A Final Proof Against Christianity

I've heard stories similar to this before, and they all come down to the same very basic principle:

When you turn religious and start believing in god/jesus... life becomes one of abject misery and hardship.

The very first word uttered by the religious is "suffering", and then in the very same sentence declare that their god is one of love.

Why do you think the religious seem to suffer so badly, while myself and every atheist I know live perfectly fine lives?

I guess it's in the mentality of the religious. You all set yourselves up for turmoil and hardship, thinking inside that god is testing you and that suffering is important - but it wont matter in the long run because eventually you'll get to life number 2, and all will be well.

In fact I was very cynical as I stood there and said "Allright Jesus, if you are there, come on m8, why dont you show me yourself!"

Tell me then, if we all sit here cynical and say the same thing, when nobody ever responds what would you claim is the reason? Why would jesus answer one and ignore the other?
Poor Player said:
What I'm saying is that if all many Christians believe in is that Christ was a great human being and nothing more or less (a moral teacher), that God is an undefinable spirit unknowable in a truly personal way, and that the bible is almost completely allegorical, then why attempt to attack their esteem for the bible as an inspirational book at all. Altough you attempted to address it you are still lumping their faith together with the fundamentalists who are completely on the other end of the spectrum.

If they did they wouldn't be a Christian by any means I know.. there are people who say Jesus was a great teacher and no more no less but don't consider themseves Christians. Hence my thread on the trilemma, where C.S. Lewis argues that the Bible does not allow for such an interpretation.

Are you not attacking the faith of both groups even though they really have no commonality other than in name? I happen to believe that a large percentage of Christians would agree with everything you have said so far in your essay. So how does that disprove Christianity? I think you strengthen the power of your argument if you narrow your target to those Christians who......fill in the blank. Showing that the bible is full of falsehoods and contradictions does nothing to disprove Christianity as a whole because it is simply too diverse in its varieties of traditions and dogma.

Whell I'm not focusing actually on contradictions or falsehoods; that has been done before. I'm focusing on whether or not the Bible can be depended upon for making a religious decision (which gives the thread a more general scope). I do agree that it is naieve to put all under the same umbrella and maybe this is instead addressed to 'orthodox' Christians.
SnakeLord said:
I've heard stories similar to this before, and they all come down to the same very basic principle:

When you turn religious and start believing in god/jesus... life becomes one of abject misery and hardship.

The very first word uttered by the religious is "suffering", and then in the very same sentence declare that their god is one of love.

Why do you think the religious seem to suffer so badly, while myself and every atheist I know live perfectly fine lives?

I guess it's in the mentality of the religious. You all set yourselves up for turmoil and hardship, thinking inside that god is testing you and that suffering is important - but it wont matter in the long run because eventually you'll get to life number 2, and all will be well.

Tell me then, if we all sit here cynical and say the same thing, when nobody ever responds what would you claim is the reason? Why would jesus answer one and ignore the other?

You ask some good questions between the lines and I will attempt to answer them.

Firstly - no one likes to suffer. Trust me m8, I would love to play Soul Calibur 2 all day with my friend and be fed cheeseburgers and coke by voluptuous concubines who wipe the corners of my mouth for me and ask "Is there anything else I can do for you sir?"
But that ^^ is fantasy not reality. In reality I get to play Soul Calibur 2 with my mate for about 2 hours a night before he has to go home to his wife and kids, getting ready for work the next day etc etc. My wife prepare a meal or maybe I will turn my hand to something or maybe we go out for food.
Then I have to go to work. Reality isn't at all harsh and really is the proper way to deliver what I may call my fantasies.
So what of suffering? Do you see a person inside me who like to suffer? No of course you do not - you see someone like yourself.
Why then am I subjected to suffering?

