A Buddha´s non-existing Ego

Feelings and beliefs that are bad to you, disappear when you are aware of them.
Feelings and beliefs that are bad for me are so simply because I haven't yet figured them out. It is my experience that my bad is extraordinarily good; opens doors.

Like Hate, if you start getting angry at someone, you should realize the person is not responsable for your hate, the hate is inside you, you control it, it doesn´t matter what is happening outside, the hate is in you.
What makes you think you can judge me on my hatreds? Unless you understand something of it… but still you know nothing of my hatreds…but I'm sure you understand some form of hatred as only you have. And yet, even that understanding of yours doesn't touch me. So tough.

If you focus on this hate, and not focus on the person that you think is causing the hating, then the hate will just dissapear.
I'm curious to know why you're now talking about hatred since I was talking about Self.

Focus on the hate, BE the hate, but not think about anything happening outside, only within you. The hate will just vanish...
Follow your own prescription, please.

Love is different, if you focus…
You're beginning to sound like a broken record.

The easier way to get there, to be conscious of our egos, is to Love, when you love, the ego naturally goes away, even if is only temporary.
Okay, now I see where you're coming from—you're bloody fuckin' self-conscious.
No, I am not self-conscious, but I understand many things that are clear to me and not clear to others. That´s why I talk like that. Sorry if I offended you *C*G.
I like to talk about those things, because someone may come with a valid argument that may make me meditate.