A Christian's nightmare

He gave us free choice. Most of us abused it/messed up. Most children have parents who messed up first. Most of those people probably should not have even had children. I think if you can't afford them, don't have them and expect society/government to take care of/raise them.

Being a born-again Christian isn't a cult. It's a priviledge and an honor.

Your apologetic excuse addresses nothing of the thousands of children born throughout the world the don't get your god's word nor his love. Surely you aren't suggesting that these children aren't at fault simply because they had the misfortune to be born of parents who didn't get the word. Most of their parents in Muslim countries have no problem "affording" their kids, so I don't see what you're getting at there.

And choosing to be among the membership of "born again Christians" is most definitely a cult membership. The "privilege and honor" existing only in the minds of those who belong to it.
Jesus called me. I answered. When/if He calls you, what will you do?

How do you know it was Jesus and not Satan? You are a racist and a xenophobe, so I think it's more likely to be the latter.

Are you Ann Coulter?
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Moderator's Note: That is entirely uncalled for and I won't stand for such an atrocity against another member of this forum. You've received one infraction. Please do not refer to other members as "Ann Coulter."
Moderator's Note: That is entirely uncalled for and I won't stand for such an atrocity against another member of this forum. You've received one infraction. Please do not refer to other members as "Ann Coulter."

It was a question. 'Are you Ann Coulter?'

This person holds similar views, professes to be about the same age, and uses an image of a blonde woman as an avatar, and Coulter is Blonde. It was an honest question.

Or was this some sort of joke that I have not been let in on, Skin?
Moderator's Note: That is entirely uncalled for and I won't stand for such an atrocity against another member of this forum. You've received one infraction. Please do not refer to other members as "Ann Coulter."

She has said, numerous times, that she idolizes Ann Coulter.
She has called her brilliant and beautiful.
She has referred to her as her "political twin".
She would clearly take it as a compliment.
No. Skin was being fair. I got infractions for lesser things. You personally attacked me (again) and he is being fair. If I personally attacked you I would deserve it too.

I never said I idolized Ann Coulter. Admire and respect, yes. Idolize, no.

Or skin was joking.
You're probably right. I get personally attacked all day and no one ever gets infractions for it.:rolleyes:
Personal attacks are forbidden on other forums. They cause one to get banned. Permanently. No such luck here.
Sandy, when you pray do you pray to Jesus, God, or both at the same time? Usually when you pray, you are directing your prayer to a certain "person" or you are conciously visualizing or thinking about the being to whom you praying.
You're probably right. I get personally attacked all day and no one ever gets infractions for it.:rolleyes:
Personal attacks are forbidden on other forums. They cause one to get banned. Permanently. No such luck here.

I got an infraction for calling you a 50 year old fat dude.
I used to. It's taken a beating from all the personal attacks. How about really being a mod and giving people infractions for personally attacking other members? Or is it only when someone you like is attacked?

I just read Nic's post. Nevermind. And thanks.
No. Skin was being fair. I got infractions for lesser things. You personally attacked me (again) and he is being fair. If I personally attacked you I would deserve it too.

I never said I idolized Ann Coulter. Admire and respect, yes. Idolize, no.

I asked if you were Ann Coulter, just how in hell is that a personal attack?

If you want me to back up why I called you a racist and a xenophobe, here goes;

Oh, and wait until those illegal aliens move into your neighborhood. Go take a peek at L.A. for a preview. I'd start packing now.

His witnesses are not welcome there. It's hard to witness to someone whose people want you dead.

I'd be willing to bet that at least 90% of men in jail have brown eyes. Just a guess. Nothing against brown eyes.

I am a Christian first. I always will be. I am not living in someone else's country and mocking it

I can guarantee you that illegal aliens cr@pping on our produce is what sickened/killed Americans during the spinach debacle.

I don't want them here. Not one single one of them. I want American valets, restaurant workers, construction workers, and all the others to get their jobs back. I want them to get a decent wage. Not be put out of a job by some freakin illegal alien who works for cheap. I want my country back. I don't care if I have to pay $2 for a head of lettuce. Get them the F out of here.:mad:

How about some homophobia too;

Like homo marriage it is a stupid joke.

Look at freakshow Rosie O'Donnell, the liberal left's lesbian moonbat. Perfect example.
OK, so I have backed up my case for correctly calling Sandy a racist and a Xenophobe.

Now I demand my infraction reversed, and Sandy to get an Infraction for abusing the 'report post' button.

And no, I'm not kidding.
Generally I delete the post and give infractions only for repeated infractions or using the most vile or direct insults. But if phlog can support the assertion that you're a racist and xenophobe, it'll be a fair criticism that you'll have to defend against. Period. I'm not going to allow racists and the like to hide behind the front of being affronted so they can avoid criticism.
phlog- Since when is "illegal alien" a protected class:confused: What don't you get about the word "illegal."???

I didn't personally attack anyone here. YOU DID:mad: And you KEEP doing it. Knock it off.