If your statement is true then God ultimately has the blood of all of the innocents on His hands because He has both the authority and power to prevent abortions, yet He does nothing to stop them. Is He not guilty of them as well by allowing them? That is where this thinking eventually leads!
There is no law stating that God cannot end the life of people. God can do what ever He wills. The Laws are only made for us, imperfect beings that need laws for guidance.
God cannot be guilty of murder. The One who gives life is entitaled to take it away when ever He chooses.
In the Old Testament He commands the killing of babies and children all over the place. You already know this! I know you are OK with that! You have told me so in the past.
Good. It's nice to find out someone has read what i have put down.
The Bible you read even teaches you that there are no human innocents, that all are worthy of death. That innocents do not exist!
No, my bible says there are innocents. Babies/little ones are innocent. God Himself said it in the book of Deuteronomy.
So what does it matter if one is killed or dies. That is exactly what my Christian brother told me a few months ago. I just sat there stunned.
I am not your brother. I am me.
Time for you to throw him into hell along with all of the rest.
What a confusing mess...
No confusion here with me. The confusion is with you.
All Praise The Ancient Of Days