Well let's begin with my first wife. She was a lover of money. I was a means to an end for her. She did not love me but rather made a good pretence of it because I had a nice car and obviously had the ability to keep her in the lifestyle she had become accustomed to by being a stripper. We met through our parents. Her mum asked my mum if I could help her get off 'coke'. Now I am not a lover of anything which produces a feeling of constant dependancy and have researched street drugs quite extensively. I was honored to be asked to help. I made friends with this girl very quickly and I fell in love with her. I turned her pain into love just by loving her. Out of the misery I saw a beautiful thing emerge and after some time I asked her to marry me. She said 'yes'. We were married and had a daughter. I worked very hard despite having been in a terrible car accident in which I nearly lost my life. Technically I think I could have taken welfare checks all of my days but this was not my will for my family so I got my butt out to work and slaved 7 days a week to ensure I got a full time contract at the company I was working for ( It was a pharmaceutical manufacturers ironically). We never had enough money. My wife always wanted new things and I was always letting her down in her eyes. She wouldn't sleep with me nor take any interest in me such was her displeasure at not being able to have all the things she desired. I worked harder and harder, doing longer and longer hours sometimes working 22 hours straight through.
The day I got my contract she threw me out. Some time later she confessed she was sleeping with someone I called a friend. She then told my family terrible lies about me and turned them all against me. She turned my own daughter against me. She turned my best friend against me. I was completely alone in what I can only be described as hell. In that place I thirsted for love like I have never thirsted before. My faith was being tested but certainly not by God! God doesn't do the testing. It's important to know that.
Anyway, now my daughter is gone, my parents hate me and friends still mutter something about me deserving it when they see me.
Thank God for my new wife! She is everything my first wife wasn't. When we met it was like the final piece in the jigsaw puzzle fitted together. She didn't care about money, she just wanted to have a little fun and so we spent many hours playing SNES street fighter and throwing food at eachother absolutely content in eachothers company. I had been through so much that I couldnt face a job with complex responsibilities and so became a road sweeper in one of the dirtiest towns in the country. I tell you this... I was never happier. There were times when we had no money at all. No food, no cigarettes, no nothing but we coped even going round picking up cigarette butts off the ground at 3am trying to trip eachother up for fun as we did.
I went from being the most worried person in the world to the most carefree person in the world but still nothing could eradficate the stain left on my soul from all the suffering. I badly (and still do) lament the love of my parents who are now lost to me, I badly desire to be with my daughter where she is that I may hold her and tell her that daddy isnt the bad man that her mum made him out to be, I wish that the car accident hadn't left 2.5 lbs of scar tissue along my spine from multiple whiplash. I can wish and wish and wish but I cannot change a thing. I dont rejoice in my suffering although I can see how these things produce a spirit of endurance and it is that spirit of endurance that serves to build my character.
It is hardly suprising therefore that we see Jesus as the most talked about character today! Whether you love him or hate him, whether you call Him friend or enemy, you cannot deny that His name is known by millions. Now history has produced many great kings but none are remembered as Jesus is remembered.
People blame Jesus or God for their suffering but it is other people who actually cause the suffering because of their love of money or selfish interests. Look at all the evil in the world and tell me what you see as the root cause? Now I hear you say but look at what God does throughout the old testament, He even turns one woman to a pillar of salt because she didnt give to the church what she could have given. I tell you the truth, it is for the love of the world that God does these things. It is because He has a plan for the world He has made. I just love the whole tower of babel story and please bear in mind that I am not a biblical scholar and so have to paraphrase a bit but...
We see men making these towers as high as they can so they can reach the heavens. They labour away making these huge constructions and then God comes and says "Oh no! Look, soon they will be able to do whatever they like"
so God busts up the towers and splits the men up and gives each a new language so as to confuse them in their joint purpose.
Now one could argue that God was just being a nightmare... why not let the little men build their towers? Why is God such a power tripper? Well God said "Oh no! Soon they will be able to do whatever they like"
God saw the little men as children who were slaving away to build something that was absolutely useless to them if they truly wanted to reach Heaven. God had a much better plan for them. The little men had forgotten God is in Heaven and that God had made them and that their labours were in vein because if they just turned their hearts to Him, he would reveal the Kingdom of Heaven to them. So He made them lose their sense of purpose so that they would become frustrated and try and seek what they were looking for elsewhere. God is like this. He subjects us all to terrible frustrations (different from being tested personally by some enemy) so that we have no place else to look but to Him. God is insanely jealous for your love. I cannot begin to describe that jealousy but it is like a mother bird jealously defending her young from the predator that would devour them. The difference is that God is way at the top of the food chain, in fact He is the first link in it and the last link in it. He is All In All - the alpha and the omega.
As for your assertion that Jesus must only listen to some and not others, I can testify that this is not true. Jesus Himself said "Whoever believes in me will not perish but will receive eternal life" << The Word in His mouth was God's good word. God's promise! The spirit of The Word is a true spirit. You see the battles we witness and indeed take part in are not of flesh and blood but of spirit. The Word of God is Light that banishes all false spirits that are antichrist because they must flee from the light. God is the Light and from God does the Light Shine. If you have said in your heart "I dont know what is what Jesus but I am willing to put my doubts at your doorstep if you will reveal yourself to me" - well, if you do this with just a tiny bit of faith that you will be heard, well you have my absolute guarentee of eternal life because God promised. I will hold God to account if He fails to keep His word to you. But understand something that Jesus said, He said "Dont be suprised if the world hates you because of me". He said this because he knows that mankind likes to live in the darkness where they think that their deeds cannot be seen. Once you have accepted Jesus you are quite literally born again, a brand new creation that shines just as brightly as the sun. You may not realise it at first but the Holy Spirit will be at work within you making you ready for your first spiritual milk. My frustration here is that I know that the things you reject are the very things you desire. You become much more than conquerors in Christ. You become like great spiritual heros who live not for the flesh but for the spirit. The Holy Spirit would work such miracles among you because you are so bright and full of eagerness. God is such a good master and the sword He gives you has power's that no video game could hope to mirror.
One mustard seed of faith. The seed costs you nothing and yet the fruit from it lasts forever.


I think using "orthodox Christianity" is a good solution. I do think you could find many examples of Christian groups who don't believe in the orthodox traditions. I found a quick example through Google of what I'm talking about in the FAQ answers below found on www.uua.org . I don't know any of these people but I love their refusal to conform with pre-conceived notions of all of the traditional religions. Their answer to the last question about whether UUs are Christians is priceless: Yes AND No! Here it is:

What about Jesus?

Classically, Unitarian Universalist Christians have understood Jesus as a savior because he was a God-filled human being, not a supernatural being. He was, and still is for many UUs, an exemplar, one who has shown the way of redemptive love, in whose spirit anyone may live generously and abundantly. Among us, Jesus' very human life and teaching have been understood as products of, and in line with, the great Jewish tradition of prophets and teachers. He neither broke with that tradition nor superseded it.

Many of us honor Jesus, and many of us honor other master teachers of past or present generations, like Moses or the Buddha. As a result, mixed-tradition families may find common ground in the UU fellowship without compromising other loyalties.


And about the Bible?

In most of our congregations, our children learn Bible stories as a part of their church school curricula. It is not unusual to find adult study groups in the churches, or in workshops at summer camps and conferences, focusing on the Bible. Allusions to biblical symbols and events are frequent in our sermons. In most of our congregations, the Bible is read as any other sacred text might be-from time to time, but not routinely.

