Sarkus said:
No offence, but this description really does seem like nothing short of brain-washing / hypnotism.
People follow because someone comes along and manages to persuade / project their ideals / logic / emotions onto their followers?
I'm sure there is a difference - can you explain?
Ok I'll give it a shot, but being a staunch atheist you will have to hypothetically accept the info about god if you want to follow it through - I suggest that you read it all through once or twice before responding otherwise you will lose the whole by getting caught in the details
God possess all opulences in the fullest quantity, that is amongst rich persons, he is the richest, among strong the strongest and so on for any number of qualities such as intelligence, beauty, fame etc etc and even renunciation
So the living entity,
in their pure stage of existence without illusion, has a natural attraction to god (primary attraction), and because god has these opulences, these opulences become secondary - in other words because god happens to be the strongest we are attracted to the notion of strength, and so on for wealth, intelligence etcetc (strength is considered notable because god has it, rather than the notion of strength by itself - don't forget this is the vision bereft of illusion)- so whatever form god manifested to us, we would naturally find that form attractive (provided we were free from illusion - more on illusion later) on the strength of god's automatic prabhava - its not a question of brainwashing but rather a reaction in line with our constituitional position.
suppose Hulk Hoagan entered a caferteria - being an example of a person with exceptional strength and fame - its not like we would "decide" to look at him as he walked through the door - we would be forced (unless of course we also had a similar level of prabhava, ie we were also a celebrity or something) - now not to say that we would clamour all over him for an autograph like some granny slamming her bag on the sofa in ecstacy while he is pile driving some guy on TV - but still that ability to draw our attention by force is an indication of the prabhava of Hulk Hoagan - this is why such persons with prabhava get paid 6 digit figures to patronise breakfast cereals (its not like the companies are stupid and are throwing their money out the window) and others without the said prabhava are not even given a free packet of fruit loops
Now (this is where it gets interesting) in the material world, which innvolves the dynamic of illusion, we have the opportunity to have a type of vision that is not dependant on god - in other words when god disappears from our vision, our primary attraction (attraction for god) is not manifest and our secondary attraction is manifest - in other words we become attracted to god's secondary attributes, namely his opulences such as wealth, beauty, intelligence etc etc
- So in the material world a person may be adverse to the concept of god but they will still nonetheless be attracted to persons who appear god-like (in the sense that they will be impressed by persons who are intelligent, beautiful, strong, etc etc) - Like for instance an intelligent atheist writes a wonderful essay on how god doesn't exist, and this draws the attention of other atheists who adopt his philosophy etc
BG 3.21 Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.
You may say it is brainwashing, but its just the nature of how the world operates - A influences B, B influences A or A and B neutralise each other