A crusade is an act of compassion?

Actually, speaking as an unreconstructed moral relativist, atheists have every reason to be compassionate. That is, moral relativism being, for example, that murder is only wrong because any society that did not believe that would quickly find its very fabric untenable. I would say that atheists, whose mores are really only aligned with the Golden Rule, have more of a reason to be compassionate than religious people. After all, no atheist can say of any other person or group of people that they are not "God's chosen" ones and thus less worthy of compassion. Compassion, however, is totally different from empathy. We atheists should feel compassion for indigent Christians. That doesn't mean we have to care, or even act slightly interested, when they talk about getting down on their knees and blowing... er, showing their love for Jesus.
Lou, Tiassa,

Then what are your propositions on how to organize life in a social group, a state?
life organizes itself, organizations need the state to police the social groups.

Surely, life organizes itself. But are we to keep to "Do what thou wilt shall be the only Law" and see what comes out?
My problem with these "revolutionaries" is that there ideas are ... revolutionarily unpractical in the present time.
water said:

Surely, life organizes itself. But are we to keep to "Do what thou wilt shall be the only Law" and see what comes out?
i can not say no to that.

'do that and no other shall say nay' for it 'is every way perfect'

i dont see how that idea is unpractical.