911 Tape: Man Kills Two Burglars


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
Joe Horn called 911 when he saw two large black men breaking in to his neighboors house. He was on line with 9/11 for about five minutes and grew increasingly agitated throughout the course of the call. By the end, with no police having arrived yet he decided to take the law into his own hands. He ran out with a shotgun and killed both burglars. You hear him cock his shotgun and yell, "Move, you're dead!" Bang, bang, bang. Check out the audio

What really makes this interesting is that under Texas's new homestead law (which Mr. Horn referenced during the 9/11 call), he'll probably get off without even being charged. Or, if he is charged, I'd wager he won't do any time. Here's the story and a transcript.
The 911 call came from a Pasadena, Texas resident, who alerted police to two burglary suspects on a neighbor's property. Before he hung up, two men were dead by his hand.

Joe Horn, 61, told the dispatcher what he intended to do: Walk out his front door with a shotgun.

"I've got a shotgun," Horn said, according to a tape of the 911 call. "Do you want me to stop them?"

"Nope, don't do that - ain't no property worth shooting somebody over, OK?" the dispatcher responded.

"Hurry up man, catch these guys, will you? 'Cause I'm ain't gonna let 'em go, I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm not gonna let 'em go. I'm not gonna let 'em get away with this --."

Shortly after, Horn said he sees one suspect was standing in front of his house, looking at it from the street.

"I don't know if they're armed or not. I know they got a crowbar 'cause that's what they broke the windows with. ... Man, this is scary, I can't believe this is happening in this neighborhood."

He gets more agitated. The dispatcher asks if he can see the suspects but they had retreated into the target's house, out of view: "I can go out the front [to look], but if I go out the front I'm bringing my shotgun with me, I swear to God. I am not gonna let 'em get away with this, I can't take a chance on getting killed over this, OK? I'm gonna shoot, I'm gonna shoot."

"Stay inside the house and don't go out there, OK?" the dispatcher said. "I know you're pissed off, I know what you're feeling, but it's not worth shooting somebody over this, OK?"

"I don't want to," Horn said, "but I mean if I go out there, you know, to see what the hell is going on, what choice am I gonna have?

"No, I don't want you to go out there, I just asked if you could see anything out there."

The dispatcher asks if a vehicle could be seen; Horn said no. The dispatcher again says Horn should stay inside the house.

Almost five minutes into the call, police had not arrived.

"I can't see if [the suspects are] getting away or not," Horn said.

Horn told the dispatcher that he doesn't know the neighbors well, unlike those living on the other side of his home. "I can assure you if it had been their house, I would have already done something, because I know them very well," he said.

Dispatcher: "I want you to listen to me carefully, OK?"

Horn: "Yes?"

Dispatcher: "I got ultras coming out there. I don't want you to go outside that house. And I don't want you to have that gun in your hand when those officers are poking around out there."

Horn: "I understand that, OK, but I have a right to protect myself too, sir, and you understand that. And the laws have been changed in this country since September the First and you know it and I know it."

Dispatcher: "I understand."

Horn: "I have a right to protect myself ..."

Dispatcher: "I'm ..."

Horn: "And a shotgun is a legal weapon, it's not an illegal weapon."

Dispatcher: "No, it's not, I'm not saying that, I'm just not wanting you to ..."

Horn: "OK, he's coming out the window right now, I gotta go, buddy. I'm sorry, but he's coming out the window. "

Dispatcher: "No, don't, don't go out the door, Mister Horn. Mister Horn..."

Horn: "They just stole something, I'm going out to look for 'em, I'm sorry, I ain't letting them get away with this --. They stole something, they got a bag of stuff. I'm doing it!"

Dispatcher: "Mister, do not go outside the house."

Horn: "I'm sorry, this ain't right, buddy."

Dispatcher: "You gonna get yourself shot if you go outside that house with a gun, I don't care what you think."

Horn: "You wanna make a bet?"

Dispatcher: "Stay in the house."

Horn: "There, one of them's getting away!

Dispatcher: "That's alright, property's not something worth killing someone over. OK? Don't go out the house, don't be shooting nobody. I know you're pissed and you're frustrated but don't do it."

Horn: "They got a bag of loot."

Dispatcher: "OK. How big is the bag?" He then talks off, relaying the information.

Dispatcher: "Which way are they going?"

Horn: "I can't ... I'm going outside. I'll find out."

