A little something I've been pondering lately

We are many things. Killers is just one. We are also animals who cause considerable change to the environment. I think there is an inborn desire within most of us to create, in one form or another, something new. We want to build. This compulsion is expressed in various ways: Politics, business, religion, family, and most other human activities. It's what we do. we build things.
Building things is agreed an instinctive thing. But I think that it's more, I think we naturally try to balance parts of our lives. Every living species kills, in some form or another, trees kill grass by blocking sunlight, and thereby getting more water to it's own roots when it rains.
And people just kill anything that gets in our way.
but we balance it out by creating things that we deem worthwhile to give ourselves a sense that we left something behind.
<i>"...creating things that we deem worthwhile to give ourselves a sense that we left something behind."</i>

Hmm, the later may very well be linked to our instinct to build, but I would hazard a guess that it is closer to the instinctive pressure for survival.
hey all

contraception has been the science of sex as much as the
imagination of the participants :)

we feel a need/want yet fail to recognise the benefit of such things.

can we determine the act itself is more important than the enviroment of the participants(being in love) ?

here is a task to test with...
try listing all actions that can be defined as anthropromorphic
now cross reference those with communication techniques to achive a common goal between other animals(humans excluded)
then compare both to to see how we "work in" with the enviroment allongside that which which is percived to "be the" enviroment.

.... good luck

In other words, humans destroy Earth, Yes that we already knew.
When comes the time that humans do their best to help the Earth to become healthy again.

I heard and saw on tv last evening that Earth is getting greener.
That is not a good thing. It's all seaweed and alges that you can see. That is suffocating the oceans and sees. So everything living in it will die.

All that whales, dolphins, orca's and more of the most beautiful and useful animals deep down under the water will suffocate.
Is that what humans want??? Total destruction??? It looks like that, a very lot.
I don't mind the bad english, hope you got the message.