant?''

Again, that theory by [Penrose]. He has it that the gravitational potential is stored in the tubules... this is why it is important.

''Where can I find the proof of that?''

It is raised to the fourth power, because of the delicate measurements made between two plates. The negative energy is the source from the ZPF... Google it... you'll find plenty evidence for my reasonings of this.

''This appears to be meaningless. Perhaps if you reformat it, it will make sense.''

Of course it makes sense. No format needed. Just ask me what you do not understand.

''What does it mean to "unravel" consciousness? Is consciousness ravelled? Why?''

My own terminology.

''Must we? Why?''

In a conversation with Dr. Wolf, i asked him whether we needed a mathematical model for a GUT, and he said we did indeed. Dare to argue with him?
I know of Roger Penrose and I have read some of his stuff. There is no way he would espouse the nonsense you ascribe to him.

You can prove me wrong by citing your source.

I need not site. I know i am right. It's just a matter that it's a big world out there in physics.
Here is my theory on the spark of cognitivity in humans. Instead of trying to adopt the normal idea of tubules in mediation with gravity, I’ve decided to involve the implications of electromagnetic influences, and how they might couple to an intrinsic particle called the graviphoton.
Glutamate transporters are one of more than 360 families of transporters that have so far been identified in mapping the extensive layout of the human brain. All of these molecular-sized cells are vital for regulating energy levels, movement and metabolic processes. The specific role of glutamate transporters is to regulate glutamate concentrations in the brain.
There are about 100 billion neurons in the brain and in [most] of these neurons exist glutamate transporters, acting as neurotransmitters. Because they are active brain cells, they must play a fundamental part in the charge of electromagnetic signals. They release short spasms of electromagnetic pulses, and according to my theory, they may even have an affect on sister-brother glutamate transporters through the well-known theory of the Casmir effect; the Casmir effect is nothing but short range attractions between two objects caused by electromagnetic fluctuations in the vacuum. Any two plates, whether that be a conductor or dielectrics would experience a force that is raised to the fourth power.
The short pulse of communication is made successful through a relatively simple medium of the hypothetical graviphoton, which is itself an excited photon of the gravitational field, which is inexorably surrounding the cells.
I propose that these super tiny interaction on a mass-scale give rise to the complex phenomena of the human cognitivity, and in essence, works like a simple on-off binary construct, and it might even play a fundamental part in memory as well.

I will improvise on my theory.
The Casmir Effect between two glutamate transporters may not be necessary. One glutamate molecule may interact via Casmir Effect between other cells, called the glial. The reason why the Casmir Effect would work more amply with the neuron molecules of the glutamates is because glial cells surround neurons. This may have a direct affect on consciousness as intelligence.
Why intelligence?
Well, when Einstein’s brain was dissected and analyzed, a number of strange defects where a result. One result was that he had a much larger concentration of white brain mass. The other result was that he had a much, much larger concentration of glial cells. His intelligence might be related through such neuronal processes
We must start to consider that Einstein’s contempt for the Copenhagen Interpretation is dead and buried, and that his speculations were totally incorrect. If this is true, then no one should deny that consciousness should then be seen in preferred light of that particular interpretation. Something scared Einstein, and I don’t believe he told us the true story.
I’m sure he contemplated that same-old-age question ‘’is the mind what we know as time?’’

The answer seemed so obviously ‘’yes’’ according to the observer effect of quantum mechanics, but Einstein would not humor it. Perhaps a bit of pride and ego was entangled with all of this, but he had problems accepting the limit of knowledge that quantum mechanics was predicting.
Everything turned out (from the humans perspective anyway) that the world was totally unknowable, and this might have had profound connections to Einstein, since his only ambition in the end was to unify gravity to a single force, ‘’Quantum Gravity.’’ His field equations have came in very handy for our calculations, but the more we extrapolate on their potential values and predictions, the more we are bound by complications. Even success has its limits.

