A Calculus Question.


If Christianity is the derivative of Judaism, and Islam the Derivative of Christianity.

Does that mean Judaism is the work..
Christianity is the force...
So what is Islam? Mass?
more like Judaism is the original position, Christianity the instentaneous velocity, and Islam the acceleration.

everyone should convert to Islam.
more like Judaism is the original position, Christianity the instentaneous velocity, and Islam the acceleration.

everyone should convert to Islam.
M*W: Sorry, but Judaism was not the original position on religion. First there was the matrilineal societies and goddess worship some 35,000 years ago that was based on the cycles of the moon (fertility). Then came sun worship (monotheism) out of Egypt which was the forerunner of Judaism. In the interim, there was polytheism which was the source of the Abrahamic religions. Pantheism and paganism have always been around and were probably based pm the worship of the zodiac (astro-theology). All religions came about from the worship of the zodiac.
M*W: Sorry, but Judaism was not the original position on religion. First there was the matrilineal societies and goddess worship some 35,000 years ago that was based on the cycles of the moon (fertility). Then came sun worship (monotheism) out of Egypt which was the forerunner of Judaism. In the interim, there was polytheism which was the source of the Abrahamic religions. Pantheism and paganism have always been around and were probably based pm the worship of the zodiac (astro-theology). All religions came about from the worship of the zodiac.

Judaism was the original monotheistic religion though. Sun worship is awsome, its my religion. and My prophet is Akhenaten.

I believe he meant the original position in physical movement. He is using
math/physics analogy.

yay! someone knows what Im talking about! :D
And your response was still wrong. Paganism has NOT been around forever...it came later than what came before it.
M*W: So tell me, Cheski, what is the chronology of the origination of ancient religions according to your view?
islam and xianity and judaism are almost the same.. like hinduism and budhism

the zodiac created us
M*W: I wouldn't say that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are almost the same unless you are referring to their Abrahamic origination.

Interesting theory, but why do you believe the zodiac created us? Wasn't it more of our ancient nomadic ancestors looking up at the night sky as they traveled by night and created myths from the stars?
Judaism was the original monotheistic religion though. Sun worship is awsome, its my religion. and My prophet is Akhenaten.
M*W: Sorry, but monotheistic sun worship began in Egypt under the pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV aka Moses). It later migrated to areas of Saudi Arabia on the Eastern shores of the Mediterranean by the Habiru (ancient Hebrews). Then it was believed to be the forerunner of Judaism who originally were moon worshippers as were the Islamics. Even christianity began as sun/son worship! In fact, if you look at some of the relics that are Roman Catholic, it's obvious it was derived from sun worship and based on zodiacal creatures.

Don't get me wrong. I don't promote sun worship any more than I believe that astro-theology, or the worship of the zodiac, is the one true religion. What I am saying is that all man-made religions (and they are all man-made religions) are based on sun worship and the movement of the planets, stars and constellations.
M*W: Sorry, but monotheistic sun worship began in Egypt under the pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV aka Moses). It later migrated to areas of Saudi Arabia on the Eastern shores of the Mediterranean by the Habiru (ancient Hebrews). Then it was believed to be the forerunner of Judaism who originally were moon worshippers as were the Islamics. Even christianity began as sun/son worship! In fact, if you look at some of the relics that are Roman Catholic, it's obvious it was derived from sun worship and based on zodiacal creatures.

Don't get me wrong. I don't promote sun worship any more than I believe that astro-theology, or the worship of the zodiac, is the one true religion. What I am saying is that all man-made religions (and they are all man-made religions) are based on sun worship and the movement of the planets, stars and constellations.

Haha. I love it. Monotheistic Sun worship...like that makes any sense. Please explain how you can be a monotheist and simultaneously worship one single object?

First was monotheism. Then came polytheism. Then back came monotheism. Also explain...how is it they migrated to Saudi Arabia on the eastern Mediterranean? Then explain what evidence that you have that they were moon worshipers other than the fact that their calendar was based on moon cycles. What should they base it on?

Then explain how that could be possible that Christians were sun worshipers? When sun and son in both Greek and Hebrew they are not the even remotely the same word?
In Greek: γιος & ήλιος (gios and illios)
In Hebrew: שמש & ילד (yulid & shemesh)
That all seems strange to me...

Second...why in the book of the Habirus it specifically says "Don't worship the zodiac or any heavenly constellations"? Seems like a strange rule for constellation worshipers...strange indeed.
All of this is senseless, for the evil rabbit overlords and their squirrel underlings have declared that we shall be allowed to think what we thought we were thinking when thought was allowed to first think a thinkable thought.

The thought police are watching!
Haha. I love it. Monotheistic Sun worship...like that makes any sense. Please explain how you can be a monotheist and simultaneously worship one single object?

First was monotheism. Then came polytheism. Then back came monotheism. Also explain...how is it they migrated to Saudi Arabia on the eastern Mediterranean? Then explain what evidence that you have that they were moon worshipers other than the fact that their calendar was based on moon cycles. What should they base it on?

Then explain how that could be possible that Christians were sun worshipers? When sun and son in both Greek and Hebrew they are not the even remotely the same word?
In Greek: γιος & ήλιος (gios and illios)
In Hebrew: שמש & ילד (yulid & shemesh)
That all seems strange to me...

