A Christian must be a fundamentalist

Saul & Job never existed.
M*W: I agree. This is an interesting point of discussion. What I've read is that Job was written as a tragic drama (for entertainment purposes only). It was the oldest document written. Why it was placed in the OT is anybody's question.

Saul=Sol=Paul=Paulo=Apollo, so no, you are right, these fictional characters never existed.

I, for one, would like to hear more from you along this line. Have you heard that Jesus could have just been a fictional character, like an offshoot, of Julius Caesar (JC)? Ya know, this really scares the hell outta christians!
Stranger-Now you're arguing like my wife,"If you don't know, then I'm not telling you!" LOL I'll respond to you, much as I do to her,"If you won't tell me then why should I care?" Do John 3:16 next. I don't want to be accused of preaching by forum rules.


Here's one for you. Kindly prove the existence of Julius Caesar to my satisfaction.
A Christian could view the Bible as a flawed human document inspired by God.

Whereas the atheist views the bible as a flawed human document.

That the various writers of the Bible did their best, but the results were affected by their cultures and psychologies. Still these Christians believe essential truths and inspiration can be found in the Bible especially in the 4 Gospels.

They did their best at contriving a religion specific to their cultures and psychologies. The type of "inspiration" Simon refers could be made evident in how slaves were addressed:

"Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ." (Ephesians 6:5)

"Slaves, obey your human masters in everything; don't work only while being watched, in order to please men, but work wholeheartedly, fearing the Lord." (Colossians 3:22)

"Slaves are to be submissive to their masters in everything, and to be well-pleasing, not talking back ." (Titus 2:9)

"Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel. " (1 Peter 2:18)

Q tends to start ranting about God being the authority and that Christians must listen to God.

It is the bible which testifies the authority over Christians and that is their god and only their god. This cannot be denied by any Christian. Here are just a few passages indicating this authority, however Simon has been very diligent at ignoring these verses in order to forward his agenda of deceit.

Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through. (Zechariah 13:3 NAB)

(perhaps in a past life Q was a Fire and Brimstone preacher, who knows)

Perhaps you were a used car salesman? Clearly, it shows.

These non-fundamentalists do not disagree

Hence, the utter hypocrisy of religion.

but they do not think it is as easy as Q seems to think it is to know what God wants and has 'said'.

Isn't that what the bible states? Is it not the word of god? Are you the arbiter of what is valid in the bible and what is not? Please illuminate us all as to what is true in the bible and what is false? I wait, all aquiver.

Thus they feel there is a process via prayer and contemplation and perhaps discussions with other Christians and listening to experts – whom they choose from amongst the wide variety of churches out there.

Experts? How can there be experts on the bible? It's merely a book that anyone can read and understand. You read the bible, obey it and that's it. No need to contrive some ridiculous crap about praying and contemplating and discussing. It's all there for all to see.

Thus they need not decide to hate homosexuals, a pet issue of Strangers, and do not need to be threatened by carbon dating and estimates of the age of the earth or when animals evolved or humans for that matter.

So, they decide the bible is not the word of god and that they can do whatever they want? What's your point?

Q and Stranger think that they are in the position of saying that only fundamentalists are real Christians, despite the fact that they are not Christians and are not agreed with by many Christians on this issue.

Christians who don't agree with the bible are clearly hypocrites.

So why do they do Q and Stranger take this position. One possibility:
It makes it easier for them.

Bullshit. The position has been made clear by your god, not by Stranger or me.

If you have to take the entire Bible literally, then you do run into contradictions with Science

That's what I've been trying to tell you, yet you put me on ignore for doing so. Curious...

I think it is ironic, in a way that seems to escape Q, that he is, essentially, setting himself up as a religious authority, and seems intent in not admitting that this role serves his position and might not be justified. His sidekick may not realize that in supporting Q, he is also saying that in fact there are millions and millions less Christians in the world and that only fundamentalist Christians can be Christians.

