A Letter to the Church

Travel through and to, as in they go in and end up elsewhere, rather then moving out, like in a rocket ship?
Ohio, is that where he lives, i may need to talk to this man, because he couldnt be older than lets say 19 right now. because as you know the first 18 or so years of the bible is false.

god isn't a man.

so...the first 18 or so huh?
No, this is not space science, this is the science of Celestial bodies, which entails the sciance of Heaven, because heaven is a celestial body. So, what heaven do you wish to see, i see no gates or white clouds, i see jupiter and many moons.

Yes they do travel, but imagin the colors at light speed, seeing more than just the visible light spectrum. That is to be a god.

When you move as that of an electron, you can pass through a solid body of mass without disturbing it for the forces would result of the destruction of the string theory. Because something that weights 100 tons traveling at the speed of light would carry enough energy to pass through the center of a black hole.
god isnt a man, god is a god, you know the creepy green guys. they more than likely fucked a monkey to make us, and now fuck a few of us to make things better than us. Because I know that genelogical pools only grow smaller, so where did we come from?
Exactly, I know this is crazy, but we have always existed. We as in the last 2000 years are infact the oldest civilazation ever in the history of the universe because of the time continuem. This happends when somone travels back in time and instead of being a no one and not interfearing with time, they go back and RE-WRITE everything...
I often wonder why this place alone is called sciforums. It should be science and metaphysics forum...

... i would have said philosophy, but that name is taken by a place that barred me because they didn't like my ideas :(
I like to think of things that rhythm with sci...hehehe....the list it produces is rather long!
The Pie forums, the Pi forums, the lie forums, the spy forums, the die forums, the high forums, the why forums, the pry forums, the my forums, the fly forums, the sky forums...

on and on the words go, I should see if I can list all the words that rhythm with Sci...I sometimes even the Psi...which sounds the same but means something else.

Regarding God, I am everything I Know. What more can I be?