a comparison between islam& christanity

Originally posted by mohamed
1- * the muslims believe in one god.
* the christians believe in three { god , jesus , holy spirit}

That is not true, the correct interpretation is "God" in three persons.

2- * in christanity salvation is occured through jesus death . { jesus died to save them from their sins}

I believe that to be a misconception, salvation occurs when one "loves the Lord thy God with all thine heart," the same as any bona-fide religion.

* in islam salvation is done through each one work, if he did good he will enter paradise but if his sins are more he will enter the hell except that god forgave him.

Work to serve God through the example set by Jesus, who loved God with all his heart.

* in christanity , it is not neccessary to believe or love prophet muhammed.

I believe it is customary to "love thy neighbour", which would also mean the holy prophet.
Belief is strengthened when one begins his relationship with Lord, one becomes more cognizant of God, this helps one discriminate correctly.

4-*islam came after christanity so it is more entitled or reasonable to become muslim or then jewish will be more resonable than christ.

The christian religion as we know it, yes, but the "principles" of Christianity (teachings/example of lord Jesus) is eternal.

6- * muslims pray 5 time aday
* christian pray 1 time a week

When one loves the Lord thy God with all thy heart, prayer is 24/7.

*christian when fast they fast from some kind of food.

Jesus fasted for 40 day and nights.
It depends on the individual.

8- we always hear that a christ bacome muslim and little bit we hear that a muslim become a christ, so sure theres a cause.

To be a proper muslim one has to surrender to God, based on that meaning, Jesus was already a muslim. Christ, although a name given to Jesus actually means God.


Jan Ardena.
1-god in three persons? how it come!
why do u make him three? why not one and that jesus is his messanger?
2_loving is not enough and have to be accompained by work to prove ur love
Originally posted by mohamed
1-god in three persons? how it come!

Forgive the spellings but does Allah-akbar mean anything?

loving is not enough and have to be accompained by work to prove ur love

So you put work in a higher category than love?
What do you regard as love?


Jan Ardena.
alah akbar meane that alah is the important that anything else.
for the spelling. u didnt correct it.
love and work r the same category.
whats the meaning of god love while u kill or lie or steal or....?
and whats the meaning of u doing good while u dont love god?
Originally posted by mohamed
1-god in three persons? how it come!
why do u make him three? why not one and that jesus is his messanger?
2_loving is not enough and have to be accompained by work to prove ur love

because by saying that Jesus is only the messanger means a few things:

a) that he was totally human....therfore he sinned therfore he could not have died for our sins...........THERFORE we couldnt get into heaven at all!


b) by saying that Jesus cant be God too is "putting God in a box" which means that we are putting human limitations on God......who is so much bigger than humans and does not have any limitations that we could ever understand

<edit to add...>

We are 'saved' by faith alone (in christianity) which is prolly what you mean by 'loving'............we cannot be saved by our good works because they will never be good enough.....however when we have faith and love Jesus then we want to do good works for him (kinda like wanting to make your spouse happy just cause you love them so much)..........the good works are a result of your love for Jesus and a way to outwardly show other humans that you have indeed been saved. (If someone says they are saved but continue to bad things and not even try to do better then I tend not to believe them.......that comes from Galations 5:22 which says 'but when the Holy Spirit lives in us, He produces this fruit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, and self-control)
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first, in islam we consider that jesus didnt die but raiesd up.
sec. if i consider jesus died for ur sin it wont be fair.then everyone can make what he want regarding that jesus will save him.
Originally posted by mohamed
alah akbar meane that alah is the important that anything else.

I understand it to mean that of all the greats, Allah is the greatest.
If Allah is the greatest, if He is the creator of everything, then surely, it is not hard for Him to exand Himself into any amount of living entities, simultaneosly, would you agree?

whats the meaning of god love while u kill or lie or steal or....?

That is my point, it has no meaning, so again i ask what do you regard as love?

and whats the meaning of u doing good while u dont love god?

To this, there can be many reasons of doing good whether or not you love God. There are many people who do good but do not love God.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by mohamed
1- * the muslims believe in one god.
* the christians believe in three { god , jesus , holy spirit}

2- * in christanity salvation is occured through jesus death . { jesus died to save them from their sins}
* in islam salvation is done through each one work, if he did good he will enter paradise but if his sins are more he will enter the hell except that god forgave him.

3- * in islam, muslims have to believe in jesus " as a prophet and messenger from god" and all the prophets. in islam we love jesus.
* in christanity , it is not neccessary to believe or love prophet muhammed.

4-*islam came after christanity so it is more entitled or reasonable to become muslim or then jewish will be more resonable than christ. .

5- * look in islamic and christian communities:
- higher rate of alcholic related diseases like liver cihrrosis in christian communities
- higher rate of sexual transmitted diseases in christ. comunities.
- higher rate of crimes
* all these indicate increased depravity like, drinking wine , fornication and so in christ community.

6- * muslims pray 5 time aday
* christian pray 1 time a week

* muslims fats from dawn till sunset and they deprived from food and sexuall intercourses with their wives and from doing all bad things so as to teach them how to control their desires and to feel as poor people feel.
*christian when fast they fast from some kind of food.

7-about women rights in islam , i think green world talked well about it. and that women have more rights in isalm.