I keep telling you, but you refuse to listen, there is only one authority in Christianity. Can you guess who?

Many people want their enemies simple. They like to demonize or oversimplify issues. You can see this when countries gear up to war. You can see this here in threads where atheists bash theists as if they are all fundamentalists. You can see it here in threads where theists bash atheists for being without morals or for not being creative or whatever.

Religion is the real enemy, Simon.
Stranger-Now you're arguing like my wife,"If you don't know, then I'm not telling you!" LOL I'll respond to you, much as I do to her,"If you won't tell me then why should I care?" Do John 3:16 next. I don't want to be accused of preaching by forum rules.


Here's one for you. Kindly prove the existence of Julius Caesar to my satisfaction.
M*W: Fortunately, I was not put in this world to provide for your satisfaction. Whether Julius Caesar was a real human being or fictional, I cannot prove it. All I know is what all the history books declare, but beyond that, there are several research scientists out there today who have explored this theory. It makes sense to me, since I've read their research, but it is not a widely known theory. I wouldn't imagine you have ever heard of such a theory much less have read about it. What evidence there is about Julius Caesar are the coins that were minted during his reign. There may be other evidence such as statues, although that isn't proof of anything. There are just too many similarities between the character of Julius Caesar (real or not) and the character of Jesus Christ (real or not). They are too lengthy to go into here, and I'm headed out. I've written a lot about this theory, so if you're interested, go look up my previous threads/posts on the subject. Or, read Joseph Atwill's Caesar's Messiah or Francesco Carotta's Jesus Was Caesar. The similarities in their lives will blow you away (real or not).
Q-what was that? Oh, that's right. It says here that your posts are unreadable because you are ignored. I guess others will have to appreciate your abundant wisdom.
MW-out of fairness, I will seek those titles out, but I can't honestly say I'll be able to objectively read them. I will try. I've tried checking out your previous posts, but am too much of a novice of board navigation.
Christians who don't agree with the bible are clearly hypocrites.

Christians who pick and choose what they believe and don't believe then tell everyone else it's wrong because it's in the Bible, are hypocrites. IE homosexuality is wrong because that's what it says in the Bible that means God thinks it's wrong, but if you actually read the rest of Leviticus, you would find quite a few other things that you think is wrong, but God doesn't or vice versa. I mean even most Fundalmentalist Christians don't lock their wives and daughters up during her period and never touch her during those days, nor do they sacrifice a goat or bird or whatever whenever they do touch their unclean wife or daughter in order to be cleansed. Why not? Those are God's rules.
However that's the Old Testament the book of the Jews, the New Testament is the book of for Christians. So Christians really only need follow their own book.
However that's the Old Testament the book of the Jews, the New Testament is the book of for Christians. So Christians really only need follow their own book.
If a Christian says that the Bible is the word of God and is perfect and meant to be literal in its entirety than that Christian is hypocritical if they pick and choose. If a Christian does not believe the Bible is a perfect, direct from God document, but something that is inspired by God or attempts by different writers to relay God's messages or a document that is distorted by the culture and psychology of the people of that time, etc., then the Christian is not a hypocrite for choosing those portions that feel correct for them.

It is really very simple.
To be hypocritical is to behave in ways that contradict one's beliefs. If you belief the whole thing is the literal truth, period, well you better damn well follow it word for word.
If not, not.

One can ask such a person how they decide which parts are literal and or true and the issue can run off into epistemological areas, but that is another issue.

And I agree that many Christians do not follow the OT remotely as much as the NT. Those there are those who do get all worked up about certain OT passages, and some of these are really causing a lot of problems for all of us, whether we are non-christians like me, non-fundies, homosexuals, women, atheists, etc.
Stranger-Now you're arguing like my wife,"If you don't know, then I'm not telling you!" LOL I'll respond to you, much as I do to her,"If you won't tell me then why should I care?"