Second...why in the book of the Habirus it specifically says "Don't worship the zodiac or any heavenly constellations"? Seems like a strange rule for constellation worshipers...strange indeed.
M*W: Obviously, you don't know the originations of the ancient man-made religions. I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain things to a brick wall.

A "mono" "theist" believes in only "one god." Whether you can understand this or not, "monotheism" came out of Egypt from the "Habirus" whom Moses was allegedly to have led out of Egypt into Canaan. The "monotheistic god" was the sun, whether you like or understand it or not.

I beg to differ with you. Polytheism came before "monotheism." Read the historical peer-reviewed literature on this. I'm not wasting my time repeating it here.

Christianity was based on sun worship. Relics in the Vatican are obviously references to sun worship. I've explained this in so many other posts, I'm not going to waste everyone's time here explaining this to you.

I'm not familiar with the Book of the Habirus. Let's face it, you numbskull, Judaism was the result of Egyptian sun worship. If you don't believe this, well then kiss my fat ass.

The OT obviously lied, because the authors of the OT were the patriarchy who basically lied.

You are an ignorant SOB. Do not send me any further PMs. I have no desire to explain the history of astro-theology to you. Go ahead and believe what you will. That is not my problem. You are the fool in this equation.
All of this is senseless, for the evil rabbit overlords and their squirrel underlings have declared that we shall be allowed to think what we thought we were thinking when thought was allowed to first think a thinkable thought.

The thought police are watching!
M*W: The 'thought police' are definitely sick of ignorant people.
M*W: Obviously, you don't know the originations of the ancient man-made religions. I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain things to a brick wall.

A "mono" "theist" believes in only "one god." Whether you can understand this or not, "monotheism" came out of Egypt from the "Habirus" whom Moses was allegedly to have led out of Egypt into Canaan. The "monotheistic god" was the sun, whether you like or understand it or not.

I beg to differ with you. Polytheism came before "monotheism." Read the historical peer-reviewed literature on this. I'm not wasting my time repeating it here.

Christianity was based on sun worship. Relics in the Vatican are obviously references to sun worship. I've explained this in so many other posts, I'm not going to waste everyone's time here explaining this to you.

I'm not familiar with the Book of the Habirus. Let's face it, you numbskull, Judaism was the result of Egyptian sun worship. If you don't believe this, well then kiss my fat ass.

The OT obviously lied, because the authors of the OT were the patriarchy who basically lied.

You are an ignorant SOB. Do not send me any further PMs. I have no desire to explain the history of astro-theology to you. Go ahead and believe what you will. That is not my problem. You are the fool in this equation.

Haha you crack me up. Your deficiencies are present in every single facet of this argument. There's nothing to argue with here, you simply stated an opinion for every single rebuttal.
Although I will respond to the one thing that could potentially be an argument.

A "mono" "theist" believes in only "one god." Whether you can understand this or not, "monotheism" came out of Egypt from the "Habirus" whom Moses was allegedly to have led out of Egypt into Canaan. The "monotheistic god" was the sun, whether you like or understand it or not.
A "monotheist" doesn't mean they believe in one God. It means there is ONLY one God. For example "The God of creation is the ruler over all creation, both are one" which was written in the book...of the Habirus. Perhaps you're so clouded in vision you can't perceive for even a moment what monotheism is. Which is the said issue with a polytheist in that same verse. 'Construct in your mind and vision to reconcile reality and your own deficiencies so that you may perhaps see that the entire world is one. And that one is your God' Because "one" in Hebrew means "The sharpest point that can be arrived at until all is one". In other words the CONSTRUCTION of all things reaching one sharp point. The hearing....oh who am I kidding. You're a polytheist and I doubt you understand a single word I am saying.

English doesn't have equivalents to "שמע" or "אחד". Both are directly related to simple calculus and it would take 10 pages to explain what either means. You'll never know anything outside of what English tells you is true. You are literally constrained to your own language...your own life...tragically there's no English word for this either...in Hebrew it's "מצרים"...
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Interesting theory, but why do you believe the zodiac created us?

because ancient myths say that in the beginning was chaos, an ocean of empty space. in this chaos the 4 elements, or 12 radiations come from every point in space and when their vibrations meet in a point in space the interference in the waves of energy lead to condensation and materialization.

the 4 elements is the same as the omnipresent zodiac. in east the 4 elements was simplified further, into only two: yin and yang. you know that each zodiac sign has an element. 4 trinities make up 12. the pyramids in egypt are a symbol for the zodiac: they have 4 triangular sides, which is 12.
because ancient myths say that in the beginning was chaos, an ocean of empty space. in this chaos the 4 elements, or 12 radiations come from every point in space and when their vibrations meet in a point in space the interference in the waves of energy lead to condensation and materialization.

the 4 elements is the same as the omnipresent zodiac. in east the 4 elements was simplified further, into only two: yin and yang. you know that each zodiac sign has an element. 4 trinities make up 12. the pyramids in egypt are a symbol for the zodiac: they have 4 triangular sides, which is 12.

Try posting that garbage in the physics section...
Do you have a 9th grade understanding of geometry and mathematics?
Try posting that garbage in the physics section...
Do you have a 9th grade understanding of geometry and mathematics?

I have a PhD in psychics, sacred geometry, numerology, alchemy, astrology and witchcraft.

As for you, you probably don't even know why planets and stars move and spin.