A Chemist has more power than God, Fact!


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God/Religion cannot and does not create anything that cannot be created by the word of a 'normal' man. God's only power is in his word and how us as humans take that word in to our minds and the affect this has.

However, a Chemist can create all kind of experiances that go far beyond anything that the word of God can create in man. Therefore, the Chemist is more powerful than God.

Hail the 'Chemist' for he has mixed for us

God/Religion cannot and does not create anything that cannot be created by the word of a 'normal' man.

Can you prove that assertion?

If not, then isn't it just your belief ....in much the same way as another person might believe in god?

Baron Max
yeah, some might say, god created the chemist, created the chemist's intellect, and created the compounds the chemist works with. The chemist can't create a dang thing without god.
Can you prove that assertion?

If not, then isn't it just your belief ....in much the same way as another person might believe in god?

Baron Max

The only thing that the bible offers is the word of God and it is how this word of god is used that forms religion. As I am sure you know there is a religion centred around a tea pot that proves this point. Therefore, religion cannot create anything that is not created under diff conditions by 'man'. If I am wrong here what would you say religion creates that man cannot?

However, a chemist can create experiances and states of mind that the word of man/god cannot create. Therefore, the chemist is more powerful than God.
God/Religion cannot and does not create anything that cannot be created by the word of a 'normal' man. God's only power is in his word and how us as humans take that word in to our minds and the affect this has.

However, a Chemist can create all kind of experiances that go far beyond anything that the word of God can create in man. Therefore, the Chemist is more powerful than God.

Hail the 'Chemist' for he has mixed for us
No, God can/does create "real" experiences...
Can you give me an example of what can be considered proof? Exactly..ROFL another great atheistic tactic "you don't have proof but nothing can be considered proof"
God's head appears in place of the moon and he begins a Rodney Dangerfield monologue, making himself heard, worldwide (throught the vacuum of space) in the native language of the listener, and - here's the kicker - he makes it funny!

Don't tell me nothing could be proof of god (typical fringe theistic tactics...)
God's head appears in place of the moon and he begins a Rodney Dangerfield monologue, making himself heard, worldwide (throught the vacuum of space) in the native language of the listener, and - here's the kicker - he makes it funny!

Don't tell me nothing could be proof of god (typical fringe theistic tactics...)

ROFL...another great atheistic tactic, instead of providing evidence someone can hypothetically gather, provide evidence that no one can ever gather but just has to "happen", you can't gather God's head appearing in the moon, that just "happens", its like saying well if that comet really exists then I'll believe if it hits the Earth oneday all of a sudden, no other evidence would work, another great atheistic tactic used in order to preserve the atheistic faith-based belief system...

These foolish atheists, their entire faith-based belief system is based off irrationality, yet they believe themselves to be superior to everyone else
ROFL...another great atheistic tactic, instead of providing evidence someone can hypothetically gather, provide evidence that no one can ever gather but just has to "happen", you can't gather God's head appearing in the moon, that just "happens", its like saying well if that comet really exists then I'll believe if it hits the Earth oneday all of a sudden, no other evidence would work, another great atheistic tactic used in order to preserve the atheistic faith-based belief system...

These foolish atheists, their entire faith-based belief system is based off irrationality, yet they believe themselves to be superior to everyone else
You're pretty funny! Do you wear bells on your pointed hat and shoes? And does your nose "beep" when you squeeze it? What a joke.