A couple questions/issues I have on the topic of prayer

Because the directors of the movie all follow some new age guru who channels the character Ramtha, a Lemurian warrior who fought against the people of Atlantis thirty-five thousand years ago. Ramtha is said to have conquered two-thirds of the known world before ascending to heaven at a spot near the Indus River. Ramtha appeared to Judith Darlene Hampton and her husband in the kitchen of their trailer home in Tacoma, Washington on February 7, 1977. She now makes about 10 million dollars a year. So, they have a stake in portraying physics as supporting a concept called monistic idealism, the idea that the universe is made out of one kind of stuff, and that stuff is consciousness or spirit. Most religions including Christianity preach Cartesian dualism, which means the universe is composed out of matter and some other kind of thing called spirit or soul. Science so far supports physical monism, which is that there is one kind of stuff, matter, and that mind is a byproduct of purely physical processes.

I think you like the idea that spirit replaces the perceived impersonal nature of matter. It's a magical worldview sure to delight the mystically oriented.

In contrast to their reasoning, the collapse of the abstract wave function is just a mathematical artifice, it doesn't mean that consciousness is somehow the stuff of the world. Let's drop them off a tall tower and see if their thoughts can make their particles pass freely through the hard ground. No, classical physics seems to rule all events beyond a certain very tiny distance and time interval.

well you never know until you try.

that reminds me of a really odd sensation i had the last time i rode my favorite amusement park ride...delirium. it is awesome.


i'm riding it and i'm thinking how odd it seems to have to ride a big cumbersome machine in order to experience the sensation of flying. and then i thought, "um, excuse me but, who's perspective was i just thinking from?" :confused: