A brothers prayer for howard


HOWARDSTERN has logged out....
Registered Senior Member
I have never posted or been a member here. But I have heard quite a lot about “sciforums.”

I am Howard’s little brother, Ron. “HOWARDSTERN”, (Jeff) is my elder brother. He is an investment banker who works at the wtc. Actually, he works out-of-office most of the time and mostly conducts his business on the road, in the field. He was last known to be at the wtc1, Sept. 11. 2001.

I found Jeff’s computer turned on a little while ago, and it’s only window open was, “sciforums.” We haven’t heard anything about Jeff since the day before. I'm at Jeff’s apartment, to make sure his cat didn’t starve......."Taz."

I’ve heard a lot about sciforums. Jeff always talked about the different people here and spoke about so many of you as brothers & sisters. HE is really very fond of the different people, and their ideas. “Howard” always had a hell of a lot of faith in the future, but he’s always been ‘ironic’ to the ideas that he felt were insufficient, or not well thought out.

Jeff is not a racists, but if you don’t know him, you might think so.
The truth is that Jeff had more close African Amewrican friends, Asian, mongol, ... than most people. If HOWARDSTERN said nigger, it was only because he felt the anger of some of his closest friends––people of color. HE would use the word, “Nigger”, as a way to bring shame on everyone....Jeff has Always done that. He never seemed to care what people thought of him as long as the poi8nt was made-----is made! He always drove me crazy by using this negative irony!

I’m not allowed to go and search for my elder brother. The police have turned me back even though I have offered to volunteer & help out. All that I can now do is wait.

HOWARD often has eventually ended up talking about his friends here at sciforums. Weddings, birthdays, family reunions.... he'd talk about his friends here at sciforums.


They say that there may be people trapped under the wreckage. I am still hoping that Jeff is tough enough to walk out unscathed.. I can only wait.

He would always talk tough on people that he believed were wrong, but I know that Jeff wouldn’t want the military to seek revenge for him. Actually he feels sympathy to those who can’t see hope, but only hatred. He always used to turn around my political arguments (I’m a democrat) into a third party point of view argument. Actually, most of his best friends are democrats, but he’s always been very critical in the hope of making the party better. Jeff has always chose to see the best parts of both parties, not the devices between the two. Howard is not a Republican or a Democrat, but is a student of truth-----cutting and relentless. You never knew where Jeff was coming from, or even why. But he always came out on top.

TAz....jEFF'S CAT.....JUST JUMPED UP ON THE KEYBOARD. He looks like he knows that something is wrong. Jeff always told me that cats belong to NO One. That they are more free than any human being! He said that one weekend while we went on a fishing trip off of Cape Hatteras. We all miss him much.

I asked Jeff why he went under the name Howardstern, about a month ago and he told me that he felt that howardstern always affected evryone, whether they liked him or not. He liked to use controversy and heated debate to get to heart of the problem that people had. He always did the same thing to me. When we were just kids in High School, he would torment me and my ideas by agreeing with me, then to suddenly turn on me and explain why I believed the way I did. I always hated it, but big brother was right most of the time. I guess it was his way of hearing all sides of an argument, and then “expressing” his assessment. Jeff would be a hell of a judge and everyone in the family always told him that he should finish his law studies. I think he would be happier that way.

There are more bodies being pulled out of the wreckage now. Mom and pop were told that they would be notified as soon as anything was found out, but it’s now 1 o’clock & I just called them, with no word. All that I can do is wait for news.

Jeff always disliked living in the city. He told me that he was going to make enough money one day and move out of New York, to the country. He said that he was going to retire early & move into a small town in the Ozark mountains and be a Hillbilly for the rest of his life, or maybe go to Canada, because he thought that the people of Canada were just about the most level headed people left on the planet. He said once that Porfiry was a good example of Canadian common sense.

