A confusion both athiests and believers have.

"I am angry"
"prove it"
"how can I prove it? I could hit you or scream, but that could just be 'outward show' "
'if you can't prove it, you aren't angry'

As just one example.

There are things we know, but cannot prove. This fact does not entail that others must now believe these things we cannot prove. It does entail that someone's inability to prove something to us DOES NOT NECESSARILY mean that they are wrong.

Prove, perhaps not.. but there will be ample evidence to suggest that is the case - unless of course you'd claim there's no evidence to show when someone is angry?

Now, as stated many times in this thread - no atheist is saying that lack of evidence means something is ultimately non-existant, but that the complete lack of evidence gives no valid reason for one to believe in that thing - whether it exists or not.

And athiests make this confusion again and again in discussion forums.

It seems the confusion comes from the theists.. again and again.
God is a He. He is not hiding. He is alive and well in all of His children. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, He came to live in my spirit.

My belief is personal. I was always a believer. I always knew there was God. Even during my college years of science study (I wanted to be a neurosurgeon) I knew there was "more than this." My faith is what keeps me strong/alive.

The discussion on here is fascinating. I respect everyone's opinions and am not trained enough/properly to try to convert/convince someone. I just know what is true for me.

There was a huge hole in my soul and now it's filled. It's a great life.:)
God is a He.

Depends on what belief system you follow. Most paganistic religions emphasized both male and female aspects to God represented by the various Gods and Goddesses of their system.
In the Abrahamic religions God is a male of course because the ancient hebrews at the time were a very patriarchial society. Ironically enough history records they were paganistic before that and continued that practice(some of them anyways) which of course was a constant headache for the priesthood as they did all they could to supress the female element of the divine.

Near Death Experiences? Many people have reported seeing God represented as either male or female (depends on what belief system they followed )
Many were told God is a genderless being.
My belief is personal. I was always a believer. I always knew there was God. Even during my college years of science study (I wanted to be a neurosurgeon) I knew there was "more than this." My faith is what keeps me strong/alive.

There was a huge hole in my soul and now it's filled. It's a great life.:)

I'm glad you found something more important than neurosurgery...
there will never be evidence and solid proof for what created the universe.

so by your logic it is pointless and illogical to think of an answer tot hat question,


or do you atheists one day think science willa ctualy discover the greatest mystery of mankind? what created the universe and how existence originated?

haha dream on the answer will never be proved by scientific measures. or are you bieng "illogical" by thinking something is true when there is no current evidence to support that claim?

oh irony,

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