The Standard Interpretation has predicted some remarkable things for consciousness.* It predicts that consciousness is some ‘’superdimension,’’ inextricably tied into the normal vectors of space. In fact, some interpretations state that the mind is somehow the fourth dimension of time. If it isn’t, then it surely is an imaginary 5th.
We ascribe the vectors with simple x, y and z coordinates. The square laws describe these vectors most best, and is the most valid proof we have that spacetime is really a three-dimensionally physical dimension of freedom. The square law given for the electromagnetic formulae is given as:

Fm = (1/µ)(p1p2/r2)

In this next mathematical model, you must first realize that Einstein’s equations where based upon Pythagoras’ theorem, given in any standard course of geometry as:

a2 + b2 = c2

This is a spacetime triangle under the correct mathematical direction, and the mind can be brought into this as a fourth vector on the spacetime vector, where di is the imaginary conscious dimension, and a, b and c are the space coordinates of x, y and z:

a2 + b2 + c2 = di2

The simple mathematical base I am using here, will lead to a decision to make consciousness a region of energy that must also represent a value of zero, based on the following hypothesis:
Energy and spacetime is all there is. So in Einstein’s formula of:


Is in fact just the materialistic side of the equation, first shown by Poncair:


… and if:

E+E=Mc^2 and M=E/c^2

Then c states as it having an infinite sum that:

E=0 and M=0

They are summed up then, that the vacuum holds two types of matter that must renormalize:


And so if consciousness is described to have an energy, then we can say that:

E= a2 b2 c2 di2

… which the other three coordinates are bound to emerge as a zero total, including the hyperdimension of the mind:

a2 + b2 + c2 + di2 =0

So even all the products of consciousness contribute to the renormalization of everything. The next equation describes the two sides of the coin: The first is relative and cosmological time, given by t. This describes the time that existed before the mind, which didn’t account for much without the mind. The asymptotic time we all experience, described by the T: This is a subliminal time experience. t could in fact be described as a relative time dimension, and the T as an absolute time dimension. This would help explain some strange properties of the mind.

a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + tdi^2 - Tdi^2

Allow i^2 = i *k^2

Then the real part would be'

a^2 + b^2 + c^2 - i^2*k^2^2 = 0

which simplifies to:

a^2 + b^2 +c^2 + k2^2 =0

The only solution is a=b=c=k^2=0

Here is where we can use the idea that the mind is time, and experiences absolutely no time at all, apart from this ‘’directionality’’ created by the unfixed proverbial clock.
I need not site. I know i am right. It's just a matter that it's a big world out there in physics.

Well, it shows you are talking through your hat. You know you are right, so where's the problem in telling us where you read what you attributed to Penrose?

You just make things up as you go along. Give it a rest
I'm not as stupid as to make such things up as i went along, Myles. I am scientist, and i will remain scientific.

Very well, i will find you a link.
Read and weep Myles.

"Stuart Hameroff, Consciousness Researcher - Abstracts" - a notice ...
Roger Penrose has proposed a new physics of objective reduction: “OR,” which
appeals to a form of quantum gravity to provide a useful description of ...


Gravitational Potential Energy of the Mind

The potential energy of something is the energy that is stored in the gravitational field which is caused by the potential energy due to the gravitational field which permeates everything – even free spacetime and its symbol is given as U_g. This energy is stored in spacetime due to the following formula:



w= work
f= force
d = distance

When an object is considered to ‘’work,’’ we mean it in the sense that something is being inexorably lifted. At a constant speed, we find that there is a restriction upon that object… this is the kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy implies to a change or a velocity derived from a fraction of potential energy.
Potential energy is therefore an inference to a storage of kinetic energy where the increase of velocities experienced the higher the Potential Kinetic energy one may claim is observing.

Obviously the more kinetic energy the more velocity and the more apparent energy is perceived as a ‘’force’’ that is stronger by more velocities. One must imagine if two equal velocities collide, they cancel each other out, but in doing so this cancelled out amount is then transferred as potential energy.

The work upon such an object, like any materialistic object, is found through a set of equations:


Where D is for displacement, so work equals force multiplied by the displacement of the object, and its force equaled the weight of the object in question:


And the weight of the object is equal to its mass multiplied by the acceleration of the object, not only causing more kinetic energy, but it is also due to the gravitational field given as:


The work an on an object can now be summed up rather easily by saying that it is ‘’lifted’’ and transfers to become a gravitational potential of energy, given as:


Where M is for mass and h is for the height of the lift. Now consider this potential energy, lifts and weights inside the mind… Gravity is found in physics to ‘’unravel’’ certain properties that are not due necessarily due to cause and effect, but also effects before the causes.

We call these, curved-timelike-paths, and on very tiny scales, this must happen all of the time. So how is this affecting the mind? Is such gravitational forces ‘’unraveling’’ the phenomena of this holographic world we see and know?

Matter tells space how to act. Time is what we know as the mind.

Mind is made of matter and exists as a hologram in spacetime itself.

Therego, the mind tells matter how to act, and curles into spacetime through such gravitational distortions.
Read and weep Myles.

"Stuart Hameroff, Consciousness Researcher - Abstracts" - a notice ...
Roger Penrose has proposed a new physics of objective reduction: “OR,” which
appeals to a form of quantum gravity to provide a useful description of ...


I'm not weping because I cannot see the connection between what you cited and your theory.

Gravitational Potential Energy of the Mind

The potential energy of something is the energy that is stored in the gravitational field which is caused by the potential energy due to the gravitational field which permeates everything – even free spacetime and its symbol is given as U_g. This energy is stored in spacetime due to the following formula:



w= work
f= force
d = distance

When an object is considered to ‘’work,’’ we mean it in the sense that something is being inexorably lifted. At a constant speed, we find that there is a restriction upon that object… this is the kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy implies to a change or a velocity derived from a fraction of potential energy.
Potential energy is therefore an inference to a storage of kinetic energy where the increase of velocities experienced the higher the Potential Kinetic energy one may claim is observing.

Obviously the more kinetic energy the more velocity and the more apparent energy is perceived as a ‘’force’’ that is stronger by more velocities. One must imagine if two equal velocities collide, they cancel each other out, but in doing so this cancelled out amount is then transferred as potential energy.

The work upon such an object, like any materialistic object, is found through a set of equations:


Where D is for displacement, so work equals force multiplied by the displacement of the object, and its force equaled the weight of the object in question:


And the weight of the object is equal to its mass multiplied by the acceleration of the object, not only causing more kinetic energy, but it is also due to the gravitational field given as:


The work an on an object can now be summed up rather easily by saying that it is ‘’lifted’’ and transfers to become a gravitational potential of energy, given as:


Where M is for mass and h is for the height of the lift. Now consider this potential energy, lifts and weights inside the mind… Gravity is found in physics to ‘’unravel’’ certain properties that are not due necessarily due to cause and effect, but also effects before the causes.

We call these, curved-timelike-paths, and on very tiny scales, this must happen all of the time. So how is this affecting the mind? Is such gravitational forces ‘’unraveling’’ the phenomena of this holographic world we see and know?

Sorry to be disgreeable but your understanding of potential and kinetic energy is wrong. A stone at the top of a cliff has potential energy by which we mean that , if it is dropped off the cliff, it will fall and in so doing lose potential energy and gain kinetic energy ( energy due to motion ). So potential energy and kinetic energy are equivalent for a given body.
OK, I'm certainly in the camp that says the mind is mathematical. Assuming the brain, and neural activity are where the mind, or consciousness "is".

Lots of research says that neurons group locally as well as globally; that networks of them form temporarily all the time--networks, of any kind are a graph, graphs are definitely mathematical; and that there are waves of activity all over the place; that glial cells have something to do with it (intelligence and memory), that spatiality (locality) and movement, and the way we map it, and our spatial "selves" in our brains, is important activity. There's a whole lot being found out all the time; but there's still only a rough outline.

As to an equation, or matrix, or even metric (math), side of it, we got the thermodynamics down, but how does it result in memory, what is memory?
Plasticity has something to do with lowering the energy requirements to store some kinds of memory, and it's more stable (entropically) as well. I can see a direct connection right there with information theory, or "something".

p.s. from the informational perspective, there are no forces, only connections, and messages (made up from the {1,0} alphabet, which is a duple, you may notice), and mass and energy are information. My pick for understanding, and eventually connecting, prosthetically, will be something like modified neurons in assemblies connected together with some more efficient biopolymer-nanocircuit arrangement, maybe photonics, some kind of implant that can run on glucose in the bloodstream, or something (or blood pressure, or Brownian motion).
I don't think any of this is all that far away, cause they're finding room-temp quantum entanglement and making new kinds of semiconductors all the time, something has to come out of it all, and like the transistor, we have no idea what it will end up like, but assuming civilisation survives, things are going to change a lot, in the nanotech age, I think.
Look how much media and image delivery to the masses, has changed in just a century.
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