I’ve been reading some of the writings here and it seems that everyone is really angry at the mid east countries. And if they are responsible for my brother’s death, I’ll probably go along with Bush and want to seek revenge too. And even though Jeff would cross party lines and talk about how he agreed with the current president, I don’t think he would want to be a martyr, and a reason for more deaths at the hands of the military. He talked about it often, but he would always come back and use the militant point of view as an example of how Not to think about life on this Earth. It’s weird because big brother is a 7th degree black belt in karate (gojo ryu). He always said that gojo ryu was about the most honest defense form, since you would be graduated on merit, not on the money that you paid for the belts. If you jumped on my brother, he’ll wipe the smirk off your face pretty quick! But I don’t know of him ever being a bully, not even to me. “Howard” always fought people on their “own” battlefield of choice!

He built his first Ham Radio for a science project, in the fourth grade, but dad helped him. He took 2nd place. Today, Jeff can talk anybody under when it comes to radio and electronics. Some of his wilder future visions were just plain extreme. I’ve seen him tune a carburetor on a ‘65 Impala SS, then replace a magneton in a microwave oven in the same day. Jeff can do just about anything in electronics, or understand damned quickly.

He always told me that he knew how to live out in the wilderness as well as everyone else could live in the city, and that he wanted to get out of the city and exist with the hillbillies. He used to talk about how he knew how to live without power companies, utilities, ect...... Brother could build just about anything. Trust me, I know. Maybe he thought that some of the more creative minds of science could rebuff the bill collectors and build a microsociety of honest, intelligent & benevolent people of knowledge and thought.....

I can’t believe that my brother would be dead by the hands of those people that he wanted everyone else to come to understand and be tolerate of. And I know that everyone is angry right now, and that they agree with Bush to strike back and re-command the respect due to the USA, and to regain the respect that may very well be due. <b>But I don’t believe that Jeff would want the seekers of vengeance to act on his behalf.</b>

....Ron....... Brother of Jeff--HOWARDSTERN--
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Perhaps I just should not get on the soap box here. It isn't so much the tragedy of the WTC buildings, which for some reason represent the ultimate target for some group of terrorists. They got it this time where the basement bomb didn't do enough to do the job. But it is the idea that some bunch of yoyo's around the other side of the world who don't agree with what they see going on and decide to state their views in this manner. Part of me wants to eliminate that religion. I know it is not a reasonable thing to think but right now I just feel that way. It is not the fault of the religion but some of the extremist in that part of the world. And one of the first things to come out of the tablin (?) mouth was to disclaim any support for this action while only weeks before saying that Ben laudin (?) was to be protected by them because he was a holy warrior. Futher, not long after that comes a message that Ben laudin claims not to be involved in that either. Needless to say I don't buy it. To much organization, ties linked back to cell type groups here in the US, the money it took to put all these crazies on those planes is not a low budget terrorist group. They had help. These folk need to be shown in such a way that it is not profitable to continue these type actions in the world today. At one time I holler don't get the wrong ones. Maybe this has soaked in a little closer, I don't know. But the way I feel now I would start bombing Afganistan down to the last sheep standing until Ben laudin was produced. If he was not produced I would then think he got away and look for the next target country. Now I know this doesn't make sense to any one but me. But it has to stop some where. We have been the constant target of attacks on our embassys, our citizens, and our military forces. I think we have been fairly leinent in the process. But enough is enough. When it reaches this porportion it is war! Plain out and simple. To many people died in that disaster for it to be a simple statement that we don't agree with what we see. No one has the right to express their views in this manner. While nothing will bring back the dead that are mourned for I am to the point that revenge might not be such a bad fruit to harvest right about now. I am sure that most will not agree with this point of view. It is radical and it is blood thirsty. I make no bones about it. But I for one have had enough!
To Ron and Wet1

You know when you feel something so deeply, and it weighs so heavily on your heart, that when you try to say something to someone it's just not possible? You open your mouth but can't utter any words that will express what you want to say. It's all I can say to explain my silence so far.

Over here (Australia) it was late at night when the news broke and I have been glued to the television set ever since. The way I feel about what has happened in the US must be felt 100 times worse by Americans. I am speechless from shock, and I expect my expression is a constant confused frown.

