A Chemist has more power than God, Fact!

No, the reason I don't get it is because I don't see how its comparable to God, instead of talking about how the concept of "God" is illogical you talk about some other completely different concept with no relation to "God", so your very own style of arguing is non-sequitur and illogical

I just gave you an example...and yet it is logical...unfortunately you could not see the connection.

Stating anything about God's properties/actions/whatever is illogical because God is not known to exist or not exist...nothing is known about God.
I just gave you an example...and yet it is logical...unfortunately you could not see the connection.

Stating anything about God's properties/actions/whatever is illogical because God is not known to exist or not exist...nothing is known about God.

No your example is incomparable, there should be evidence present yet there isn't, this is equivalent to evidence of absence, now in the case of God there shouldn't be evidence present and there isn't...

Nothing is known about God so stating anything about God is illogical? What? If thats the case then lots of scientific theories are illogical...
No your example is incomparable, there should be evidence present yet there isn't, this is equivalent to evidence of absence, now in the case of God there shouldn't be evidence present and there isn't...

Nothing is known about God so stating anything about God is illogical? What? If thats the case then lots of scientific theories are illogical...

scientific theories have a mathematical backup...God's mathemtical backup is were?

nowhere thats were.
lots in design...like the anthropic principle

Your logic is flawed

My logic is flawed...okey lets say my logic is flamed...(my assumption are flawed...perhaps)

What is this anthropic principle and how does it mathematically prove existence of God?
My logic is flawed...okey lets say my logic is flamed...(my assumption are flawed...perhaps)

What is this anthropic principle and how does it mathematically prove existence of God?

The anthropic principle doesn't really prove that God exists...it just shows how the universe is fine-tuned for intelligent life to exist, you know like if you change gravity by 0.1% intelligent life wouldn't exist
well than there are small tiny me's living inside my sperm...you know like you just said its anthropic principle...small tiny me's live inside my sperm and they are like really tiny so you cant see them if you looked closely. But look everything around me...the humans they look like me...so why not small me inside me?
No it leaves existing without origin, the origin of all things

I could grant you this point, but this does NOT invalidate the postulation that non-existence is a possibility.

The problem I have is that its only works in situations where something is measurable, its like a foolish person asking "Well what, why can you say the Earth revolved around the Sun is true before there was evidence?"

Its one of the most foolish notions imaginable to say that something is ONLY true if there's a "happenstance event" convincing people that its true, I mean I would have to wonder if you were retarded if you believed that, but then again atheists are trapped in this delusional world of thinking "evidence causes something to become true" even without knowing it, such fools, I wonder when they'll wake up from this fantasy land they live in....

If you really believe something is ONLY true if there's a "happenstance event" convincing people that it's true, then you clearly live in a fantasy world, I mean look at all the things that are true/were true before there was any evidence and before there was any "happenstance" events convincing anyone it was true...

But VO...the popular concept of god is that he just happened to be there, you haven't addressed this yet. Even if you say god didn't happen into existence, he still happened to be. And further he just willed life to happen. If you believe this, you should allow for others to want a happenstance event as evidence...

Indeed, it is arguably the most acceptable type in this case, as the being that you foist on the rest of us is highly unlikely and incredible. Thus we would wish to witness a highly unlikely and incredible event that is clearly caused by said being.
I could grant you this point, but this does NOT invalidate the postulation that non-existence is a possibility.
What? So if you say energy is without origin, being causeless and always existing it means energy doesn't exist? wtf? What type of logic this?

The postulation is existing without any origin

Enterprise-D said:
But VO...the popular concept of god is that he just happened to be there, you haven't addressed this yet. Even if you say god didn't happen into existence, he still happened to be. And further he just willed life to happen. If you believe this, you should allow for others to want a happenstance event as evidence...

Indeed, it is arguably the most acceptable type in this case, as the being that you foist on the rest of us is highly unlikely and incredible. Thus we would wish to witness a highly unlikely and incredible event that is clearly caused by said being.
I don't care about any "popular concepts of god" or whatever

Its not that God just happened to be there, its that God always was there, there is no reality without God, there is no such thing as God not being there, but such things like beginning, middle, and end do not touch God, God exists without origin, how can you say God has a beginning or end when God has neither? God is the origin of all the innumerable universes, the origin of all existences, all realities

It also cannot really be said that there is a beginning of the worlds because there's innumerable universes, say for instance that in this universe the universe began with something like the big bang, in another universe during that time-period when our universe was just forming the Earth had already existed, and in our universe even as we speak there are innumerable other universes just forming