a comparison between islam& christanity


Registered Senior Member
1- * the muslims believe in one god.
* the christians believe in three { god , jesus , holy spirit}

2- * in christanity salvation is occured through jesus death . { jesus died to save them from their sins}
* in islam salvation is done through each one work, if he did good he will enter paradise but if his sins are more he will enter the hell except that god forgave him.

3- * in islam, muslims have to believe in jesus " as a prophet and messenger from god" and all the prophets. in islam we love jesus.
* in christanity , it is not neccessary to believe or love prophet muhammed.

4-*islam came after christanity so it is more entitled or reasonable to become muslim or then jewish will be more resonable than christ. .

5- * look in islamic and christian communities:
- higher rate of alcholic related diseases like liver cihrrosis in christian communities
- higher rate of sexual transmitted diseases in christ. comunities.
- higher rate of crimes
* all these indicate increased depravity like, drinking wine , fornication and so in christ community.

6- * muslims pray 5 time aday
* christian pray 1 time a week

* muslims fats from dawn till sunset and they deprived from food and sexuall intercourses with their wives and from doing all bad things so as to teach them how to control their desires and to feel as poor people feel.
*christian when fast they fast from some kind of food.

7-about women rights in islam , i think green world talked well about it. and that women have more rights in isalm.

8- we always hear that a christ bacome muslim and little bit we hear that a muslim become a christ, so sure theres a cause.

these are some piont of difference between islam and christanity that flashed in my mind.
and u judge!!!!!!!
So What?

I was actually hoping for a comparison between Islam and postmodernism with specific regards to the culinary arts.

What selection criteria leads to selecting Allah while dismissing a myriad or equally silly fairy-tales?
Originally posted by mohamed
1- * the muslims believe in one god.
* the christians believe in three { god , jesus , holy spirit}

2- * in christanity salvation is occured through jesus death . { jesus died to save them from their sins}
* in islam salvation is done through each one work, if he did good he will enter paradise but if his sins are more he will enter the hell except that god forgave him.

3- * in islam, muslims have to believe in jesus " as a prophet and messenger from god" and all the prophets. in islam we love jesus.
* in christanity , it is not neccessary to believe or love prophet muhammed.

4-*islam came after christanity so it is more entitled or reasonable to become muslim or then jewish will be more resonable than christ. .

5- * look in islamic and christian communities:
- higher rate of alcholic related diseases like liver cihrrosis in christian communities
- higher rate of sexual transmitted diseases in christ. comunities.
- higher rate of crimes
* all these indicate increased depravity like, drinking wine , fornication and so in christ community.

6- * muslims pray 5 time aday
* christian pray 1 time a week

* muslims fats from dawn till sunset and they deprived from food and sexuall intercourses with their wives and from doing all bad things so as to teach them how to control their desires and to feel as poor people feel.
*christian when fast they fast from some kind of food.

7-about women rights in islam , i think green world talked well about it. and that women have more rights in isalm.

8- we always hear that a christ bacome muslim and little bit we hear that a muslim become a christ, so sure theres a cause.

these are some piont of difference between islam and christanity that flashed in my mind.
and u judge!!!!!!!

Well, Mormonism came after Islam, making the same claims that Muhamad made, so I think all Muslims should become Mormons, because they don't honor the prophet Joseph Smith.
here i am talking about the three heaveb religions sent by god not a religion created by a human
Originally posted by mohamed
here i am talking about the three heaveb religions sent by god not a religion created by a human

Most Christians say that Islam was made by a man, in response to jealousy over the blessings over the Jews and the Christians.
Originally posted by mohamed
1- * the muslims believe in one god.
* the christians believe in three { god , jesus , holy spirit}

2- * in christanity salvation is occured through jesus death . { jesus died to save them from their sins}
* in islam salvation is done through each one work, if he did good he will enter paradise but if his sins are more he will enter the hell except that god forgave him.

3- * in islam, muslims have to believe in jesus " as a prophet and messenger from god" and all the prophets. in islam we love jesus.
* in christanity , it is not neccessary to believe or love prophet muhammed.

4-*islam came after christanity so it is more entitled or reasonable to become muslim or then jewish will be more resonable than christ. .

5- * look in islamic and christian communities:
- higher rate of alcholic related diseases like liver cihrrosis in christian communities
- higher rate of sexual transmitted diseases in christ. comunities.
- higher rate of crimes
* all these indicate increased depravity like, drinking wine , fornication and so in christ community.

6- * muslims pray 5 time aday
* christian pray 1 time a week

* muslims fats from dawn till sunset and they deprived from food and sexuall intercourses with their wives and from doing all bad things so as to teach them how to control their desires and to feel as poor people feel.
*christian when fast they fast from some kind of food.

7-about women rights in islam , i think green world talked well about it. and that women have more rights in isalm.

