A Calculus Question.

First was monotheism. Then came polytheism. Then back came monotheism. Also explain...how is it they migrated to Saudi Arabia on the .

You're wrong.Study the history of the ancient Egyptians.Before Akhenaton they were polytheistic..thousands of yrs before the ancient Hebrews decided to borrow Yahweh( a cannanite pagan God at that) and say he is ours now.:rolleyes:
MW is right.
You're wrong.Study the history of the ancient Egyptians.Before Akhenaton they were polytheistic..thousands of yrs before the ancient Hebrews decided to borrow Yahweh( a cannanite pagan God at that) and say he is ours now.:rolleyes:
MW is right.

But if you go back even more, monotheism comes first, because when I first see this magnificent universe the first thing I think is that a very big supreme being must have created it, because I am so small. I don't instantly think that maybe 7 or 12 supreme beings made it, I only think of one supreme being.

In another part of the world there is of course another person who comes up the same idea as me, and when we meet, we see that we have a different name for God, so we think that we have a different God, but actually there is only one God.
But where did the supreme being come from?

The idea of the supreme being came from the fact that we feel that we are these small creatures in a supremely big world. Is there really such supreme being then, or is it just an idea? Sure, there are many beings that are supreme to us, but ancient myths tell that the absolute supreme being is the non-being where all beings came from. The supreme being is actually our self. Hinduism says so. It says that we are actually not small creatures in a big world, we just thought we were, so that we could forever enjoy the seeking of our infinity.
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M*W: The 'thought police' are definitely sick of ignorant people.
I also think that it is impossible for you to post as many posts per day as you claim. I think there are others who have access to your username who post radical posts on sciforums. There is no possible way you could post all those posts yourself. What kind of game are you playing?
This is an interesting claim. I just want to check out the realism of posting 48 posts per day. Not all necessarily one liners, but a mix of one liners and somewhat meatier posts. If you don't mind I am going to target all your posts for this purpose. (Actually I am going to do that whether you mind or not, which should help to simulate the SAM mode.)
Above this is a default post, the items below are new Time:7:21
D you think the thought police are after you? Do you approve of the actions of the thought police? Just who are these thought police anyway?
But if you go back even more, monotheism comes first, because when I first see this magnificent universe the first thing I think is that a very big supreme being must have created it, because I am so small. I don't instantly think that maybe 7 or 12 supreme beings made it, I only think of one supreme being.

In another part of the world there is of course another person who comes up the same idea as me, and when we meet, we see that we have a different name for God, so we think that we have a different God, but actually there is only one God.

I believe in one God too Yorda. I was referring to how ancient peoples perceived God(s). Perhaps in a sense montheism was first in that some very pre-historic statues have been found depicting a pregnant female form that shows these people thought of the female as a God/Goddess...before they knew why the women got pregnant and no doubt thought the impregnation was due to them being impregnated by the cosmos or whatever they did think.
I look at all Gods and Goddesses as reflections of the one supreme being.

Yorda...are you a Wiccan, pagan?..just curious ;)
You're wrong.Study the history of the ancient Egyptians.Before Akhenaton they were polytheistic..thousands of yrs before the ancient Hebrews decided to borrow Yahweh( a cannanite pagan God at that) and say he is ours now.:rolleyes:
MW is right.
M*W: I will never lie to you, unlike S.A.M. who always lies. But then, she's Muslim! It breaks my heart that she lies so much. I have more respect for Muslims in general than Ihave for S.A.M. S.A.M. is an habitual liar. I don't think Muslims lie like she does. Also, I think she has more than one person writing on her account. Maybe it's her daddy, maybe it's her brother. She's not the only one who writes under her name. That's what is called delusion. S.A.M. is not the only poster who posts under the name of S.A.M. What I want to know is why the administration let's her get away with it! Who is she really screwing? I guess we'll never know! I look forward to the day that she is banned forever. For now,there are probably more than one person writing under the name of S.A.M. Otherwise, the could be no possbiligy that S.A.M. writes her own posts! She is the ultimate liar, and she needs to be banned from the foruom. I only hope the administration looks into her lies.

M*W: Thanks for your vote of confidence!
All of you shut up; this thread has nothing to do with that. It was a joke thread and you guys all make into some debate about whether not they worship the sun.

If you're going to say Polytheism came first, make a calculus joke about it and get the fujout.
Cheskichips-you can depend on Ravenous Atheists to come screeching into any post that pokes fun at religion. I'm going to start one, and watch what happens.
This is an interesting claim. I just want to check out the realism of posting 48 posts per day. Not all necessarily one liners, but a mix of one liners and somewhat meatier posts. If you don't mind I am going to target all your posts for this purpose. (Actually I am going to do that whether you mind or not, which should help to simulate the SAM mode.)
Above this is a default post, the items below are new Time:7:21
D you think the thought police are after you? Do you approve of the actions of the thought police? Just who are these thought police anyway?
M*W: I was referring to S.A.M.'s gazillions of posts per day. Were you also referring to S.A.M.'s posts?

I don't know who the "thought police" are. I think they were after somebody else, but just in case, don't tell them that I am here.
M*W: I was referring to S.A.M.'s gazillions of posts per day. Were you also referring to S.A.M.'s posts?
Yes. I was referring to SAMs posts. I believe I established that she could comfortably make 48 posts per day in two hours or less.