Dispatcher: "I don't want you going outside, Mister..."

Horn: "Well, here it goes buddy, you hear the shotgun clicking and I'm going."

Dispatcher: "Don't go outside."

On the tape of the 911 call, the shotgun can be heard being cocked and Horn can be heard going outside and confronting someone.

"Boom! You're dead!" he shouts. A loud bang is heard, then a shotgun being cocked and fired again, and then again.

Then Horn is back on the phone:

"Get the law over here quick. I've now, get, one of them's in the front yard over there, he's down, he almost run down the street. I had no choice. They came in the front yard with me, man, I had no choice! ... Get somebody over here quick, man."
In the act of breaking into his own home...no problem, blast away at will.

Breaking into a neighbours house...no, let the cops handle it.
Doesn't bother me at all. Bet no one will be breaking into houses in his neighborhood anytime soon.
Unless they're armed, of course.

By the way, was it a slip of the keyboard naming this thread 9/11 rather than 911?
Want me to correct the title or do you have some kind of subtle thing going on?
Doesn't bother me at all. Bet no one will be breaking into houses in his neighborhood anytime soon.
Unless they're armed, of course.

By the way, was it a slip of the keyboard naming this thread 9/11 rather than 911?
Want me to correct the title or do you have some kind of subtle thing going on?
Yes, that was a slip up. Go ahead and fix it. I guess I've gotten used to writing 911 that way.
In the act of breaking into his own home...no problem, blast away at will.

Breaking into a neighbours house...no, let the cops handle it.

So you want us, members of society, to be islands among the many? We have no responsibility toward others in the society? We should never help anyone with anything? Keep to ourselves, fuck everyone else?

Baron Max
One of the great things about American justice is that you can break the law and still be acquitted. All you have to do is appeal to the jury's emotions in the right way. When this is over, Mr. Horn will likely owe a debt of gratitude to all the "liberal do-gooders" (and their trial lawyers) who have fought so hard to make sure that's so.
One of the great things about American justice is that you can break the law and still be acquitted. All you have to do is appeal to the jury's emotions in the right way. When this is over, Mr. Horn will likely owe a debt of gratitude to all the "liberal do-gooders" (and their trial lawyers) who have fought so hard to make sure that's so.
You're talking about jury nullification which has existed since before the founding of our republic.
Doesn't bother me at all. Bet no one will be breaking into houses in his neighborhood anytime soon.
Unless they're armed, of course.

Heh. Yeah.

Why is it such a bad thing that these people were shot while robbing someone's house? I don't really understand the position that we should just bend over for a bunch of people who want to rob us. (I have vigrous conversations with a german friend of mine about these things all the time.)
He sure didn't give em much time after mumbling "Move and your dead".

I did like the part where the operator warns him he's gonna get shot if he walks out the door with a gun..."Ya wanna make a bet?". You gotta be worthy of a Darwin award to be a robber in Texas - comon. Fucking hair triggers.
You gotta be worthy of a Darwin award to be a robber in Texas - comon.

Heh. Yeah. But you gotta love rednecks. I was reading something about fighter pilots in WWII, and it turned out the best gunners were rednecks, because they understood how to lead birds when you're shooting at them.
He did seemed a little trigger happy. Maybe it would of bettered the situation if he shot them in the leg or something (that would have taught them a lesson), but killing them is a bit over the top
He did seemed a little trigger happy. Maybe it would of bettered the situation if he shot them in the leg or something (that would have taught them a lesson), but killing them is a bit over the top
Shooting someone in the leg is for cowboy movies. In reality, you aim for center of mass.
I did like the part where the operator warns him he's gonna get shot if he walks out the door with a gun..."Ya wanna make a bet?".

That was kinda funny, it was the accent and all. I think he was itching to kill someone and was just waiting for an excuse.
That was kinda funny, it was the accent and all. I think he was itching to kill someone and was just waiting for an excuse.

By that time, with the 911 operator being such an ass, I'm sure he wanted to shoot her instead!! She was basically saying, "Let the criminals escape ...we'll never catch them, but you shouldn't catch them either. We need more criminals on our streets."

Baron Max
That was kinda funny, it was the accent and all. I think he was itching to kill someone and was just waiting for an excuse.
Did you listen to the recording? He was getting more and more agitated and frustrated with the lack of police response. If he were trigger happy, he'd have shot someone in the first 60 years of his life!