We have especially cherished the prophetic books of the Bible. Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and other prophets dared to speak critical words of love to the powerful, calling for justice for the oppressed. Many Unitarian and Universalist social reformers have been inspired by the biblical prophets. We hallow the names of Unitarian and Universalist prophets: Joseph Tuckerman, Dorothea Dix, Clara Barton, Theodore Parker, Susan B. Anthony, and many others.

We do not, however, hold the Bible-or any other account of human experience-to be either an infallible guide or the exclusive source of truth. Much biblical material is mythical or legendary. Not that it should be discarded for that reason! Rather, it should be treasured for what it is. We believe that we should read the Bible as we read other books (or the newspaper)-with imagination and a critical eye.

We also respect the sacred literature of other religions. Contemporary works of science, art, and social commentary are valued as well. We hold, in the words of an old liberal formulation, that "revelation is not sealed." Unitarian Universalists aspire to truth as wide as the world-we look to find truth anywhere, universally.


How do UUs understand salvation?

The English word salvation derives from the Latin salus, meaning health. Unitarian Universalists are as concerned with salvation, in the sense of spiritual health or wholeness, as any other religious people.

However, in many Western churches, salvation has come to be associated with a specific set of beliefs or a spiritual transformation of a very limited type.

Among Unitarian Universalists, instead of salvation you will hear of our yearning for, and our experience of, personal growth, increased wisdom, strength of character, and gifts of insight, understanding, inner and outer peace, courage, patience, and compassion. The ways in which these things come to, change, and heal us, are many indeed. We seek and celebrate them in our worship.


Are Unitarian Universalists Christian?

Yes and no.

Yes, some Unitarian Universalists are Christian. Personal encounter with the spirit of Jesus as the christ richly informs their religious lives.

No, Unitarian Universalists are not Christian, if by Christian you mean those who think that acceptance of any creedal belief whatsoever is necessary for salvation. Unitarian Universalist Christians are considered heretics by those orthodox Christians who claim none but Christians are "saved." (Fortunately, not all the orthodox make that claim.)

Yes, Unitarian Universalists are Christian in the sense that both Unitarian and Universalist history are part of Christian history. Our core principles and practices were first articulated and established by liberal Christians.

Some Unitarian Universalists are not Christian. For though they may acknowledge the Christian history of our faith, Christian stories and symbols are no longer primary for them. They draw their personal faith from many sources: nature, intuition, other cultures, science, civil liberation movements, and so on.

Just a quick one.
We haven't spoken to each other much, but i do remember you being convinced that 'Jesus' and 'God' were one and the same person, despite there being no biblical evidence (the very source of your belief) to support this claim.
You wouldn't even accept the testimony from Jesus himself, not to mention other biblical evidences.

Irregardless of whether you believe or not, the existence of (Biblical) God, how can you be sure you are not making the same blockheaded mistakes, but only this time in the atheist camp?

Jan Ardena.
c20H25N3o: One mustard seed of faith. The seed costs you nothing and yet the fruit from it lasts forever.
M*W: Sounds to me that you only replaced one addiction with another.

Regarding your 'mustard seed' of faith...

Plants of the mustard family grow in waste places and are cultivated for their seeds which are medicinally valuable. They were originally thought to be members of a small genus of European and Asiatic herbs named Sinapis ([/B]Sinapis, from the Greek sinapi mustard).

Mustard flour made from the seeds has been historically used as an antiseptic, sterilizing poultice and deodorizer. Hippocrates advised mustard seeds be used internally and externally as an irritating poultice made with vinegar to be used for complaints of the digestive organs. Mustard seeds are used as a laxative for inflammation or retention in the intestines. Mustard seeds are unsafe ingested in large quantities causing causing irritation in the stomach and intestinal canal.

Mustard seeds act as irritant, stimulant, diuretic and emetic. Mustard seeds are used in the form of poultices for external application, chiefly in pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. They relieve congestion of various organs by drawing the blood to the skin surface. In disorders of the head, mustard seeds relieve headaches and other neurologic problems such as pain and spasms.

The leaves of the mustard plant can be used instead of poultices when mixed with the seeds and pulverized into an oil to make a paste to adhere to paper. When aplied to the skin, mustard seed oil is a powerful irritant. It produces an instantaneous cure for chilblains, chronic rheumatism, colic, etc.

Hot water poured on smashed mustard seeds makes a stimulating footbath and helps to relieve colds and headaches. It has also been noted that taking the oil of mustard seeds helps to relieve epileptic seizures. (Interestingly, Saul of Tarsus was afflicted with epilepsy.)

Mustard seeds pulverized into mustard flour and smeared on the skin acts as a stimulant drawing out toxins through the skin. By adding luke-warm water to the mustard flour, drinking it relieves hiccups and can elicit vomiting to expel toxins from the stomach.

The mustard plant exudes an oil from the hulls of the seeds that promotes growth of the hair.

Mustard seeds are used to counteract snake poisons if taken in time. Mustard seed powder mixed with honey and taken upon arising in the morning will clear-up everything from drowsiness, forgetfulness, heal the voice, open up the nostrils and upper respiratory orifices, and alleviate lung infections. When the seeds are chewed, they help relieve toothache and reduce hair loss. Their use has also been known to relieve cuts and bruises, and pains in or around the neck. When gargled, mustard seeds can relieve sore throat.

The mustard plant leaves used as a skin poultice (although they are good to eat in salads), when applied to the genital areas, creates a stimulating aphrodesiac-effect to elicit a good erection prior to intercourse.

