A Buddha´s non-existing Ego


Speaker of my truth
Valued Senior Member
Let´s discuss this fragment of Osho´s "Book Of Secrets":

Buddha was dying. The day he was going to die, lots of people, disciples, sannyasins, reunited, and they were sad; they were crying and moaning. So Buddha asked: <<¿Why are you crying?>>
Someone said: <<Because soon, you will not be here.>>
Buddha laughed and said: <<But I have not been for more than forty years. I died the day I reached enlightment. There has not been a centre for forty years. So cry no more, do not be sad. Nobody is dying now. ¡I am no more! But there has to be the word “I” even to point the fact that I am no more.>>
Yup. What's to discuss? Ego-death is a profound realization of non-separateness.

Buddha said: "There has not been a centre for forty years...", so I want to know what people may conclude from that.

Osho explains that our centre is somewere near our belly-button, like when we are in our mother´s womb, we are not yet an individual, and obtain all our life energy from our mother through our belly-button.

So now that we are individuals, we need to concentrate all of our energy into our energy center...

We are currently wasting all of our energy in our eternal struggle between the "animal and the saint" inside us. And if we really embrace ourselves, this struggle ends, and the energy starts accumulating in our centre. Until the energy is so much, it explodes, a cosmic explotion from our energy center, that we call enlightment.

So from that moment on, there is no center...
I don't know if I would agree there is an "energy center" near our belly buttons, but yes, we do waste alot of effort trying to maintain the illusion of ego. The tension could be accumulated in certain muscles. I know that enlightenment is accompanied by a marked relaxation of the body, so much so that action feels effortless.
Enlightment is also very often described as the emmanation of a light so intense as a thousand suns...
It's also described as completely ordinary.

It could be, after all, I believe we are born enlightened, but this changes from the moment our ego grows. So for you, what does Buddha means by "There haven´t been a center for fourty years"?
He is talking about the center = self. Not been a "self" for 40 years?

I don't know, I guess i'm pretty fuckin far off from enlightenment.
please explain

Ever since the day we are born, society start to control our actions. This is the role of our parents in our current reality, beacause they are victims of the same circumstances.
If Freud says: "We are all born neurotic", that is not real, the truth is: "We are born in a neurotic society". I mean, all this "don´t do that, is bad!!!" or "you need to do this, cause is good!!".
Society starts creating this "correct behaviour" in their eyes. This causes a conlfict between our inner-self and the Ego we create to fit into todays society.
So the key, is acceptance, you cannot judge the actions of others, because you don´t have that wisdom, no human has. Only existance, and it creates this judgement in the way of karma.

Buddhism is about knowing yourself, getting in touch with this "inner-self" that the society has been repressing ever since you were a little kid.

So is all about knowing yourself, and awareness of the reality, and most importantly, be aware of our limited individual perspective.

Homo nosce te ipsum. "Human, know thyself, and you will know the Universe and God"

Feel free to question my perspective, and to ask anything you want.

Be in peace my friend.
No, buddhism is about realizing we are already zombies, and we need to wake up from that reality.

It all depends on which reality you proscribe, I mean prescribe to. Buddha's reality—so very many centuries ago, as Christ's—had, I gather, an unclogged skyline view, quiet rustic nights to be peacefully lulled by, and a sense of self-realization as yet unexplored.

Returning to a previous charter of self is not my idea of progression—and progression is hardly one to remain asleep for long.
Returning to a previous charter of self is not my idea of progression—and progression is hardly one to remain asleep for long.

I am not preaching buddhism, I only bring it up, because buddhism is about meditation, and that is the main thing. Progression is truth when you start knowing yourself. And you cannot do this if your ego is not the same as a new born child. You have to be born again, sort of speaking.
Let´s discuss this fragment of Osho´s "Book Of Secrets":

Buddha was dying. The day he was going to die, lots of people, disciples, sannyasins, reunited, and they were sad; they were crying and moaning. So Buddha asked: <<¿Why are you crying?>>
Someone said: <<Because soon, you will not be here.>>
Buddha laughed and said: <<But I have not been for more than forty years. I died the day I reached enlightment. There has not been a centre for forty years. So cry no more, do not be sad. Nobody is dying now. ¡I am no more! But there has to be the word “I” even to point the fact that I am no more.>>

The being that people believed to be Buddha, was not in fact a separate being and had realised this. It was true suchness that had realised what it was. It was therefore under no illusion whatsoever that it was a man or even a buddha. Although, it still gave expression through a physical body that people (incorrectly) perceived to be a person called buddha.

Enlightenment is the realisation that our identification with mind and body is illusion - merely a reflection.
Progression is truth when you start knowing yourself. And you cannot do this if your ego is not the same as a new born child.
To deny the Ego is to seek to sever the Self from its own because the Self gave birth to that Ego. But I guess there are many more crippled and deformed egos than I realized, wishing to usurp all power of Self by artfully denying itself first.
To deny the Ego is to seek to sever the Self from its own because the Self gave birth to that Ego. But I guess there are many more crippled and deformed egos than I realized, wishing to usurp all power of Self by artfully denying itself first.

Feelings and beliefs that are bad to you, disappear when you are aware of them.

Like Hate, if you start getting angry at someone, you should realize the person is not responsable for your hate, the hate is inside you, you control it, it doesn´t matter what is happening outside, the hate is in you. If you focus on this hate, and not focus on the person that you think is causing the hating, then the hate will just dissapear. Focus on the hate, BE the hate, but not think about anything happening outside, only within you. The hate will just vanish...

Love is different, if you focus on the love or hapinness, you will become the love, every cell of your body will become the love. If you are aware of this love, the feeling will not go away, because you are aware that the feeling is inside you, and you like it, so you keep it there. The love won´t dissipate with awareness, it will only grow stronger.

The same thing happens with our egos, Ego is that thing we have that makes us believe we are more important than the people around us. For example, if a catholic person believe in denying sex, then he is repressing the fact that we are 99% animals, and then that person starts seeing sex everywere he looks. Sex is always there, but the brahmacharya is more sexual, because he is repressing sex, and becoming more sexual in the process, and starts judging everyone that does not practice celibacy. So he starts believing he is better than everyone else, and better than the animals, but he is denying the fact that he himself is an animal, and sex is only natural, it is part of ourselves. This is a big Ego, the judgement towards others, it is ok if you are a brahmacharya, but it is not ok to judge those who are not. And that is very difficult to achieve, because we all have a big Ego.

The easier way to get there, to be conscious of our egos, is to Love, when you love, the ego naturally goes away, even if is only temporary.
When you really love, you start thinking about your lover´s well-being before you own, and this is a crush to you Ego, your ego is not present in that situation. It is the only natural way to achieve this, the other one is Tantra and meditation.

How can something we all have be bad for you? If you are aware of your ego, the ego just goes away by itself, like hate. But not love, love is light in the darkness of hate.

So it all comes down to ignorance, we are not aware of this, because most people are like this. There is always a struggle between the "animal and the saint" inside you, you are always wasting your energy by constant internal fight. This is what feeds our ego, this constant inner-fighting is what forms our ego, you build you ego inside you because it is a way for the body to get used to what society think is good behaviour. Society cannot control a person without a free-spirit, a spirit without an ego.