These terrorists must have worked for many, many months, and organised many other fanatics (I was going to say 'people', but it doesn't fit) to do their bidding. The financing alone probably could have fed a small country. Where did their collective consciences go? Do they have souls? Did no one question their own motives or think about what they were doing over all this time? This was not a spur of the moment act. This was murder on a grand scale pure and simple.

There are no words of comfort I can say to you, Ron. Howard's posts used to make me laugh and I've always maintained that people who have the ability to make others laugh have a gift. His outrageousness was funny and I would often look for his posts. I lost my own brother earlier this year and know how you are hurting, but I will still keep a glimmer of hope for him to be found safe and well in my heart. Thank you for writing to us Ron, I hope you decide to stay.

Wet1, I have been wanting to write to you - actually to all of you over there - to send you a message of what? Sympathy? it's not enough. As I said at the start of this post, words cannot express the shock and sorrow in my heart. I think everyone in the world has had some sort of reaction and most Americans will go through a gamit of emotions.

I worry about the outcome. Will they have started something that cannot be fixed?

The most chilling vision I have seen is the celebrating by these people. I look at that, see children amongst them, and can only shake my head in disbelief!

I will keep watching and hoping for some glimmer of sanity to begin to emerge.

Take care, all of you. I wish you the very best.

When I start that triade I had not meant to go there. I meant every word I said though.

What I had started to do was simply say I hope things are alright and he is simply misplaced in the confusion. It is very possible. Many people escaped and have not been reconnected with their loved ones. With air flights stopped across our nation it is hard for those who need to get home to make it there. Phone lines are jammed with a massive load on them. All trying to communicate either to loved ones or to deal with the scope of this tragedy.

I have held a fairly close relationship with Howard ever since I came to Sciforums in the form of PM's and e-mails. Some of the posts even started with an agreement of what the subject would be. While Howard has stepped on many toes here with his humour and wit, I found him to be very knowledgeable and never really like he presented hisself in his posts. Mostly I found that he was trying to get people to think and answer. To come up with their own ideas and not something just gushed from an article some where. To put some kind of passion into what they believed. I would seriously miss Howard should he not return to the forums. I could always get a laugh from him.

Hang in there Ron, all is not yet done. He may well show back up. Please keep us posted and informed.

I am sorry to hear about Howard. He is a good person. I rarely had problem with him. He is smart and to the point. I hope, he turns up. Miracles do happen.

Please let us know any news. Keep the faith in God. He has a way of making the world a better place.
as an american i say thanks, teri 2!

to ron i say, keep hoping and don't lose your faith, and don't worry about our reactions. it will be terrible but it will be just.

we're now fighting for the rights of people throughout the world to be safe from anonymous attackers who use children and religion as shields and who think that remining alloof from normal polical processes afords them immunity. they will find to their horror it does not.

we'll take this seriously indeed.

- js.
I'm sorry to hear about Howardstern, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. My cousin Eric who works at the wtc as a computer analyst got of the subway and then saw the plane crash into the building. My other cousin Lily had an apointment there and she slept in! And Erics friend who was working on the 78 floor when the plane hit and survived! He's a good opinionated person, and I hope he-s fine. Dont give up hope. My condolences go out to your family Ron. (at first I thought it was howardstern trying to pull our legs, but who would be cruel enough to do something like that.......other than the terrorists.)

I hope your brother is OK & will be back online soon,you never know lets all hope he will be back soon.
Hang in there Ron

I hope Jeff is alive. I'm not really good at expressing my feelings or expressing myself but I enjoy reading his posts. Though I have only replied to a few of his posts I can see he is a person with a lot of life experience and I enjoy reading his "HOWARD CHRONICLES". Especially the one on Egypt:Cleopatra.

When I first read this post I thought it was Howardstern pulling our legs. But as I read through I realized this is serious. I thought that Howard might be doing some recreation of ones family. But now realize the seriousness of your post.