Have you had your mustard seeds today?
Medicine Woman said:
c20H25N3o: One mustard seed of faith. The seed costs you nothing and yet the fruit from it lasts forever.
M*W: Sounds to me that you only replaced one addiction with another.

Regarding your 'mustard seed' of faith...

Plants of the mustard family grow in waste places and are cultivated for their seeds which are medicinally valuable. They were originally thought to be members of a small genus of European and Asiatic herbs named Sinapis ([/B]Sinapis, from the Greek sinapi mustard).

Mustard flour made from the seeds has been historically used as an antiseptic, sterilizing poultice and deodorizer. Hippocrates advised mustard seeds be used internally and externally as an irritating poultice made with vinegar to be used for complaints of the digestive organs. Mustard seeds are used as a laxative for inflammation or retention in the intestines. Mustard seeds are unsafe ingested in large quantities causing causing irritation in the stomach and intestinal canal.

Mustard seeds act as irritant, stimulant, diuretic and emetic. Mustard seeds are used in the form of poultices for external application, chiefly in pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. They relieve congestion of various organs by drawing the blood to the skin surface. In disorders of the head, mustard seeds relieve headaches and other neurologic problems such as pain and spasms.

The leaves of the mustard plant can be used instead of poultices when mixed with the seeds and pulverized into an oil to make a paste to adhere to paper. When aplied to the skin, mustard seed oil is a powerful irritant. It produces an instantaneous cure for chilblains, chronic rheumatism, colic, etc.

Hot water poured on smashed mustard seeds makes a stimulating footbath and helps to relieve colds and headaches. It has also been noted that taking the oil of mustard seeds helps to relieve epileptic seizures. (Interestingly, Saul of Tarsus was afflicted with epilepsy.)

Mustard seeds pulverized into mustard flour and smeared on the skin acts as a stimulant drawing out toxins through the skin. By adding luke-warm water to the mustard flour, drinking it relieves hiccups and can elicit vomiting to expel toxins from the stomach.

The mustard plant exudes an oil from the hulls of the seeds that promotes growth of the hair.

Mustard seeds are used to counteract snake poisons if taken in time. Mustard seed powder mixed with honey and taken upon arising in the morning will clear-up everything from drowsiness, forgetfulness, heal the voice, open up the nostrils and upper respiratory orifices, and alleviate lung infections. When the seeds are chewed, they help relieve toothache and reduce hair loss. Their use has also been known to relieve cuts and bruises, and pains in or around the neck. When gargled, mustard seeds can relieve sore throat.

The mustard plant leaves used as a skin poultice (although they are good to eat in salads), when applied to the genital areas, creates a stimulating aphrodesiac-effect to elicit a good erection prior to intercourse.

Have you had your mustard seeds today?

Hehe, no no actual mustard seeds but that was extremely interesting factual information about the mustard seed so thank you :cool:


c20H25N3o said:
God is such a good master and the sword He gives you has power's that no video game could hope to mirror.
One mustard seed of faith. The seed costs you nothing and yet the fruit from it lasts forever.


you seem to want to convert everybody, so to try to get it into you head, that we dont need converting, a litttle logic for you for the infidel guy.

1.) if The Christian God exists, he wants all men to know he exists.

2.) The Christian God can provide sufficient evidence to convince all men of his existence.

3.) Not all men are convinced of his existence.

4.) The Christian God chooses, for whatever reason, to not provide sufficient evidence to convince all men that he exists.

5.) Therefore, The Christian God wants non-believers to exist.

ok c20 does that clarify things for you.
pavlosmarcos, you are forgetting a premise or two:

n.) Humans are free willing.
n2.) Humans can choose to ignore the evidence that is sufficient to convince all men of God's existence.
n3.) Humans have mental frameworks.
n4.) The mental frameworks of humans may be such that the evidence that is sufficient to convince all men of the existence of God is not understood and acceptable.
n5.) Within the human sphere and human nature there is loss.
n6.) The sufficient evidence that may be provided to convince all men of God's existence may not be perceived due to a loss within the human sphere or human nature.
n7.) The notion of God is highly controverted, and hence misunderstood by many, or most.
n8.) The sufficient evidence that may convince all men of God's existence may be misunderstood due to that the concept of God is also misunderstood. What people are convinced of may be God, just not understood as such.

need I continue? There are plenty of reasons that people do not believe in God. This doesn't mean that the evidence hasn't been provided, nor that God does not wish that humans know Him, nor that He is incapable of providing convincing evidence, nor that God wants non-believers to exist. Your conclusion is made too hastily.
you seem to want to convert everybody, so to try to get it into you head, that we dont need converting, a litttle logic for you for the infidel guy.

1.) if The Christian God exists, he wants all men to know he exists.

The Lord said:
I Am That I Am

2.) The Christian God can provide sufficient evidence to convince all men of his existence.

The Lord said:
Well I reckon the whole caterpillar-cocoon-butterfly trick was pretty cool but I guess men are hard to please eh?

3.) Not all men are convinced of his existence.

The Lord said:
How can you say this! I even sent my own Son to do miracles which I documented into man's history, my very own Son whom they nailed to a tree! The very Son that paid the price for man's sins so that they may have eternal life with me. The Son they do not believe in. The Son that became sin so that man might not taste death but have eternal life in Him.

4.) The Christian God chooses, for whatever reason, to not provide sufficient evidence to convince all men that he exists.

The Lord said:

5.) Therefore, The Christian God wants non-believers to exist.

