A 100% possibility that a God may exist!



Wtf is this 'box within a box' nonsense?
Great pic, science can only perceive that we are in the central box in your pic, they can only see finite, and do not observe infinite, even if science could prove there was no box beyond the visual boundary, then they would have prove again that in the space beyond the box there was not another box and so on for an infintie battle with religion showing a 100% possibility there might be a God outside of the box. Another realm called heaven etc. the entire universal process can be seen in mimicking plasma, we could well be living inside a fusion reactor, and we do not know by finite means.
There is only two possible rational thought logical axioms of the truth, no other choices, finite and infinite at the same time.

option 1 - We live in a space within a box within a space within a box recurring.

option 2 - We live in a space within a space that is within a box that is within a space.

In both instances there is always going to be this box in the knowledge by limited means of vision, the box may expand in the future, but the box will always be there.

The big bang says space is expanding, for space to expand the box would have to expand also into a space, logic tells us that the box within a box is infinite.
An MIT physicist wrote a book in an attempt to prove the existence of God. It's titled, "The Omega Point". If you are interested in the subject I suggest you read it.
The only book called "The Omega Point" I can find reference to on t'interweb is a novel by Whitley Strieber.

I therefore presume you are actually referring to Frank Tipler and his book "The Physics of Immortality", and his later "The Physics of Christianity" based upon his Omega Point theory?

Fortunately you can find plenty of criticisms of this "theory".
So if you are interested in the subject, I suggest you read all those criticisms of it as well.
Heck, just read the wiki article on Tipler to give you a taste of it.
I read Tipler's book years ago, not long after it came out. It struck me then as woo, and I haven't changed my mind.

Tipler, in the book, plays up his MIT credentials and the many years that he has studied physics yadda yadda yadda. His general premise in the book is that any reader will not have a sufficient education to be able to comment critical on his "Omega point theory".
The only book called "The Omega Point" I can find reference to on t'interweb is a novel by Whitley Strieber.

I therefore presume you are actually referring to Frank Tipler and his book "The Physics of Immortality", and his later "The Physics of Christianity" based upon his Omega Point theory?

Fortunately you can find plenty of criticisms of this "theory".
So if you are interested in the subject, I suggest you read all those criticisms of it as well.
Heck, just read the wiki article on Tipler to give you a taste of it.
Yes, you are correct. It was a number of years ago. I have the book in my library. The book is titled "The Physics of Immortality" in which he explains his Omega Point notions. His book is controversial. But it would be an interesting genesis for a discussion of the existence of God. It would certainly be a better discussion than what has already transpired in this thread.
I read Tipler's book years ago, not long after it came out. It struck me then as woo, and I haven't changed my mind.

I agree with that very emphatically.

Tipler, in the book, plays up his MIT credentials and the many years that he has studied physics yadda yadda yadda. His general premise in the book is that any reader will not have a sufficient education to be able to comment critical on his "Omega point theory".



And then boards like Sciforums will host thread after thread after thread, wondering why the general public is often skeptical about science and why so many are damnable "deniers" ('heathens' in other words).

Big-shot professors often seem to think that when they write books for a general readership and not for their professional peers, professional standards don't apply. So what we often see are writers' own personal metaphysical (and in Tipler's case, theological) speculations, presented to the public as if they are the necessary implications of accepted physical theory.

Many (perhaps most) popular books with the word 'quantum' in their title seem to me to be largely drivel. (Mind 'collapses the wave function', so reality is whatever you make it.) Then there's all the 'fine-tuning' 'anthropic' arguments where physicists snuggle up with intelligent design. (Laypeople are supposedly idiots if they believe in ID, but since physics supposedly proves it, they would seem to be "deniers" if they don't believe. You just can't win...)

Tipler seems to believe that the universe is headed towards some cosmological end-state, the 'Omega Point'. He insists that physical theory proves this and if it isn't true, then physical theory isn't consistent. (I don't know how he justifies that one.) This is reality's goal and destination, the final and ultimate Eschaton, and that everything is being drawn towards it teleologically, through time. (I don't know how that is supposed to work physically, how does the future attract the past?) He seems to believe that intelligence in the universe necessarily increases as time goes on (I don't know why) and approaches infinity at the Omega Point. So his speculations kind of blend with all the currently trendy 'singularity' pseudoscience speculations there. Since increasing intelligence is supposedly associated with an increased sense of self, the infinite Omega Point consciousness must be the ultimate and supreme Person. God, in other words.

To many of us who don't have advanced educations in physics, this kind of stuff IS physics. When laypeople look at the science shelves in bookstores much of what they see is this kind of thing. Either that, or reams of incomprehensible mathematical heiroglyphs that no layperson can possibly understand. The authors who condescend to write in English assure us that heiroglyphs and jargon prove with logical certainty that their sometimes outlandish metaphysical speculations must be correct.

And the public is left with the choice of whether or not to believe it.
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The Bible assumes God's existence and moves out from there. If that is your starting point also, then God has someone to work with.
There is only two possible rational thought logical axioms of the truth, no other choices, finite and infinite at the same time.

option 1 - We live in a space within a box within a space within a box recurring.

option 2 - We live in a space within a space that is within a box that is within a space.

In both instances there is always going to be this box in the knowledge by limited means of vision, the box may expand in the future, but the box will always be there.

The big bang says space is expanding, for space to expand the box would have to expand also into a space, logic tells us that the box within a box is infinite.
In physics I believe the "space" in which the universe originated and expands into is called imaginary time.
Great pic, science can only perceive that we are in the central box in your pic, they can only see finite, and do not observe infinite, even if science could prove there was no box beyond the visual boundary, then they would have prove again that in the space beyond the box there was not another box and so on for an infintie battle with religion showing a 100% possibility there might be a God outside of the box.

You seem to be arguing that our knowledge is limited, that there might be much that we currently don't know. I agree very emphatically with that.

But what does "100% possibility" mean? It seems to suggest absolute certainty.

If that's what you are suggesting, then how does recognizing that our current knowledge is limited make the existence of God certain?

Or are you arguing that the existence of God (whatever that word means) isn't inconsistent with our current state of knowledge, that given what we know, God's existence remains a possibility? I agree with that too, though less emphatically than before.

Another realm called heaven etc.

Is there any reason to think that the unknown corresponds to our earthly religions' concepts of heaven?
  1. a thing that may happen or be the case.
    "relegation remains a distinct possibility"
    synonyms:chance, likelihood, probability, prospect, hope; More
    • the state or fact of being possible; likelihood.
      "there is no possibility of any government achieving this level of expenditure"
      synonyms:feasibility, practicability, chances, odds, attainability, achievability,potentiality, conceivability, probability; More

    • a thing that may be chosen or done out of several possible alternatives.
      "one possibility is to allow all firms to participate"
      synonyms:option, alternative, choice, course of action, solution, recourse;
      "buying a smaller house is one possibility"
Have not read posts here. Just want to note there is a 100% possibility that a seven headed toad MAY exist.
The statement is true , to a point

The thing is the concept of god is based on biblical texts , yet this knowledge of god does not go deep enough into the history of god and gods origin .

If one cares to look deep enough into the origin of religion , one would go back thousands of years BC
The statement is true , to a point

The thing is the concept of god is based on biblical texts , yet this knowledge of god does not go deep enough into the history of god and gods origin .

If one cares to look deep enough into the origin of religion , one would go back thousands of years BC
If by biblical you only mean the Bible of the Abrahamic religions, then I think you're wrong. The concept of God sits within the scriptures of all theistic religions.