A Christian must be a fundamentalist

Simon Anders

Valued Senior Member
Or he or she is not a Christian."

This is the basic thesis of Q and Strangerinastrangeland on another thread. I thought it was a distraction – though one can read Q’s psychic interpretation for why I dropped the issue on the other thread. Here I will address why I think their thesis is false.

A Christian could view the Bible as a flawed human document inspired by God. That the various writers of the Bible did their best, but the results were affected by their cultures and psychologies. Still these Christians believe essential truths and inspiration can be found in the Bible especially in the 4 Gospels.

Q tends to start ranting about God being the authority and that Christians must listen to God. (perhaps in a past life Q was a Fire and Brimstone preacher, who knows) These non-fundamentalists do not disagree, but they do not think it is as easy as Q seems to think it is to know what God wants and has 'said'. Thus they feel there is a process via prayer and contemplation and perhaps discussions with other Christians and listening to experts – whom they choose from amongst the wide variety of churches out there.

Thus they need not decide to hate homosexuals, a pet issue of Strangers, and do not need to be threatened by carbon dating and estimates of the age of the earth or when animals evolved or humans for that matter.

Q and Stranger think that they are in the position of saying that only fundamentalists are real Christians, despite the fact that they are not Christians and are not agreed with by many Christians on this issue.

So why do they do Q and Stranger take this position. One possibility:
It makes it easier for them.

If you have to take the entire Bible literally, then you do run into contradictions with Science, especially in the non-gospel portions of the MT and in many portions of the OT.

I think it is ironic, in a way that seems to escape Q, that he is, essentially, setting himself up as a religious authority, and seems intent in not admitting that this role serves his position and might not be justified. His sidekick may not realize that in supporting Q, he is also saying that in fact there are millions and millions less Christians in the world and that only fundamentalist Christians can be Christians. A belief that begins to slide their position much closer to Adstar’s.

Many people want their enemies simple. They like to demonize or oversimplify issues. You can see this when countries gear up to war. You can see this here in threads where atheists bash theists as if they are all fundamentalists. You can see it here in threads where theists bash atheists for being without morals or for not being creative or whatever.

You like your simple enemies that are all exactly the same.

You need that.

When will you stop needing that.
Simon Anders-Hat's off to you. I know you're not trying to take any theist position, but it would be nice if what you have said here could educate the more evangelical atheists here.
Neither did Captain Ahab, but we can still make comparisons if we are familiar. Perhaps you'd deign to share your beliefs.
There are things in The Holy Babble I agree with therefore I'm a Christian.

"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." Luke 6:31
Stranger-I am not familiar with the babble. Could you reference what you believe? Perhaps there is an online copy I could familiarise myself with.
I thought in order to be considered a Christian you have to believe Jesus was the son of God and that in did in fact rise again after his death. You also must accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior, and should follow his teachings. I thought that was it.
Evidently, anyone who believes some of The Holy Babble is a Christian.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Evidently, anyone who believes some of The Holy Babble is a Christian.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

You have to believe Jesus was the son of God or you aren't a Christian. There can be no variations on this point.
I thought so, too cutsiemarie. Stranger is suggesting he believes bits of a different book, one unfamiliar to christians. Something called the babble. Stranger, I think, in no way is a christian. He is claiming it sort of like if I were to go around claiming that I'm the newly appointed Chief Scientist of the Universe. I think he's trying to make the point that if one believes some odd bit of christian writing, you must be a christian.

It all stems from this odd desire to see things in nothing but black and white. You are either a fundamentalist christian who believes the bible literally or you are not a christian. This smallmindedness is what brings about these childish displays. If stranger simply believes in God, Jesus Christ, that Jesus died was resurrected, and has prayed to him for forgiveness... Then Stranger is a christian. I suggest he is referring to something like Jesus Wept. Trying to illustrate that christians pick and choose their beliefs. The fact is christians the world over have one basic belief, which has been stated, in common. Whatever else they believe is just additional stuff. If I as a christian, choose to believe that minor deities exist, nothing says I'm not going to heaven because of it. That seems hard to swallow for some of our more vehement Atheists.

Elsewhere I took someone else to cause for spot quoting, then responding to things out of context. In the end, Christianity, at it's core, seems too simple. Too bad, it is what it is.
So Ham is the judge of who is & isn't Christian.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Gn 2:24
Not at all. I am the judge of who I think is or isn't christian. God judges our hearts. If you are claiming a gift that isn't yours, it doesn't bother you if you think the giver is pretend and receivers are deluded. If you are, indeed, a christian, then I applaud you. Perhaps we should make an announcement of your conversion here on the board. It is common practice among believers to discuss what they believe. Cutsiemarie and I have both stated what is the common requirement for christianity, and I believ she has said she was agnostic at best. Surely, stranger, you'd care to share your beliefs, here, among friends?
It's easy to be a Christian, their beliefs revolve around Christ. It's the belief that whoever believes in him shall have everlasting life. You don't have to believe all of the other mumbo jumbo in the Bible to go to heaven. If you truly believe Jesus Christ is your Lord and savior then it should be reflected through your works, I believe is the explanation for why Jesus' followers tend to be good people on average. Bad people are not true Christians because their works don't reflect what they supposedly believe. I can see a few holes in this logic, but for the most part it makes sense.
CutsieMarie-Thanks. Whether you do or don't believe, it's nice to know that someone understands.

You're quite welcome. I used to be a very devout Christian who was practically a fundamentalist, but I know that most of the hate that some outspoken atheists proclaim are just stereotypes. It is very similar to the hate that some Christians have for atheists.