The Lord said:

ok c20 does that clarify things for you.

c20 response: Yes perfectly. Thank you.
@ Poor Player

I had wanted to add this afterthought to my post before you responded but I haven't been on a computer till now.

The 'Christians' you spoke of who believe "Christ was a great human being and nothing more or less (a moral teacher), that God is an undefinable spirit unknowable in a truly personal way, and that the bible is almost completely allegorical" are ineffably stupid.

If they refuse to accept the Bible's depiction of God and the NT portrayal of Jesus as the Son of God then they are, excuse me to say, idiots to claim Jesus was a "great human being" and "moral teacher" since those are 'byproducts' of His divinity. Moreover, if the Bible is allegorical as they claim, then their interpretation of Jesus as merely a great moral teacher is undeniably foolish since the story of Jesus may very well then be 'allegorical' as well. My point is such arbitrariness only points to their own intellectual dishonesty and willingness to abide by these double standards.

EDIT: Will look at your newer post when I have time. Later.
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1.) if The Christian God exists, he wants all men to know he exists.

By punishing millions of Africans and Native Americans living before Jesus to hell fire even though they never got a chance to hear the Gospels? Silly..

2.) The Christian God can provide sufficient evidence to convince all men of his existence.

Excuse me to say, you are either brainwashed or just plain ignorant. How do you know the 'caterpillar-cocoon-butterfly trick' was not the work of gods as opposed to a God? Speculation? Guesswork?

3.) Not all men are convinced of his existence.

I gave ample justification for this in the original thread, which I suppose you are simply too proud to even read so you go around the thread parading and making utterly irrelevant comments.
Jan Ardena said:

Just a quick one.
We haven't spoken to each other much, but i do remember you being convinced that 'Jesus' and 'God' were one and the same person, despite there being no biblical evidence (the very source of your belief) to support this claim.
You wouldn't even accept the testimony from Jesus himself, not to mention other biblical evidences.

Irregardless of whether you believe or not, the existence of (Biblical) God, how can you be sure you are not making the same blockheaded mistakes, but only this time in the atheist camp?

Jan Ardena.

There was ample Biblical 'evidence' that even the disciples believed Jesus was God. Now who would know more about Jesus, you or the disciples?
§outh§tar said:
There was ample Biblical 'evidence' that even the disciples believed Jesus was God. Now who would know more about Jesus, you or the disciples?

Jesus was The Word made flesh. But you know this. The Word is with God and the Word Is God. Without The Word you do not have being. But again I say to you §outh§tar, you know this but still you return to your vomit.
Ok, a lot to get through. However C20, I would like to quickly get this out of the way before proceeding:

Trust me m8

A) There is no valid reason whatsoever for me to 'trust' you.

B) we're not mates.

Kindly remember these two things for the future.

Do you see a person inside me who like to suffer? No of course you do not - you see someone like yourself.
Why then am I subjected to suffering?

I don't see 'someone like myself' at all. Do not assume that others are the way you are. I see many people, day in - day out, and a large number of them are actually more comfortable in a position of suffering, and so technically we can say inside, many people like to suffer. Not only that, but they like to see others suffer aswell. Why do you think programmes like Eastenders and Coronation Street are so popular?

Why you personally are subjected to suffering, can be one of many reasons - and without going into a long long discussion, can not be satisfied fully. Some people are inherently weak by nature, and fall foul to certain things because of their nature. Others, like my brother, are just prone to it. They're like 'suffer magnets'.

Either way, god appears to be a crutch for the fact that you suffer so much. That doesn't mean he's there, but as long as you feel supported, the suffering isn't quite so visible.

Well let's begin with my first wife. She was a lover of money. I was a means to an end for her. She did not love me but rather made a good pretence of it because I had a nice car and obviously had the ability to keep her in the lifestyle she had become accustomed to by being a stripper.

Now ask yourself why you didn't notice this before getting in too deep, why, (given her apparent background), you didn't stay clear, and why, once knowing more about her, you didn't leave?

These are very important questions, that will hopefully tell you a bit about you.

It's easy for all of us to pile everything onto someone else, but very rarely do we look at ourselves and ask, "what is wrong with me?"

At one stage you say; "I saw a beautiful thing emerge", but the rest of your post completely contradicts that statement. But isn't that how it is? You see something that nobody else sees, and regardless to what they say, you ignore them, believing your own view is the correct one. It's a lot easier standing back and then you'll see what's wrong with the picture. When you're stuck right in the middle of it, you never notice.

It's like a frog. If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it'll bounce right out in pain. If on the other hand you put a frog in cold water, and then slowly heat the water up - the frog will just sit there and boil to death.

This has relevance with both your past relationship, and your religious beliefs. Take it as you will.

I was completely alone in what I can only be described as hell.

It's a very typical religious story, and one where the answer is thereby obvious to anyone viewing from a distance. Life sucked ass, you found guidance in the clouds. It's as simple as that, and it could have been anything from jesus to allah to little green men. All you needed was guidance, and while I would say you should have just gone to counselling, you chose the 'faith' option, whereby you threw sanity and logic out of the window and adopted the world's most naive standpoint. It might be cheaper than seeing a good shrink, but the problems are never really solved, just shoved aside and forgotten about. All the pain turns to love - and to such a degree where even evil can be seen as wonderful. No sane person ever reads the bible and says it's full of love - only a religious man can do that - and that's because he was lacking it so much, he had to find a substitute, and once found it became the absolute pinnacle of that which he could not find elsewhere.

