

Have you noticed that the World Trade Center looked like the number 11 when it was standing and was also destroyed on the the 11th...creepy?

Newsweek even made a cover based on that late in 2001. I don't think Al Quida planned it that way. On 9/11 I was told that they attacked on that day because it was the same as the emergency telephone number 9-1-1.

Two strange coincidences surrounding that date and the attacks- the phone number and the WTC resembling 11...creepy. :eek:
the fact that they looked like the number 11 probly had nothing to do with it, they were also trying crash a plane into camp david, where is the simileraitys there

as for the 9-1-1 part, i heard too this might of been one of the reason they picked the date

what i find strange is why didnt the poeple on the planes that crashed into the WTC fight back like the poeple on the 3rd plane did, its like 100+ vs 3 or 4 terroists.... sure its a risk of dying if you attack but its better than a whole plane going down

i dont belive that there is any evidance that al kida did it

i mean if there was the US would be going SEE but they dont

then there is this iraq dossia that not only did i find nothing in but someone TRAINED to view classified stuff said there was no evidance in and that it was compleat crap

seems the US isnt doing to well in the evidance department

i mean they couldnt satisfie the afgan goverment that there was evidance to deport so they invade. HMMMMMMMM

what about UN pressure, trade pressure????

nope we have to go to war

because they had nothing and people might start to question that????
what i find strange is why didnt the poeple on the planes that crashed into the WTC fight back like the poeple on the 3rd plane did, its like 100+ vs 3 or 4 terroists.... sure its a risk of dying if you attack but its better than a whole plane going down

I guess panic struck everyone.

There was a logo on TV on the anniversary of 911, I can't remember where it came from. It showed the pentagon as part of a 9 and the twin towers as an 11, with the 11 crumbling down.

It was an auspicious day is all I can say.
It's most likely they didn't fight back because they had no idea that the terrorists planned to crash the plains into anything. There have been many hijackings in the past, and many times the hostages have been let go, and the hijackers will just hold them and make demands, like for America to abandon it's military base in Saudi Arabia or whatever.

in my post i said a 3rd plane....

i completly forgot about the one that hit the pentagon

there was 4 planes that where hijacked

sorry guys!!! i feel bad for already forgeting the horific incedent

The innocent souls will be remebered. :(
If you want something really freaky, go to Microsoft Word. Set the font to WingDings, and put the Caps Lock on. Then type Q-33, the designation of one of the planes that crashed on 9/11.
im sorry thats NOT true

that designation would be to a QANTAS plane and none of them hit ANYTHING
Originally posted by A Canadian

what i find strange is why didnt the poeple on the planes that crashed into the WTC fight back like the poeple on the 3rd plane did, its like 100+ vs 3 or 4 terroists.... sure its a risk of dying if you attack but its better than a whole plane going down


Well I believe that the airfighters shot a missle at the plane and that is why the plane broke into pieces (just think about...) how can the plane crash and destroy itself like it did?? I think the U.S government is keeping this as confidential information. There was a report that there were two fighter jets near the 3rd plane, but I think the U.S government made a lame excuse that they were out of missles.
Originally posted by Hitman47
Well I believe that the airfighters shot a missle at the plane and that is why the plane broke into pieces (just think about...) how can the plane crash and destroy itself like it did?? I think the U.S government is keeping this as confidential information. There was a report that there were two fighter jets near the 3rd plane, but I think the U.S government made a lame excuse that they were out of missles.

A missle? C'mon, the government wouldn't hold information back from us. Some one would have heard a rumor or something, somewhere if that was true. I think the planes hit, that was that. Anyways, it matters not anymore. I only home our government isn't hiding anything else from us.. unless it was for the best we did not know it. :( Never forget.

Well I believe that the airfighters shot a missle at the plane and that is why the plane broke into pieces (just think about...) how can the plane crash and destroy itself like it did?? I think the U.S government is keeping this as confidential information. There was a report that there were two fighter jets near the 3rd plane, but I think the U.S government made a lame excuse that they were out of missles.

I don't know about this, I think the plane was flying under the radar at a very high speed, that's why it incinerated on impact. But shooting it down would ultimately be the decision that I'd make, there's no doubt in my mind that more people would be killed and more damage done if the plane was left to its own.
My uncle read a book by a french writer, which tell the story of how it is true that the U.S airfighters shot the plane down, I don't know if it is ture or not, but sure is doubtful.

The government could of went to the neighborhood and convinced the local residents to shut up, but who knows. I truly believe the U.S shot that plane down.

The U.S government always keeps things confidential. The U.S probably knows the real person who shot JFK and not letting us know about it.
WTC Facts:

The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11.

Each building had 110 stories.

After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.

September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.

119 is the area code for Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11, 911 - 119 are opposites - enemies? 11 11 polarity.

Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11.

The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11.

State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union.

"New York City" has 11 letters.

"Afghanistan" - 11 letters.

"The Pentagon" - 11 letters.

"Ramzi Yousef" - 11 letters (convicted of orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993).

Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11.

Flight 11 had 11 crew members onboard.

Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11.

But I could just be crazy.
that Q-33 was something I read off the internet. I thought if it was on the web, it must be true...:D
Counslercoffe your just backwards engineering it looking back in heinsite making connections like people have with nostrudamus predictions.

that Q thing is crap, Q indicates a QANTAS flight not an american airlines
stew2yk said:
Counslercoffe your just backwards engineering it looking back in heinsite making connections like people have with nostrudamus predictions.

Right--you're effectively saying the same think that Jaxom's link did. This is just numerology, folks.
the twin towers look liek an 11 - the vertical line is a very common thing in todays society, so what???

the penatgon was used to depcit part of the 9, i can see the resemblance...