A little help With lucid dreaming?

The more you think of lucid dreaming while youre awake, the better the chance is that you will have a lucid dream... It took me 3 weeks to have my first lucid dream, and it only lasted 15 seconds... Thats after having an awesome dream recall and doing reality checks every hour...
"I would just open my eyes really wide. if I didn't wake up I wasn't dreaming"
thats gotta be funny to watch. lol.

and you can make yourself lucid dream. i read somewhere that the easiest way to do it is to focus on something (while your awake of course) that makes you think of lucid dreaming. eventually, that connection will happen while you are sleeping aswell. so when you see that object while you are dreaming, the connection is made, and it helps you realize what is going on.

but ive really gotta ask, even if lucid dreaming, how do you have the concept of time???

"I find dream diaries work well, even if you dont get lucid, you still remember the normal dreams "

do you find though, that when you do keep a record f your dreams, they become less interesting. the more i concentrate on them, the less detailed and origional they become.
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someone else said (maybe in another thread) that they hav lucid dreams whilst camping, i went camping and had one

another person said that you have to sleep in an uncomfortable position and ull have one
try sleeping on the floor instead of a bed
Sometimes on unpressured mornings, drifting in and out of sleep, I can more easily remember to remind myself (while beginning to dream) that lucid dreaming is only realizing I can suddenly do or be anything. Unfortunately, I often find myself falling out of sleep into waking, quite against my will- that's the bargain with this method: Easy in, easy out.

Very rarely do I get a nice long LD, and I suspect a neurological limit to how much fun I should be having in there, or maybe just that the slightest blip of adrenaline kicks you out of REM.

Someday I suspect we'll LD more and sleep less, maybe go to work in our dreams, if our vocations are based on unfettered imagination. This will certainly be popular when the first "Mind's Eye" interface brings in others, along with everyday waking telepathy. A penny for your thoughts.
Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming, and realize that you are in control of the dream. For myself, this is not so much fully conscious rational thought, as it is a playful, creative attitude. With that in mind, you find yourself in your own personal holodeck: Whatever you choose to imagine, you are in the thick of. In my G-rated lucid dreams, I might be flitting around like Peter Pan revisiting scenery and situations in my past, for example. You can do anything you like in a lucid dream, at least until you just forget to control the dream, or, somewhat worse, feel yourself slipping out of a dreaming state- which can be a little disappointing, and that frustration dumps me right out of dreaming and sleep very fast. But this has advantages, too, because if you can condition yourself to wake up directly out of a lucid dream, you have nearly total recall, which is cool. I have a hunch that some people may have many more LDs than they can remember.
sounds cool

how do you know your not in a lucid dream rite now HHAA i have brought this conversation into the realm of the 'nature of reality' etc.
I did it once! I realised I was dreaming when I noticed how stupid it was that a public hedge maze was surrounded by a moat containing white pointers with chocolate teeth. Honest to god, look for stupid things and you'll realise its not real... then try to stay asleep.
Could one feel pleasure to orgasm...like...I don't know...sex?

I'd say and easy way(even though I've had one lucid dream that lasted about 10 seconds) would be to look up into the sky at night and the day for a week, and think about lucid dreaming or create a situation that is out place as you gaze on. I always seem to have a dream where the sky and water is accented or present.
you can buy some blackout masks on the internet somewhere that have small bright red LED's. That will flash at a specific moment, you need to make the connection of red flashing lights being a dream and that you can control it before you sleep. It is quite popular and has huge sucessrate. When I get some money in the bank I'll give it ago and let u know.


BigBlueHead said:
Beta blockers - drugs that slow your heart rate. Also cause lucid dreams as a side effect and prevent migraine headaches. Probably not very good for you if your heart rate is normal.

I researched the effects of propanelol, endoral, and tenormin on sleep,
cognitivie processes, and physiological processess. There is no data that
to support that beta blockers cause lucid dreams.
LaulavaPuu said:
Find your dreaming hand. Get good dreamrecall (suggestions, b-vitamins, dream diary). All kinds of methods like WILD, MILD etc. This one works well -->WBTB which stands for WakeBackToBed. Wake up after 6 hours of sleep, stay awake 30 mins while thinking of lucid dreaming and then go back to sleep while giving yourself mental suggestions like "i will realise im dreaming". Try to convince yourself and you will succeed.

But in the long run best help and tool is your mind, master it. :p

Allthough, I find alot of information that LaulavaPuu posts to be little more
than fantasy, he actually stumbled across something that in fact works:

"This one works well -->WBTB which stands for WakeBackToBed."

LaulavaPuu recommended waiting 30 minutes; however, It seems to work
for me with no more than a 30 second investment of staying awake. Either
way the technique works.
there my friend oyu are very wrong you most of the time can control alot of aspects of you dreams once you become lucid nad do what u want you have some control. and how do you say it is a differnt way of ur mind conecting memories ??? it is when you becom awar that you are dreamen.