You've already spoken about your father, and now you've spoken about your wife. Add to that a life threatening accident, and I think you mentioned something about the death of your child - and there can only be one of few conclusions.

But for a moment sit down and consider this seriously: Given all the turmoil, strife and pain in your life, do you think you're in a position to trust your own judgements and beliefs? If so, why?

In that place I thirsted for love like I have never thirsted before.

See? My point exactly.

I can wish and wish and wish but I cannot change a thing.

Ask and it shall be given. Anyone who believes in jesus can move mountains, pick up deadly snakes, drink poison and live...

The dreams of a man who's life is in the toilet.

I concur with you however, you can wish and wish and wish, but nothing will ever be solved that way - by anything, be it god, leprechauns or mermaids.

I dont rejoice in my suffering although I can see how these things produce a spirit of endurance and it is that spirit of endurance that serves to build my character.

So, are you saying that before all this suffering you had no character, or a weakly built character? See the first part of my post.

It is hardly suprising therefore that we see Jesus as the most talked about character today!

Actually, I think he's been overtaken by Harry Potter. What is your claim here? That because people talk about a person, that that person is real or god or able to perform miracles?

Whether you love him or hate him, whether you call Him friend or enemy, you cannot deny that His name is known by millions.

Again, the same goes for Harry Potter. What is your point or claim?

People blame Jesus or God for their suffering but it is other people who actually cause the suffering because of their love of money or selfish interests.

By that same token, it's man who causes love and happiness. People blame jesus or god, but it's humans. It's not a surprise to see the one thing that you "thirsted for like you have never thirsted before", can only be found in the clouds, whereas all the pain and strife is down to the humans that have caused that pain and strife. You put love slightly beyond reach, because that's where it is, and put pain right under your nose because that's where it is.

Look at all the evil in the world and tell me what you see as the root cause?

It's the same as everything though.. You need to look for it. Personally I don't watch the news, and as such I see very little evil. What I do is spend my time with my wife and daughter, and as such all I really see in life is love.

I'm also not a pessimist. I fall off a ladder for instance.. Instead of thinking about the pain of the fall, I think about the extra love shown to me by my wife and daughter. Even when, like now, I'm messed up with the flu... I don't let the illness get me down, because my daughter is rushing me cups of tea, my wife brings me a glass of whisky, asks if I'm ok and tells me that she loves me. That makes the illness vanish into the distance.

As to your question.. The very rare times that I bother reading/watching the news - the cause of that evil always comes from the same source: religion. Ok, there's always the odd story of someone killing a child or whatever, but I deal with ill people all the time. They are not "evil" so to speak, they're just ill.

Some illnesses only last a week and can be dealt with with a paracetamol.. some illnesses are more rare, and take a lot longer to solve, if ever. But why try and make a border between them? Ill is ill. It's not about sin, sacrifice or the devil.. it's a part of being ill.

Now I hear you say but look at what God does throughout the old testament, He even turns one woman to a pillar of salt because she didnt give to the church what she could have given. I tell you the truth, it is for the love of the world that God does these things.

Love for the world, sure.. What about love for the woman? Did jesus not sacrifice himself for her sins, just like yours?

Read my earlier responses to this.

The little men had forgotten God is in Heaven and that God had made them and that their labours were in vein because if they just turned their hearts to Him, he would reveal the Kingdom of Heaven to them. So He made them lose their sense of purpose so that they would become frustrated and try and seek what they were looking for elsewhere.

But this was obviously all for nothing. While it most certainly has delayed man, we're now in "heaven". Forget tall buildings, we can fly to space. Forget language barriers, we can learn and speak every language on the planet, or indeed just buy tiny machines to translate for us. We have embarked on joint ventures to nearly every remote part of this planet and have even travelled beyond this planet, into the place ancient people called heaven. We have machines on Mars for crying out loud. As time goes by, we'll go further and further and further. What's gods next great plan to confuse us all?

In 2011, NASA plan to send men to Mars, and from then on it's just a small matter of time. You might even still be alive when you see serious missions to Mars underway, with a team of humans at the helm.

The confusing of people who knew nothing, and thought the world was flat is completely irrelevant when looking at the big picture. It has served as a brief inconvenience and nothing more.

God is like this. He subjects us all to terrible frustrations (different from being tested personally by some enemy) so that we have no place else to look but to Him.

To what degree? Would you say that someones child dying is one of god's "frustrations" given to us just so we look for him? Where do you draw the line, if anywhere?

God is insanely jealous for your love.

Well send him my apologies, but my wife and daughter must come first. Doing otherwise would go against my very sense of humanity. It would render me something that I am not.

Furthermore, if I was to get an eternity with him, isn't it a little too much to ask that I show more to him now than to my family with the brief 80 years I have, if I'm lucky?

Anyone who thinks an invisible guy in the sky is more worthy of love than their own wives and children are, is as far as I'm concerned, a serious sicko.

The difference is that God is way at the top of the food chain, in fact He is the first link in it and the last link in it. He is All In All - the alpha and the omega.

Which is strange, considering to many of us he is completely meaningless. My daughter is ALL. That's all there is to it, and no argument in the world could change that simple fact.

As for your assertion that Jesus must only listen to some and not others, I can testify that this is not true. Jesus Himself said "Whoever believes in me will not perish but will receive eternal life" << The Word in His mouth was God's good word. God's promise! The spirit of The Word is a true spirit. You see the battles we witness and indeed take part in are not of flesh and blood but of spirit. The Word of God is Light that banishes all false spirits that are antichrist because they must flee from the light. God is the Light and from God does the Light Shine. If you have said in your heart "I dont know what is what Jesus but I am willing to put my doubts at your doorstep if you will reveal yourself to me"

This doesn't answer my question.

well, if you do this with just a tiny bit of faith that you will be heard, well you have my absolute guarentee of eternal life because God promised.