8- we always hear that a christ bacome muslim and little bit we hear that a muslim become a christ, so sure theres a cause.

these are some piont of difference between islam and christanity that flashed in my mind.
and u judge!!!!!!!

ok............here comes the rebuttle......

1) Christians believe in three in ONE...........there is one God and He has been three parts

4) how do you come up with that???? just because something is newer doesnt make it MORE reasonable to believe, in fact in most cases it makes it LESS so!!!!!! the longer something has been around the more you have to judge it by and you know its not just some fad

5) which communities?? where did you get this info and what are the actual statistics?? more than where??? I have found the opposite to be true so please enlighten me

6) WRONG.........muslims are supposed to pray 5 times a day, some prolly just go through the gestures and arent actually praying just like some christians just go to church and call themselves christians..............the fact is that christians are called to be in constant communication with God (not that we ever achieve this fully) and TRUE christians pray many times a day whenever they are led to or have something they want to go to God with (which should be everything)

also, yes christians OFTEN fast from food since thats what Jesus often fasted from and its the most common thing.........however many christians at some point do fast from other things (such as sex with their spouse)............and whats wrong with fasting from food??? it gives us a bit of empathy for those who are going hungry around the world

7) women have more rights in islam?? then how come they hafta wear burkas, cant talk to men outside of their family, look at men, do things without their husbands permission, and are considered first the father and then the husbands property.... and christian women are allowed to wear what they want, speak to whoever they want, go wherever they want, vote, own property, and are recognized as persons?? Jesus had great respect for women and was one of the first leaders to advocate womens rights

8) I believe we effectively established that you hear of more christians becoming muslim then muslims becoming christians b/c of the penalty of death for converts from islam..............also you hear more of christians coming to islam and i hear more of muslims coming to christ......its just a matter of where you are

sorry but your points didnt prove anything to me nor do they seem valid.......perhaps I'm just missing the point (and I hope the point wasnt to prove one better than the other b/c thats pointless and we both know it)
moslims believe in one god u belive in three parts.
but i sware that u urself dont understand how it come that jesus and holy spirit and god are all one
2- so why when when jesus come the jewish entered in christ.?
islam come to complete christanity .
3 france , usa , germany , to syria , egypt . saui arabya
these r just examples
4 ) not wrong but right
5)so how about rate of divorced people in christain countries and that of muslims country
and about famil stability in chrst counties and that of islamic such becoz they have such their rights in christ.
so u accept to believe in one god and this is good but wny u accept that this one god should have a son? he is god have no sons
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

1. Say: He is Allah, the One;

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

4. And there is none like unto Him.
1- * the muslims believe in one god.
* the christians believe in three { god , jesus , holy spirit}
Christians believe in one god that has 3 pieces not 3 seperate gods. But even if they did what does that prove? There's no reason for monotheism to be more valid than polytheism.
2- * in christanity salvation is occured through jesus death . { jesus died to save them from their sins}
* in islam salvation is done through each one work, if he did good he will enter paradise but if his sins are more he will enter the hell except that god forgave him.
I agree that this part of christianity makes no sense at all.
3- * in islam, muslims have to believe in jesus " as a prophet and messenger from god" and all the prophets. in islam we love jesus.
* in christanity , it is not neccessary to believe or love prophet muhammed.
Islam doesnt belive that Jesus was the son of god. To a christian thats about the same as not believing in him.
4-*islam came after christanity so it is more entitled or reasonable to become muslim or then jewish will be more resonable than christ. .
So? Just being newer doesnt make it more valid.
- higher rate of alcholic related diseases like liver cihrrosis in christian communities
Isnt it against islamic law to drink alchohol?
- higher rate of sexual transmitted diseases in christ. comunities.
So christians have more fun.:D
- higher rate of crimes
Is that because of the religion, or is it becase most islamic nations are police states where the people have no freedom?
6- * muslims pray 5 time aday
* christian pray 1 time a week
Correction, christians attend worship services once a week. They can pray on their own whenver they feel like it.
* muslims fats from dawn till sunset and they deprived from food and sexuall intercourses with their wives and from doing all bad things so as to teach them how to control their desires and to feel as poor people feel.
*christian when fast they fast from some kind of food.
And this prove what exactly?
7-about women rights in islam , i think green world talked well about it. and that women have more rights in isalm.
Both religions treat women like shit but the governments in the western countries tend to give women equal rights. This is more a political arguement than a religious one.
8- we always hear that a christ bacome muslim and little bit we hear that a muslim become a christ, so sure theres a cause.
probaly right> but just because more people are joing doesnt prove islam correct
Originally posted by mohamed
so u accept to believe in one god and this is good but wny u accept that this one god should have a son? he is god have no sons
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

1. Say: He is Allah, the One;

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

4. And there is none like unto Him.

Which shows that the Judeo-Christian God, of the supernatural, and the god of Islam are 2 separate and different people. However, since there is only 1 God, we have a problem here. One of us is deceived.
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Originally posted by biblthmp
Which shows that the Judeo-Christian God, of the supernatural, and the god of Islam are 2 separate and different people. However, since there is only 1 God, we have a problem here. One of us is deceived.

