A letter to a friend

Syne said:
Western religion believes that a god is eternal and responsible for creation out of nothing, but that offers no more explanatory power than any single option.
I really don't see a religious philosophy as valid since it has no evidence whatsoever. Odd you bring it up after demanding evidence for that actual instigation of expansion.

I guess you completely missed the bolded part of what I said. It offers "no more explanatory power", so there is no reason to favor it.

That's why it's best to look at that millisecond after the event, study BBT and get a goods nights rest. The rest of this B.S. really is for the birds.

It doesn't solve them in physics and I care more about physics than philosophy.

Ground state, true vacuum, zero-point energy, quantum fluctuations, and virtual particles are all nearly synonymous descriptions for the "least possible" of any physical quantity. It is no wonder that you do not care about where such phenomena comes from, since you do not even care where the big bang came from.

Why comment at all if you simply do not care and are a committed agnostic on the subject of ultimate cause?
Ground state, true vacuum, zero-point energy, quantum fluctuations, and virtual particles are all nearly synonymous descriptions for the "least possible" of any physical quantity. It is no wonder that you do not care about where such phenomena comes from, since you do not even care where the big bang came from.
You're right- I don't particularly care about where the Big Bang came from. Nor do I care what you think. You spend more time trying to attack the character of others in the discussion regardless of whether it's needed or not. This thread is the first time I've actually read your posts. You've been an asshat throughout with glaring misunderstandings on your part, a lousy attitude, uncalled for accusations and the disposition of an anal retentive camel.
Enough is enough- you're going on ignore.
Why comment at all if you simply do not care and are a committed agnostic on the subject of ultimate cause?
Because the initial commentary wasn't directed at you- I did not expect an assclown doing everything possible to pick an argument whether one was needed or not.
You're right- I don't particularly care about where the Big Bang came from. Nor do I care what you think. You spend more time trying to attack the character of others in the discussion regardless of whether it's needed or not. This thread is the first time I've actually read your posts. You've been an asshat throughout with glaring misunderstandings on your part, a lousy attitude, uncalled for accusations and the disposition of an anal retentive camel.
Enough is enough- you're going on ignore.

Because the initial commentary wasn't directed at you- I did not expect an assclown doing everything possible to pick an argument whether one was needed or not.

That is funny. You go from accusing me of attacking your character, which you fail to support BTW, to attacking mine. Throughout, you have proven that "you cannot be familiar with much of the science on the matter" by insisting that the big bang had anything to say on the matter of ultimate cause and then by claiming complete disinterest in it as well.

Seems that you are the one joining in a thread you have no interest in other than to pick a fight. All you seem to have said was "you are all wrong". Get a grip.
That is funny. You go from accusing me of attacking your character, which you fail to support BTW, to attacking mine.
Yeah, I did.
Throughout, you have proven that "you cannot be familiar with much of the science on the matter" by insisting that the big bang had anything to say on the matter of ultimate cause and then by claiming complete disinterest in it as well.
No, you've repeatedly shown that you cannot read.
You misunderstood my first post. You misunderstood the second and the third... You're so busy looking for something to attack in the posts -it's like pareidolia- You find 'em even if they are not there.

I NEVER claimed that Big Bang Theory has anything to do with the Original event. Ever. Not once. If you believe I did, quote me directly making that claim.

You're so hung up on repeatedly telling me I said things I did not, that you have not one clue what I did say.
In the meantime, we can show our degrees if you want.
I'm willing to bet I know more about BBT than you do. I've been explaining BBT for at least ten damned years. But since you cannot read basic English, you get off on telling me I must not know anything about it.
You didn't just say "You're all Wrong." You have repeatedly claimed I've said things I have not- at all - and you cannot quote me as having said any of the things you claim I did. That's picking a fight. The first time I just backed off and waited for you to put your foot in your mouth and sure enough- you did. Now, I'm just annoyed at your blind arrogance.
NeverFLy and Syne: "In the meantime, we can show our degrees if you want." Great idea!! Best to do it on "About the Members" so cyberspace is not further 'clogged' with off-topic chatter on QuantumWave's otherwise auspicious thread.
I'm guessing the NFL was unintentional? :p
Yes, I saw you posted an impressive listing there... Geology has always interested me. Not that I have a degree in that...
Yeah, I did.

No, you've repeatedly shown that you cannot read.
You misunderstood my first post. You misunderstood the second and the third... You're so busy looking for something to attack in the posts -it's like pareidolia- You find 'em even if they are not there.

I NEVER claimed that Big Bang Theory has anything to do with the Original event. Ever. Not once. If you believe I did, quote me directly making that claim.

You're so hung up on repeatedly telling me I said things I did not, that you have not one clue what I did say.
In the meantime, we can show our degrees if you want.
I'm willing to bet I know more about BBT than you do. I've been explaining BBT for at least ten damned years. But since you cannot read basic English, you get off on telling me I must not know anything about it.
You didn't just say "You're all Wrong." You have repeatedly claimed I've said things I have not- at all - and you cannot quote me as having said any of the things you claim I did. That's picking a fight. The first time I just backed off and waited for you to put your foot in your mouth and sure enough- you did. Now, I'm just annoyed at your blind arrogance.

You are the one who brought up the BBT in this discussion. Now if you can explain why you did that, knowing that it did not address what was being discussed, maybe you can redeem yourself. If not, it seems the majority of your posts have been off-topic. When everyone else is talking about ultimate cause, you have to be exceedingly obtuse to repeatedly introduce something you should know has no bearing on the subject. So either you did not know what everyone else in this thread was talking about, or you did not know that the BBT had no bearing.

We get it. You are a one-trick pony with the BBT. No wonder you seem to think it was relevant to this discussion. Have you ever thought about studying any QM, you know, just to round out your physics understanding? You do know that the majority of modern cosmology is primarily concerned with QM, right?

So tell us already. Why exactly did you introduce the BBT?