So basically the responsibility shifts to us, we're the ones apparently creating our own hell.
more correctly, we are the one's that have a desire that can only be fulfilled in material existence .... which is hell to a greater or lesser extent depending on the degree of one's separation from god
But i cant get around the fact that God was the guy to create the framework for us to realise our own personal hell to begin with.
the basic principle is that we are created in a "constitutional position"
for instance the constitutional position of the hand is to put food in the mouth - in this way the food gets digested and distributes energy to the whole body including the hand - if the hand thinks "Hey why am I serving this stupid mouth - I'm going to eat this apple pie myself" and proceeds to mash up the food between its fingers it neither tastes the food nor extracts any sustenance (outside of the illusory variety)
similarly, the fact that we get no actual happiness in this world is because its not our constitutional position to extract happiness separate from god
I dont like anyone shifting all the responsiblity onto me or anyone else, a girl i was going out with tried to do that to me once and i didnt like it then either.
one can determine responsibility after one has determined constitutional positions
I say God is implicated in all of this evil one way or another, no point arguing over degrees of culpibility but hes assumed a level of responsiblity by the simple act of creating in itself.
states also create jails - in fact a city plan may even include a site for a prison - this doesn't mean the heads of state are engineering means and ways to produce criminals to fill them up
If God's not responsible then the problem is you can argue that noone else is either.
I don't follow this logic
If the state is not responsible for a person ending up in jail, neither is the person in jail
I suppose it all comes down to whos actions are more important for you to justify - your own or god's.
ironically, I think you are right