I don't actually want eternal life.

Secondly, you now say "with a tiny bit of faith", when earlier you said you didn't even take it seriously etc. I then asked that if someone else did it exactly how you did it and got no response, what would that mean?

But understand something that Jesus said, He said "Dont be suprised if the world hates you because of me". He said this because he knows that mankind likes to live in the darkness where they think that their deeds cannot be seen.

That's clearly not true. We've come from threats of death from god if we dare masturbate, to a world full of people happily wanking. Everything that you might deem bad deeds, are so public now that there is little in the way of taboo left on earth, (depending on location). What might have once been done in darkness is now as open as it ever could be - for the entire world to see.

My frustration here is that I know that the things you reject are the very things you desire.

With all due respect, but could you kindly keep your blatant delusions to yourself. While I might be the only person, I actually detest the idea of an eternal life, I detest the idea of worship, (unless aimed at my daughter), and I detest the idea that while I could go to heaven there would be others burning for eternity.

While in some cases they most certainly would have done "evil" things, my job and my interests are in helping people, not tormenting them because of their problems.

There might be a god offering all these things.. but I would have to decline on principle. I am better than that.

You become much more than conquerors in Christ.

I don't want to conquer, I want to help.

You become like great spiritual heros who live not for the flesh but for the spirit.

I don't want to be a hero, and there is no such thing as spirit.

God is such a good master and the sword He gives you has power's that no video game could hope to mirror.

I don't need a sword. I have a brain and find that fully sufficient. I also do not need a master, an eternal life, or a golden city.

One mustard seed of faith. The seed costs you nothing and yet the fruit from it lasts forever.

I don't need or want a mustard seed. I have a brain, and use that as well as I can to help others.

Personally I say you can have it all, and my share aswell. It just does not interest me at all.
Again, the same goes for Harry Potter. What is your point or claim?

It's a popularity contest, duh. The more popular, the more true the doctrine becomes.

Actually, I think he's been overtaken by Harry Potter. What is your claim here? That because people talk about a person, that that person is real or god or able to perform miracles?



Jesus was The Word made flesh. But you know this. The Word is with God and the Word Is God. Without The Word you do not have being.