Ridiculous babbling.

Do John 3:16 next. I don't want to be accused of preaching by forum rules.

Obviously, I've been "doing" the parts I believe. (This isn't the Absurdities Of Religion thread.) John 3:16 doesn't fit.


Absurd strawman.

Here's one for you. Kindly prove the existence of Julius Caesar to my satisfaction.

I never claimed Julius Caesar existed.
MW-out of fairness, I will seek those titles out, but I can't honestly say I'll be able to objectively read them. I will try. I've tried checking out your previous posts, but am too much of a novice of board navigation.

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MW-out of fairness, I will seek those titles out, but I can't honestly say I'll be able to objectively read them. I will try. I've tried checking out your previous posts, but am too much of a novice of board navigation.
M*W: It should be relatively easy to acquire a copy of Atwill's Caesar's Messiah. Carotta's Jesus Was Caesar was special ordered. It was written by an Italian and published in Germany. It may be harder to find. I know the Internet has a lot of stuff on Atwill, so you might start there.
Interesting. For one so fluent in the operation of this board, you are apparently unfamiliar with forms of address. MW-Hi! means Hi! to Medicine Woman Stranger-You are a silly lizard, means you are a silly lizard to you, stranger.

MW-Thanks for the info.

CutsieMarie-Simon has it more precisely, I, for example, disagree with much of Paul's new testament writings. One of my favorite verses, however, comes from the O.T. book of Micah- 6:8 to be precise. "He has shown you, Oh man, what is good, and what does the Lord require from you? But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." This verse sums up what I believe God actually wants us as humans to do. The golden rule fits in there quite nicely. To me, the Jews had the opportunity to have this relationship with God without sacrifice. Sacrifice was necessary for them, not God. Thus, Christ's sacrifice was truly for our sakes. That pretty well sums up my beliefs. I don't understand why I can't also believe that undetectable flying woolly mammoths create the wind. Reincarnation, Ghosts, Aliens, Evolution, M-theory, The Big Bang. They are all seperate from what I believe. When I am inconsiderate of someone else, I come into conflict with what I believe. This is known as being sinful. Invariably I feel guilty for it. I apologize to God, ask for forgiveness. He laughs and reminds me one death for all sins, try to do better. That's my experience anyway.

Back to you stranger-You still haven't told me how I have contradicted myself.
You have to believe Jesus was the son of God or you aren't a Christian. There can be no variations on this point.

There have been and are xtians who do not believe Jesus was the son of god.

Of course the other xtians torture and kill them when possible as "heretics." Its called "Adoptionism."

adoptionists tend to believe that Jesus Christ was merely a man, or maybe even a special man, upon whom [god] conferred special favor or status, but that He was never a genuine Son of God.
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If a Christian says that the Bible is the word of God and is perfect and meant to be literal in its entirety than that Christian is hypocritical if they pick and choose. If a Christian does not believe the Bible is a perfect, direct from God document, but something that is inspired by God or attempts by different writers to relay God's messages or a document that is distorted by the culture and psychology of the people of that time, etc., then the Christian is not a hypocrite for choosing those portions that feel correct for them.

Yes, he is a hypocrite. If the document is distorted, then it is useless.

It is really very simple.

Yet, you don't get it.

To be hypocritical is to behave in ways that contradict one's beliefs. If you belief the whole thing is the literal truth, period, well you better damn well follow it word for word.
If not, not.

That's called hypocrisy, you should look up the word in a dictionary.

So, please tell us all which bits of the bible are not true and which bits are true since you appear to be the arbiter of biblical truth?

One can ask such a person how they decide which parts are literal and or true and the issue can run off into epistemological areas, but that is another issue.

Bullshit, that is the issue, idiot. If one Christian decides not to believe in a certain part of the bible while another Christian decides to believe in the same part, where is the consistency? Which part is true and which is not?

Are so blind as to not see the obvious here?