A Humane Execution

How about putting them into stasis so that they just age and waste away without being alert or a bother to anyone?
Killing them, as a result of legal fees etc tends to cost as much as feeding them a lifetime.

The State should not be allowed to kill. Period. Someday it will be so.
NO, it's supposed to a deterrent to future criminals.

Vengeance servers what purpose exactly? Consider a couple of things before you construct your answer: America was supposedly built on Christian Morals. It's the 21st century. Civilisation. Rehabilitation. Socio-economic demographics of death row.

Not according to the US officials who were interviewed. They showed favor towards vengeance when they basically told Portillo that their main concern is not to keep the prisoner comfortable. In other words the attitude was 'so what?' if their deaths are painful before death since their victims had experienced a gruesome horrific death. This is why they were not open to a less painless (or more humane) execution.

I think everyone would love to live in a society which doesn't produce crime, just as we would all like to live in a world where there is no poverty but....

If you think the question was stupid then I suggest you read the OP again, the question was provoked by the documentary which was asking just that same question. So I put it forth. Its supposed to be a 'thinking' community right? The OP is not asking whether you think the death penalty good or bad or humane or not but whether the execution of criminals should be without any suffering if that were possible. If they are going to do it anyway then it should be as comfortable as possible right? Yes? No?
Do you have a source for that? I find that a little hard to believe.

In any way, I think economical feasibility should not be a factor to consider on the decision of whether to kill someone or not.

This is about ethics, morality and/or justice; not finance.

If a society still has the death penalty legislated, it only proves how primitive the mentality of that society is. Still bounded to useless codes like the code of hammurabi; which has been around for thousands of years and with no positive results. We need a new kind of justice, current blind justice is of no good; without love there can be no growth, neither as an individual nor as a society.
In any way, I think economical feasibility should not be a factor to consider on the decision of whether to kill someone or not.

This is about ethics, morality and/or justice; not finance.

If a society still has the death penalty legislated, it only proves how primitive the mentality of that society is. Still bounded to useless codes like the code of hammurabi; which has been around for thousands of years and with no positive results. We need a new kind of justice, current blind justice is of no good; without love there can be no growth, neither as an individual nor as a society.

Obviously which is why I posted this in Ethics, Morality and Justice.

What's the new kind of justice you have in mind?
Killing them, as a result of legal fees etc tends to cost as much as feeding them a lifetime.

On a single case basis you are right about the cost. However as I said before the death penalty is more about forcing confessions and getting pleas, that would produce a much greater overall savings in legal fees and court cost. So from the bigger picture point of view you are very wrong.
Yeah, how to kill someone in a civilized fashion. Hmm...

To begin with, our society has grown accustomed to using the polite term "execution" to mean "the act of executing the death sentence upon someone". Correction officials also "execute" 30-day, 1-year, etc sentences upon convicts. They're actually imprisoning someone, but they don't want to be known as killing someone, so they're just "executing" them instead. How quaint.

The SCOTUS has already ruled that executing death penalties are too obscene to be made public (televised videos, published photos, etc). So that there kinda tells ya that it's hard to do something obscene in a civilized fashion. Which makes sense.

Courts have also ruled that, in order to be "meaningful", the convict must be awake/aware when being executed. So, if a convict faints, they can't just kill him/her "as is", the convict must be revived and then killed. Hey, fair is fair.

What puzzles me is that "corporal punishment" is illegal in the US. They can't punish by cutting off a thief's hand, give someone 30 lashes, etc. And yet, they can kill them.

As far as I know, the US is the only major western country that still allows "executions". Everyone else is already one step ahead of us in that respect.
What's the new kind of justice you have in mind?

I have no proposition for this new justice, since I'm not an expert on the subject. I will leave that to more knowledgeable scholars.

One thing is for sure, we are committing the same mistakes of the past thousands of years; so I don't think we are in the right path as a society if we continue to trip over the same stone.

I do think justice needs to take in consideration compassion for all beings.
I do think justice needs to take in consideration compassion for all beings.

Where was the "compassion" when the criminal murdered the victim or children? Please , enough of this compassion for poor little murderer who stabbed 3 women over 50 times to watch them bleed out while he watched.
I think justice has to take into account that it's not perfect, therefore we should never kill someone who is already in our custody. Judges and juries make mistakes, and the death penalty cannot be appealed.
Where was the "compassion" when the criminal murdered the victim or children? Please , enough of this compassion for poor little murderer who stabbed 3 women over 50 times to watch them bleed out while he watched.

That reactions is out of hatred; love expects nothing from nobody, and gives all its blessings in return.
That reactions is out of hatred; love expects nothing from nobody, and gives all its blessings in return.

I hope you never have your child murdered by someone or a loved one either. I'd think that justice is what we should be discussing not hate or compassion. Where's the justice in torturing a human for the rest of their lives sitting behind bars without anyone to be with in solitary confinement?
I hope you never have your child murdered by someone or a loved one either. I'd think that justice is what we should be discussing not hate or compassion. Where's the justice in torturing a human for the rest of their lives sitting behind bars without anyone to be with in solitary confinement?

They dont understand that even just a glimmer of possibility that they are correct, some mass change with "lead by example", can even begin to make the kind of impact necessary would take hundreds of years and most likely wont work nearl 100%, so even 30% change what about the rest? What is their solution in the interim. Run fast?...Luck?
Murder is actually most likely to be something committed in a moment of temporary emotional overwhelm, and the least likely crime to be recommitted.