A bloody funny rant

I'd just as soon have Paddoboy disappear for another year or two, especially after that unpleasant rant of a post.
I'd just as soon have Paddoboy disappear for another year or two, especially after that unpleasant rant of a post.
I doubt he will come back as a regular. Interestingly, in the form of his alter ego beecee, he also stopped posting on the .net site a while ago. He may have worked out it isn’t doing him any good. Or he may have just been ill or is getting too old. Several of our contributors seem to be pretty ancient and some show possible signs of dementia. I’ll be 69 myself, next month.
I doubt he will come back as a regular. Interestingly, in the form of his alter ego beecee, he also stopped posting on the .net site a while ago. He may have worked out it isn’t doing him any good. Or he may have just been ill or is getting too old. Several of our contributors seem to be pretty ancient and some show possible signs of dementia. I’ll be 69 myself, next month.
Well ,beecee did come back to the .net site last month for a bit .His posts are better liked over there it seems to me.
I've had more than one thing outside this forum affect my mental state. Sometimes wondered if just stepping away from the forum the forum. However, there was only one other member, not currently active, that really pissed me off. Hence, walking away from the forum would be akin to not appearing on CNN, and calling it "fake news." And somehow that would save face, I guess. I could always choose to ignore a Great Man but, if he never steps in for an interview, I'm not given the option to heckle or watch a train wreck.

Paddo, should come back with his own coin: Save Sciforums Again.

Well ,beecee did come back to the .net site last month for a bit .His posts are better liked over there it seems to me.
That’s because he dare not start any vendettas there. The moderation is too strict. Also, he’s aware that most people there know a lot more science than he does. So he’s a lot more civil there.
Several of our contributors seem to be pretty ancient and some show possible signs of dementia.

Flashback, September, 2019↱:

Consider that at some point over the last couple years, it started feeling like I was bludgeoning the noncompetent; to the other, noncompetency, by that assessment, would be alarmingly widespread.

There is, of course, a lot that goes here, one of those meandering posts touching several related subjects.

But consider, at least, that the timing suggests I'm recalling at least 2017, and if things have only gotten worse at Sciforums, well, something about a proverbial rest of the world goes here. It's not just Americans, but still.

Inasmuch as incompetence, and possibly to the point of suggesting noncompetency, can feel like a strangely popular trend, these days, well, yeah, we've been watching it happen for, well, a while, now, in both this community and living experience.

(And I can't possibly explain, in any short moment, the bit about the decerebration of institutional function↱ and increasing institutional incompetence.)​
... if things have only gotten worse at Sciforums,
Normally, as moderators age-out for whatever reason, the reigns tend to get passed down to fresher hands who might be more motivated to patch holes and apply a new coat of paint. Even if the existing mods don't leave, some new blood can often breather new life into a forum.
Pad was all right. He fought the good fight for a long time, pushing back against irrationality and magical thinking. And I was right there with him.
Thanks Davey baby! (hope that wasn't being sexist of me! :D) More simplified for me...science is the application of logic and evidence. I simply stick to that.
But at some point, he stepped it up to actively bullying the irrationals into leaving the site. I couldn't follow him down that road, so I stepped back.

He attempted to enlist the mods in his purge, first begging them and then bullying them too. They were unmoved by his pleas or his insults, but presumably by then he had made too many threats of leaving to save face
I have had some experience with bullies in my time, and I find on most occasions, they should be bullied back as hard as possible. I have done that and on a couple of occasions have had very positive, rewarding results, with said bullies and reformation of their conduct. And really Dave, I'm not interested in saving face...I do what I believe to be right and to achieve best results. So far in my 78.9 years on this fart arse little blue orb, I am doing OK. And with my health still being pretty good, that will continue for the next couple of decades.
The disagreements I have here are with James and Bells labelling me sexist and a mysogenist. Their claims imo and in the opinion of most ordinary Joe Blow's out there, are based on their own unrealistic standards. Casual banter is just that...casual banter. It won't change and there is no reason to change. I call women I meet or interact with love, in turn many times I am addressed back as love or sweety. There is no evil intent in that and never really has been. Would I call a man I casually meet love or sweety? NO! I mean you may as well ask me would I call or refer to a bloke as HER, or SHE. It is political correctness gone mad Dave.
Of course my adversaries here on that subject then apply their own presumptions and wild arse guesses. Like the girl I addressed in the super market as love, was "mortified" "offended" "hurt" but wouldn't approach her supervisors because she was afraid of losing her job. All bunkum Dave. The store I shop at has a sign informing shoppers that abuse, aggressive behavour etc will NOT BE TOLERATED.
Tell you a story re another momentious moment in my momentious life ;) I was a couple of years ago walking along the street in good old Sydney town, 20 mtrs or so behind a beautiful brunette around 20 years of age. ( no I was not following her, that's simply how it was...no evil intent...I'm allowed to say she was beutiful? I mean she was beautiful! :D) Anyway as we were walking by a building site, a couple of trades persons, (young men) started giving her wolf whistles and yahoos, you know mucking about. ( I Don't think they were whistling me :D) Then to my great amusement, (and joy) she turned around with a great big smile on her face, and opened her blouse revealing her breasts, giving me in the process an enormous eye full!!! This prompted raucious laughter from the blokes on the building site and a smile from me. She then turned around, presumably done up her blouse and continued on her walk.
I am not a sexist Dave. I am not mysoginistic. In fact I am the opposite. I just dont, nor ever will, (along with the majority of Joe Blows out there) have this new age political correctness and such rammed down my throat.