Since You'll quote your scripture, I'll quote mine.

1 John 4:1-3

1BELOVED, DO not put faith in every spirit, but prove (test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God; for many false prophets have gone forth into the world.
2By this you may know (perceive and recognize) the Spirit of God: every spirit which acknowledges and confesses [the fact] that Jesus Christ (the Messiah) [actually] has become man and has come in the flesh is of God [has God for its source];
3And every spirit which does not acknowledge and confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh [but would [1] annul, destroy, [2] sever, disunite Him] is not of God [does not proceed from Him]. This [[3] nonconfession] is the [spirit] of the antichrist, [of] which you heard that it was coming, and now it is already in the world.

Anti Christ is a fancy way of saying Satan's mouth-piece.
Originally posted by Grey Seal
or both. i hate to break it to you guys, but there are other perspectives on god and religion besides islam and christianity. crazy huh?

Yeap pure insanity.


The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. King David ben Jesse ..... about 3000 years ago

To him who can look at the human eye that sees, and the human ear that hears, and says "Pure chance created these things." He has more faith, than I will ever be able to muster. Creation science institute.
Originally posted by mohamed
moslims believe in one god u belive in three parts.
but i sware that u urself dont understand how it come that jesus and holy spirit and god are all one
2- so why when when jesus come the jewish entered in christ.?
islam come to complete christanity .
3 france , usa , germany , to syria , egypt . saui arabya
these r just examples
4 ) not wrong but right
5)so how about rate of divorced people in christain countries and that of muslims country
and about famil stability in chrst counties and that of islamic such becoz they have such their rights in christ.

k, so you're telling me that I dont understand the concept of three parts??? It doesnt matter if a single person understands the concept or not, all that matters in what youre trying to do is that the group believes in this

2 -- I dont understand what you're saying here

3 -- i still want to know where you're getting this info and what the actual stats are and what they are supposedly worse than!

4 -- i cant even comment on this! if you're going to debate something you've got to back it up not just say you're wrong i'm right

5 -- a country may be called a christian country but that doesnt mean that everyone in it is christian! take Canada for instance (I know most of you havent heard of it, its north of the USA) we're a multi-cultural country, it will soon be at the point where WASP's will be the minority, so even tho we're considered a christian country, it really isnt b/c most of the people are not christians.........so the divorce rate is raised in part by the non-christians........when you make an assertion like that you need to look at the full cultural make-up of the area, not just the stigma that is attached to it and i didnt understand the very last part of that one so please be clearer!
here it is another piont of difference:
that there is only one copy of quran never been changed.
more than one copy of the bible and carry some fishy
Originally posted by mohamed
here it is another piont of difference:
that there is only one copy of quran never been changed.
more than one copy of the bible and carry some fishy

you can only be sure of this if the original copy still exists...does it?
Originally posted by mohamed
here it is another piont of difference:
that there is only one copy of quran never been changed.
more than one copy of the bible and carry some fishy

so you dont have you're own copy of the book to read thru yourself and study for yourself.......you're just going by what they are telling you is in it? honestly I"m quite confused here
Originally posted by Blackstone
The Quran never been changed?

Wich Quran do you mean? The sunni Quran or the Siit' Quran? Quran of Osman that is used today or Aisha's Quran or Omar's Quran or or...

try to read the evidences in this set of articles:


Same site again balckstone? Can I see the Usman's and Aisha's Quran please or their versions?? since I have personaly seen the Quran written in the time of Prophet, it is located in Islamic library in Mecca with the official seal of Mohammad ( pbuh ); a sorta stamp kinda thing. I have yet to see the aisha's Quran. Anyways, it is interesting that you keep going back to this one site and cannot produce your own thoughts or knowledge. Please don't take other's site as your source of info. I request you to do your own home work. Since, I am sure you have never been to mecca to see that Quran neither you have seen the quran written by/during the time of "Ali". They both are identical as the Quran of today, yet you try to prove that there are versions of Quran?. You are trying to preach "islam" from anti Islamic web site. You think any one besides few members would take it as authority? You can claim that you were muslim and etc etc and you know Islam inside out but I am getting a different idea now. :)

Don't you think that some one will post the rebutal form www.answeringchristianity.com and then there will be never ending loop of article vs article? If you are so interested in proving Quranic versions I say travel to Istanbul, Anqra, Mecca and Jordan and see for your self. Then we can talk about it.