A brothers prayer for howard



One other thing to say here, to the thread starter:
I refer you to my second sig quote.
Sick Bastard. Should be hung, drawn and quartered.
What sort of gobshite gets kicks in this way?
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Projection, little green men AND esp...

There you go Chagur. And it is true, it is a liar. Made a mistake in my reply, so I deleted it. I am a nice person.:cool:

Groove on you all...subject closed.
Hey, I was just confused about the past few posts, I haven't been on this thread in two or three months. The post by Jeff about HOWARDSTERN is true correct? I was under the impression that the previous few posts were questioning it's validitiy.
Ah sorry. Haven´t read the deleted posts.
The excistance of this thread just makes me edgy.
I see it as a prime example of how some ppl act out with total lack of empathy and disregard of other ppls feelings :(