I have always found Howardstern to post with good insight and intelligence as long as he wasn't on the Vodka. He has surprised me at times.

All I can say is that I hope he comes back alive. But try not to lose hope.
HOWARDSTERN'S missing or possible death has showed us that no one is immune from this tradgedy. Even the members who sit behind a monitor, masked in pseudo-names, typing away their thoughts vigirously on the computer.
A lot of Love is surrounding him now........

Let him be in Love and in Peace now.....
Question to HOWARDSTERN'S brother:

how did you know his password to sciforums? I'm just a bit curious.
Once you sign on, you do not need a password everytime to reply to sciforum on your personal computer.
To Curly1

Apart from not having to put in your password every time, Ron said he found Howards computer still on and the only window open was to sciforums.
Has anyone heard about Howard

Has anyone heard anything about Howard? or whether Ron has come back to talk to us? We're not getting as much news over here as in the beginning.

Can anyone help me with a web site that's staying abreast of what's happening please?

Thank you, I'm sorry for partially doubting. Our prayers our with you Ron, and your family.

How old was Jeff?
God Bless America (Old Glory)
Kevin J. Labresh, 16
(sent 9-15-01)

8:45 a.m., the morning routine is broken by shattering glass and the deafening sound of explosions,
thousands are sent into a state of confusion and terror, as their peaceful world has been changed.
friends and co workers are separated,
mothers are torn from their babies,
some break down and cry as they try to wake up from this surreal nightmare.
they do not know what has happened,
they do not know what is to come.

it happens again 15 minutes later.
more explosions, more fire, more terror.
they do not know anything, except that they must escape.
there is pandemonium on the staircase.
creaking turns to rumbling, the invincible has become vincible, and the towers collapse.
some escape, many are trapped.
they shout, wait, pray, and wonder if they will ever be found alive.

<font size="3">Armageddon has come,</font size>
the religious will pray, the brave will fight it, the weak will deny it.
the evil forces have bonded together and penetrated the community.
many rush to the site of the devastation,
coming together to fight the evil and rescue their own.
smoke and ash sweep over the scene,
the people suffocate and choke, yet they push on.
debris rains on them, some become trapped themselves.
they choke back tears of grief and shock as they come across the bodies. but this does not stop them.

hours go by, and they become weary.
they begin to picture life without those they loved.
many have spouses, children, perhaps newborn babies trapped,
yet they cannot reach them.

the evil appears to be unbeatable,
they break down with despair and curse it,
and curse themselves for not being able to comfort their beloved, or kiss them goodbye.

just as all looks hopeless, a figure rises out of the destruction.
she stands tall, proud, and unflinching.
one person saw, then another, and another.
tears came to their eyes,
their spirits were lifted.
nearby observers noticed as well,
even the people watching this on tv felt the presence.
the people, their spirits renewed, gave shouts of hope and determination,
and they rushed back into the battle.

everyone was in awe of this beautiful figure,
at how her presence changed everything.
she gave the message of strength, of hope,
the message that GOOD WILL PREVAIL!
while the morale of the people had been low,
not even the strongest evil could bring her down that day.
as long as she stood, there would be victory for us that day.
her presence ties us all together,
creates an inseparable bond that no force on earth could ever break.
it took over a dozen unaware terrorists with airplanes to make us realize her power.
now they are dead and WE ARE UNITED!
people of all race, religion, and gender who pledge allegiance to her will be forever united and victorious in the face of evil. her name - Old Glory
God bless her.

-Kevin J. Labresh, 16-

Thanks kevin, great poem. Very powerful.
Maybe Ron is coming back one of these day's.
Maybe then we can ask him...
I hope he will keep in contact.
All this terrible killing and persons in grieve.

Perhaps a little wonder will happen..
Sometimes they do, so suddenly...
Let's hope there will be some little wonders.
Concentric circles in our experience are unaware of time and space you will meet your brother again. Eventually. Somewhere.

His duty was to watch over you, and I suppose he continues to do so.

Take his strength and make it your own, until you meet again.

I Feel.