A little help With lucid dreaming?


Registered Senior Member
ok, i haev tryed to lucid dream and read about it a littel but they never to seam to work, i was just wondering what is the best way to lucid dream for all you people out there, and what is the easyest way to relize that you are dreaming???? thanks alot this would reallly help me out

-nate :)
Beta blockers - drugs that slow your heart rate. Also cause lucid dreams as a side effect and prevent migraine headaches. Probably not very good for you if your heart rate is normal.
Find your dreaming hand. Get good dreamrecall (suggestions, b-vitamins, dream diary). All kinds of methods like WILD, MILD etc. This one works well -->WBTB which stands for WakeBackToBed. Wake up after 6 hours of sleep, stay awake 30 mins while thinking of lucid dreaming and then go back to sleep while giving yourself mental suggestions like "i will realise im dreaming". Try to convince yourself and you will succeed.

But in the long run best help and tool is your mind, master it. :p
i could be wrong, but in my experiance you can't force a lucid dream. I think you just get lucky ocassionally. But when it does happen, Don't will yourself to wake up! ;)
heh. I first got into Lucid dreaming by realizing that what was happening wasn't possible, so I opened my eyes really wide in the dream, and woke up in real life. after that, I had no problem realizing when I was in a dream - I would just open my eyes really wide. if I didn't wake up I wasn't dreaming. After that, it became easier to tell when I was in a dream, just by how it felt.

good luck, dagr8n8!
Forget Everything they tell you about drugs, blabla etc..

Some weeks I get about 5 or 6 lucid dreams... and maybe 1 or 2 of them are of the type of lucid dreams that you are totally lucid and detail and lifelike reality of the dream is simply mindblowing

The truth to having those is..

Just keep yourself in the right frame of mind

Thing about having lucid dreams while in bed before sleep, to these for some weeks and eventually you'll start lucid dreaming

Another good thing is to wake up soon in the morning, even if interrupts a dream you'll remember it easily

Always look at your hands while not dreaming... and eventually you will look while dreaming, its possibly the best method to realise your dreaming and enter into a great lucidity.

Lucid Dreams are way more real than normal dreams, you can fell the wind, see in full vibrant colors and can change your dream like fly, alter any people or buildings in it etc..

I think lucid dreams are very entretaining.. its like entering the most immersive Virtual Reality game lol, much like matrix ;)

To get into lucid dream you must always have the notion that your really in a dream, even if you believe the people in it are real. There are various degrees of lucid dreams.. the best are in where u know everything is a product mind, those are the best
just wondering, how long did it take people to have lucid dreams from when they started to try to have them (through looking at hands, opening eyes or whatever methods)

anyone know what happens if you have a lucid dream, and dream that you are sleeping in it? would you get more refreshed?
if you were sleeping on the ground and dreamt you were in a really comfy bed, would you get better sleep?
It took me months of on-again off-again trying to have my first, still not very common. Very fulfilling though.

It seems to me there are two components to having a lucid dream, realising you're dreaming and not getting too excited when you realize that you are and you can do anything you what.

alain said:
anyone know what happens if you have a lucid dream, and dream that you are sleeping in it? would you get more refreshed?
if you were sleeping on the ground and dreamt you were in a really comfy bed, would you get better sleep?

Not sure about lucid dreams but when Im camping or for some reason sleeping on the ground. I can just zone out, dont remember any dreams, and just overall sleep a really heavy sleep. Muscles relax and I dont roll over as much im sure my heartbeat is a little lower. Im not sure how I trained my body but now its easy like flipping a switch. 10 min I'm out.
Have something that will constantly remind you (physical works well for me) where you really are. Read this thread for more
I was also going to post the link that Blackstream did.
The Lucidity Institute is a good site.
I haven't had a lucid dream yet (still trying), but is it possible that the vitamins/herbs/etc. only work because you subconciously want them to? Hmm.. hoping that made sense, I just thought it was odd that some people said they work and others didn't.
if they only work because you want them to work, who cares? they still allow you to dream lucidly, who cares if they're only sugar pills
Good luck. The only time I ever lucidly dreamt was when I went to bed thinking about it, convincing myself I could just "will" myself into Lucid Dreaming. Unfortunately, that trick hasn't worked since. :(
remember what aspects a dream can have. such as
being in another country, people chasing you for no reason, then when ur awake get used to thinking, are any of the things that happen in dreams happening now, and ull eventually start to think that way in dreams
Lucid dreaming isn't something that you can control... well not that way. You can't make yourself lucid dream it's just something that happens. Also lucid dreaming isn't a gift, it's just a different way your mind collects it's memories.