A forgotten virtue like honesty

"Honesty - It's such a lonely word" - Billy Joel.

Then what is wrong with giving some bucks to a man who is just coming from jail and admits it in the open? And what the hell does it matter it's a Native? Then you have to think about it? Do you know why he was there then? It's good he said the truth. Good for him.

Most people lie, when they want to borrow money from you or so. They make up a story which sounds good in your ears and on which you decide to give them the money.

I personally prefer to give some bucks to a "beggar" on the streets. Most of the time, you can tell if they really need it or not.

I'll give you an example on which you probably disagree totally with me, anyway, here it is:

I happen to know several people who do drugs, as in heroin. They get really very sick when they don't have it. Now you can say, as usual, it's their own fault, that doesn't go for anyone, though. It is real bad to be sick of with-drawal symptoms, so bad, people go out stealing to get a little of the drug they are addicted to. Then what's better? To help such a person out, or to let him/her feel so terrible that they have to find other solutions.

And no, a rehab is not always the answer. It's a much bigger problem. It's easy to say bad things about drug users when you've never been in that position. Alcoholics, most of the time are looked at with a different attitude. It is an allowed drug addiction. There are even advertisements for alcohol. It's the same as heroin, the same with-drawal symptoms, only easier to get, then illegal drugs. There is no other significant difference then that.

So when your father/uncle/mother/aunt/neighbour/aquaintance gets drunk every day and he/she has the money to do so, it is okay, when he/she doesn't have the money and is walking the streets, it is "evil". Now that makes it a lot clearer why these people lie, to try to get some money. And if they look like hell, as in bad clothes and long hair, tattoos all over to just mention a few things, you get the point, then you don't give it most of the times. When such a person looks clean and so on, you would give it sooner?

My goodness, how's it with your own honesty then?

I personally think you better be honest, just because it is so rare now-a-days.

Oh well, there's a lot more to say about this all. I didn't say everything here, it's to complex. Talk to you later...

(Did it ever occur to you that drug use is used a lot in movies, to show people do the most "evil" things on drugs. Ever thought of the fact how agressive alcohol users get, when drunk? Honesty?!)

Is the hand that points out the evil,...trowing the first stone,...
Demonising is a part of a propaganda technique,...
And there are a lot of propaganda techniques,....
Banshee first off not EVERYONE is violent when they are drunk, i get really stupid when im drunk

Second NO it dosn't matter why he was in there because he has paid his debt and no longer should carry the stigma of having gone there (that just FORCES people to reofend)
Oh Asguard, of course not every drunk gets agressive, just as not every drug user goes out stealing or kniving someone down, or so. It was just a figure of speech.

By the way, if you get stupid, being drunk, aren't you bothering others then, with your behaviour? Or does everybody think you're funny? Just wondering. :)

Honestly! My personal experience with drunks is that they get violent in bars and it was so bad in the city where I lived, that in 3 bars, every weekend, the furniture was smashed and a lot of people with it. (and telephone cells were destroyed and so on)

Oh yes, drug users do their bad things also. Don't get me wrong here.

And I stated before, that there is much more to this issue, as described in the former post. Guess it's just the way you look at it and what your experiences are, too.

People are all different individuals, so not every drunk gets violent, not every drug user goes out stealing or robbing a gas-station. Not every person who went to jail, is there, because he/she committed a major crime.

I'm sorry, I'm very tired right now and leave it with this, okay? I'll be back some later, after a little sleeping... ;)
Good for you. :) Keep it that way and don't drink to much. :)

So you won't become a real drunk before you even enter your twenties. Sorry, I couldn't resist. You young people nowadays drink like it's the most common thing to do. I think it's a dangerous development.

Just as using drugs is.

You take good care of yourself please... :) :)
Heroin (Diacetylmorphine), is a drug that someone with heavy tolerance takes 20-40 mg to get a high. Heroin is a drug which is one of the single most addictive and hard to leave. Talk to your buddies that do heroin and I'm betting they'll say it didn't take long at all to become addicted. Heroin cannot exactly be used in moderation. There is no way to do a bit of heroin just to relax. From personal findings and a little help from a couple sources, I have decided that every experimenter with heroin either becomes fully addicted or absolutely hates the stuff.

Beer typically contains 14 or so mg of alcohol in it per bottle. Some people take all of 3 beers (42 mg alcohol) to get slightly tipsy. Others, take up to 6 beers (84 mg alcohol) to get to this point. But I can guarantee you that unless you are a rookie, it will be about 5 beers (70 mg of alcohol) MINIMUM to get fully drunk. You can get the alcohol equivlant (if there is such a thing) of a heroin hit after about 5 beers (actually, with most people, as I'm sure you know, it would probably be more like 7 beers). Difference? A heroin hit lasts 45 minutes tops. Most heroin users will not be satisfied, and will do at least 3 hits to continue the high.

Heroin is also most frequently done through needle. And we all know the dangers of needle drugs, no?

Heroin is definetly more detremental than alcohol. If I drink one beer I'm just a little more happy than before. If I did one hit of heroin I'd be in dream land.

Though I understand your point.

I personally don't give money to someone who's going to waste it on alcohol. Why? Because I'd rather give it to someone who I think won't waste it on alcohol.