Out of interest and since it was mentioned by another, I have also stopped posting on another forum I was participating in. To correct the lies by that person, the reason I stopped posting there was because I forcefully defended the position of most sporting bodies, (as well as the medical profession) in insisting that trans gender women or whatever cross genders, should not be allowed to compete in mens sporting events. Why? men are generally stronger, they are generally faster, they are generally more capable of absorbing punishment, and are generally better. That's the way it is...that's the way the cookie crumbles. Anyway this provoked some heated responses and my "many likes" started to go with "dislikes". No crankiness or anger on my part...perhaps some disgust that professisonal scientists could let this "progressive new age political correctness" over shadow there usual scientific methodology.

And since it was also raised by that rather nasty and obviously gutless person, at my age in my country, we need to sit for a medical and eye assessement test to maintain our driving license. I passed mine with flying colours. Something I pride myself on Dave, my health and lucky enough to not have any problems at this time anyway...yes, I understand that can change anytime.
Interestingly enough, we still have our old school boy gatherings yearly, sometimes twice yearly, or whenever we feel like knocking down a few VB ales. Still 7 of us left, three have passed away, and one of the seven was three years ago, diagnosed with MND, (motor neuron disease) Poor bastard now has a walker, and a mobility cart, cannot swallow, and is being permanently fed through a tube into his tummy. So I understand how lucky I am.

You don't need to agree with me Dave, re the political correctness, or the issues about trans genders in sport, but either way, you also have the sensibilty, and the maturity not to resort to sensationalism, presumptions and other fabricated thoughts on accusing me of sexism. This is why I have decided to address you and ignore others.
Can I pass on a hypothesis of mine for you to contimplate Dave? Only an hypothesis, but evidence is accumilating....Think about this....Perhaps the rise of the Trumps in this world, or the Boris Johnsons, or our own ScoMo's and Pauline Hanson's on the looney right, might be because of the attempts of the far left with this extreme political correctness and other issues? You know, one sort of balancing the other?

A local issue in Australia at this time is an upcoming referendum on giving our first nations people a voice in parliament. An inititive that is long overdue. Our Labor federal government are trying to make amends for the wrongs that white Australia has perpetrated on our first nations people. This is obviously a step in the right direction. But what do we have? We have the extreme right, the nutty Pauline Hansons, (probably equivelent to your nutty Sara Palin?) and Dutton, (leader of the opposition) in bed with a women named Lydia Thorpe ( a first nations person) and the first nations spokeperson for aborginal affairs in the oppostion, together campaigning for a no vote. Sadly, imo, this nutty Lydia Thorpe and her followers are taking away from the yes vote. As a member of the Labor party I was up at my local members office last week, expressing my fear of the vote being lost. He agreed.

On the two members who prefer I don't come back...gee what can I say? well let's start with, that will be my decision and my decision only. (Unless of course I am banned for whatever reasons) So my message to you pair of gutless clowns is "I will decide that and thankfully, neither of you are mods, so as they they, suck it up baby!!:D:D

Just a quick joke for you Dave before I attend to the two forums I now participate in....I actually told this to my surgeon who was removing my cataract late last year.
Q: Why don't blind people bungee jump?
A: Because it scares the fuck out of the dog. :D
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I remember way more about the science versus non-science discussions than anything about sexism. I can't really speak to that aspect.
I remember way more about the science versus non-science discussions than anything about sexism. I can't really speak to that aspect.
Yes, there were a couple of ratbags I got stuck into. Thank Christ logic and sensibilty has finally prevailed and they are banned. On the sexism debates, you missed nothing important and normality still proceeds unhindered as usual, in this great big wide wonderful world we live in. (normality meaning normal common everyday banter and such) Take it easy!
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