8- we always hear that a christ bacome muslim and little bit we hear that a muslim become a christ, so sure theres a cause.

these are some piont of difference between islam and christanity that flashed in my mind.
and u judge!!!!!!!

Very well said mohamed, I am fed up from christians and atheists, green_world is providing me with so much knowledge about Islam, he is giving me even sources to anti-muslim sites and he tells me where to go to find rebuttal for their lies. it is really great excitment for me.
Re: Re: a comparison between islam& christanity

Originally posted by Helen
Very well said mohamed, I am fed up from christians and atheists, green_world is providing me with so much knowledge about Islam, he is giving me even sources to anti-muslim sites and he tells me where to go to find rebuttal for their lies. it is really great excitment for me.

and 'helen' must be arabic for 'green_world'?
Originally posted by Markx
Same site again balckstone? Can I see the Usman's and Aisha's Quran please or their versions?? since I have personaly seen the Quran written in the time of Prophet, it is located in Islamic library in Mecca with the official seal of Mohammad ( pbuh ); a sorta stamp kinda thing. I have yet to see the aisha's Quran. Anyways, it is interesting that you keep going back to this one site and cannot produce your own thoughts or knowledge. Please don't take other's site as your source of info. I request you to do your own home work. Since, I am sure you have never been to mecca to see that Quran neither you have seen the quran written by/during the time of "Ali". They both are identical as the Quran of today, yet you try to prove that there are versions of Quran?. You are trying to preach "islam" from anti Islamic web site. You think any one besides few members would take it as authority? You can claim that you were muslim and etc etc and you know Islam inside out but I am getting a different idea now. :)

Don't you think that some one will post the rebutal form www.answeringchristianity.com and then there will be never ending loop of article vs article? If you are so interested in proving Quranic versions I say travel to Istanbul, Anqra, Mecca and Jordan and see for your self. Then we can talk about it.

Just a quick correction. the famous site to refute all anti-muslim lies is:


This site contains more than 600 files about different topics, it refutes all lies againt Islam in amazing details.

and here is another 'powerful' site: http://www.islamic-awareness.org/

and here is another one: http://www.understanding-islam.org/

Your post is not comparing religion.

More crime in "christian communities", are crimes commited in the name of god of allah? Does one steal to apease one's gOd?

Higher rate of sexual transmitted diseases? By your own admission muslims starve themselves of sex frequently, and have extreme maggiage laws....I would be surprised if there are any sexual transmitted diseases in Islamic countries!

People drink alcholic drinks in the name of god.....What in the name of alLaH are you talking about. In a previous post I had to fight to protect a muslim poster from being lampooned by angry bible bashing christians.....but this is a farce.

I live in a western country that is mainly christian,

It is my choice to drink, not any god or being.
It is my choice to have sex, not any god or being.

How are the points above related to religion??
It is my choice to drink, not any god or being.

yah sure it is ur choice , i didnt say that it is not ur choice.
u know the right and u know the wrong and u chooose.
and thats why people enter the paradise and people enter the hell
Compare Christian societies today to what they were a few hundred years ago. We have improve in most areas will losing in others... Now compare what happen to the Islamic world: Total downward spiral of chaos and suffering. The Muslim world was once the center of the world now just a bunch of 3rd world countries with the lowest combine standards of human rights across the whole planet. If I were you I would quickly take the truthful stance that religion had no part in any of this! Stop comparing religion in a “Who is superior” sense: it only leads to trouble. Green_World did not last 1 month, you think you will last any longer at this rate?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Compare Christian societies today to what they were a few hundred years ago. We have improve in most areas will losing in others... Now compare what happen to the Islamic world: Total downward spiral of chaos and suffering. The Muslim world was once the center of the world now just a bunch of 3rd world countries with the lowest combine standards of human rights across the whole planet. If I were you I would quickly take the truthful stance that religion had no part in any of this! Stop comparing religion in a “Who is superior” sense: it only leads to trouble. Green_World did not last 1 month, you think you will last any longer at this rate?

what happened to islamic countries is becoz of:
1 - muslims did nt follow islamic instructions as it must be
2- increase hatreness of non islamic counties to islamic one, bosna, . harsak, sheshan, palastine, somal, lybia, iran, iraq these days, albnia .
look what usa and israel and yughsalvia and russia did with these countries
they dont want to give the chance to improve themselves.
read about the history of islam and u will find it that islam was the greatest civilization .
about human rights : so banning me is a kind of it
I already did read about the History of Islam and yes it was a great history and things were good for Muslims, but then for some reason the west started becoming superior in every way and it was not because the Arabs were not following their scripture!
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
I already did read about the History of Islam and yes it was a great history and things were good for Muslims, but then for some reason the west started becoming superior in every way and it was not because the Arabs were not following their scripture!

Let us compare how much God is blessing which religion, by the average income per capita in Contries, that are Judeo-Christian, vs. Islamic, or Atheistic

In Judeo-Christian countries, the average annual income per capital runns at about 40,000 USD, in Islamic countries, an Atheistic countries, it is usally a little less than 1000 USD. The United States sends out billions in foreign aid to Islamic countries. Islamic countries export millions of dollars in terrorism. Israel has the greatest number of inventions per capita, of any country. Now which countries are blessed by the true God? And which countries are cursed and oppressed?