Again C2O, do tell us how you came to know that "the Word is God" and without the Word, we do not have "being" (whatever that means).
The Doctrine of a Preemptive War. Table 17 reports on opinion regarding to two pressing
questions in U.S. foreign policy. The first topic is President Bush’s doctrine of a
preemptive (or preventative) war, a new question on the nation’s political agenda. There
was a consensus in favor of this doctrine across the religious landscape. However, given
the newness of this doctrine and the on-going war in Iraq, these findings should be
viewed with great caution.
Table 17. The Religious Landscape, Preemptive War, and Israel, Spring 2004*
U.S. Can Engage in U.S. Support Israel
Preemptive War over Palestinians
Agree No Op Disagree Agree No Op Disagree
ENTIRE SAMPLE 62% 16 22 35% 27 38
Evangelical Protestant 72% 15 13 52% 23 25
Traditionalist Evangelical 78% 12 10 64% 18 18
Centrist Evangelical 70% 15 15 45% 26 29
Modernist Evangelical 50% 24 26 28% 37 35
Mainline Protestant 62% 16 22 33% 30 37
Traditionalist Mainline 70% 14 16 43% 28 29
Centrist Mainline 68% 16 16 34% 34 32
Modernist Mainline 47% 19 34 22% 26 52
Latino Protestants 63% 12 25 37% 30 33
Black Protestants 54% 24 22 24% 32 44
Catholic 63% 15 22 31% 26 43
Traditionalist Catholic 65% 15 20 43% 26 31
Centrist Catholic 66% 15 19 30% 24 46
Modernist Catholic 57% 15 28 23% 29 48
Latino Catholic 59% 20 21 25% 36 39
Other Christian 52% 21 27 33% 27 40
Other Faiths 51% 9 40 22% 8 70
Jewish 57% 11 32 75% 13 12
Unaffiliated 57% 12 31 20% 27 53
Unaffiliated Believers 65% 11 24 19% 30 51
Secular 59% 12 29 23% 26 51
Atheist, Agnostic 40% 15 45 15% 23 62
*All rows sum to 100%. Agree=agree, strongly agree; disagree=disagree, strongly disagree;
No Op=no opinion.
Source: Fourth National Survey of Religion and Politics, Bliss Institute University of
Akron, March-May 2004 (N=4000)
Overall, more than three-fifths of the entire sample in 2004 agreed with the statement
“Given the threat of terrorism, the U.S. must be able to take preemptive military action
against other countries,” and just one-quarter disagreed. One-sixth had no opinion.
All of the major traditions agreed with the preemptive war doctrine, ranging from almost
four-fifths of all Evangelical Protestants to nearly three-fifths of the Unaffiliated.
The strongest backers of the preemptive war doctrine were Traditionalist Evangelical and
Mainline Protestants, followed by Traditional Catholics. Here the Centrist groups tended
to resemble the Traditionalists.
Jews, Other Christians, the minority groups, Unaffiliated Believers and Seculars also
supported the doctrine of preemptive war.
Just one religious group, the Atheists/Agnostics, failed to have a majority in support of
this statement. The Other Faiths were the next least supportive of the doctrine, but with a
slim majority in favor. However, all the Modernist groups were less supportive than their
Traditionalist and Centrist counterparts.
In some ways, these results are at odds with the support for international cooperation to
maintaining world peace, and this disjunction reveals important nuances in foreign policy
attitudes. Most religious groups preferred international cooperation as a way to maintain
world peace, but were willing for the U.S. to engage in a preemptive war if the nation
were threatened.
The doctrine of the preventative war raises the issue of support for the war in Iraq.
Respondents were asked such a question, but because so much has happened since the
conclusion of the survey in the spring of 2004 that these attitudes are likely to have
changed substantially. For the record, a brief mention of these findings is in order. In the
spring of 2004, a majority of the sample believed the Iraq war was either “fully justified”
or “probably justified.” There was, however, considerable variation across the religious
landscape. These patterns tended to resemble the results for the doctrine of the
preemptive war, but with deeper divisions. Such relative levels of support among the
religious groups may have persisted even if the overall popularity of the Iraq war has
waned, but perhaps not.
U.S. Support for Israel over the Palestinians. The second topic in Table 17 is the
longstanding question of question of American policy toward the Israel-Palestinian
conflict. The religious landscape was sharply divided on this particular question.
Overall, just under one-half of the entire sample in 2004 agreed with the statement “The
U.S. should support Israel over the Palestinians in the Middle East,” and a slim majority
disagreed. More than one-quarter expressed no opinion.
This item presents a tough choice since it asks the respondent about the U.S. supporting
Israel over the Palestinians, rather than a variety of the options, such protecting the
security of Israel or wanting even handed treatment for both nations. While it is tempting
to assume that the “no opinion” responses reflect a desire for an even-handed approach
and that the “disagree” responses signify support for the Palestinians, it is not clear that
this is the case (some who disagree with the statement may sympathize with Israel rather
than the Palestinians, but oppose U.S. policy that favors Israel). This item is specifically
about the U.S. taking Israel’s side in the dispute with the Palestinians.
As one might expect, Jews were most likely to agree with this strong statement, and by a
large margin (three-quarters). Traditionalist Evangelicals were the next most supportive,
(almost two-thirds).
Other groups showed plurality support for Israel over the Palestinians, including Centrist
Evangelicals, Traditionalist Mainliners and Catholics. And still other groups were more
evenly divided, such as Centrist Mainliners and Latino Protestants.
The Other Faiths (which includes Muslims) strongly disagreed with supporting Israel
over the Palestinians (seven of ten) as did Atheists/Agnostics (better than three-fifths).
Other opponents of supporting Israel over the Palestinians included Unaffiliated
Believers, Seculars, Black Protestants, Latino Catholics, Other Christians, and all the
Modernists groups.
Trend Analysis. Table 18 reports changes in this measure of U.S. support for Israel over
the Palestinians back to 1992. Overall, there has been a seven percentage point increase
in agreement, but a two percent increase in disagreement.
Evangelical Protestants showed a double digit increase in the agreement column and a
decline in the disagreement column. Both Mainline Protestants and Catholics also
showed increased agreement with a policy favoring Israel over the Palestinians and at the
same time an increase in the disagreement column. The largest portion of this change
came after 2000. Estimates from previous surveys suggest that most of the increased
agreement occurred among the Traditionalists; and that most of the increased
disagreement has come from the Modernists.
The most interesting pattern is for Jews, who showed an eight percentage point decline in
agreement with the statement that the U.S. should back Israel over the Palestinians over
the period. The low point in this series actually came in 2000, representing a 17
percentage point decline. While interesting, these patterns must be viewed with
considerable caution: there are only a small number of Jewish respondents in each of
these surveys, and in any event, Jews remained the strongest supporters of Israel over the
entire period.
It is worth noting that the Unaffiliated increased their disagreement with supporting Israel
over the Palestinians between 1992 and 2004.
SouthStar, well it looks like I hit the submit button by accident on the previous post. My apologies. That info is from a massive political and religious survey on the U.S. elections I found on www.beliefnet.org . The findings are actually pretty amazing. There are two questions mentioned there and one was about whether "Pre-emptive War" was O.K. The only group of people who had a minority who said "no" were the atheists/agnostics. Every single other religious category group had a majority who said it was O.K. So much for the orthodox belief in turning the other cheek! Anyway, the whole survey is downloadable and free (.pdf). It just illustrates what I have been saying. Christians are an incredibly diverse group of people, as are jews, muslims, etc. Their beliefs are far from uniform even within the same traditions and therefor should not be treated monolithically in any way. If you really think liberal Christians are all stupid then checkout anything by Bishop John Shelby Spong. He is writing articles right now about the so-called literalness of the bible, or the lack thereof. Cheers.
Here is the part I was going to highlight in my previous post:

------ All of the major traditions agreed with the preemptive war doctrine, ranging from almost four-fifths of all Evangelical Protestants to nearly three-fifths of the Unaffiliated. The strongest backers of the preemptive war doctrine were Traditionalist Evangelical and Mainline Protestants, followed by Traditional Catholics. Here the Centrist groups tended to resemble the Traditionalists. Jews, Other Christians, the minority groups, Unaffiliated Believers and Seculars also supported the doctrine of preemptive war.

Just one religious group, the Atheists/Agnostics, failed to have a majority in support of this statement. The Other Faiths were the next least supportive of the doctrine, but with a slim majority in favor. However, all the Modernist groups were less supportive than their Traditionalist and Centrist counterparts. -------

I personally think the distinctions in the different religious categories are important to the politicians exactly because they were created after polling people on their true political beliefs and not just their church doctrine.