Like the Potential Energy can be accurately computed without accurate mass distribution. Very scientific.
Ah, so you would rather keep repeating the lie that we don't know the mass distribution than to look at the NIST report and cure your ignorance on that point. Got it, you are a troll, not a researcher. Your "Trootherism" is more important to you than the truth is.
I provided a link for the scientific modelling of gravity. I knew modelling for that had to exist from before 9/11 but this is the first I have seen. Pretty sophisticated structural engineering existed before there were electronic computers. But people keep coming up with this excuse, "You can't scale gravity."
Well, you cannot, not without building your model in a huge centrifuge. Engineers know this, their attempts to compensate are highly inaccurate at best. It doesn't matter what you do, an ant is not and never will be an acceptable model for an elephant, they live in two completely different worlds, physically, because of scale. An elephant that weights a ton cannot even budge a 10 ton truck off the ground, whereas an ant could pick up a proportional weight and run with it at nearly it's top speed. An elephant built with legs of the design and proportions of an ant's could not even stand up, much less carry ten times it's own weight. That's because gravity does not scale. The physics an ant has to deal with are very different than what the elephant deals with. You cannot build an accurate scale model that even comes near the behavior of that full sized building when it comes to the accurate modeling of gravity. That's why NIST went to the time and expense of testing full sized steel substructures and trusses.
The trouble with 9/11 is that scientists and engineers have made themselves look stupid by not resolving it.
The scientists and engineers have provided the best understanding it was possible to have, it is resolved as far as it is possible to be. It's the Troothers who are delusional and denying the science behind those events. You are the ones making yourselves look stupid, everyone else has moved on. Is Killdozer still harassing and lying about that poor woman who took the photo of flight 93? Still denying it was planes? Still accusing everyone but yourselves of lying in a conspiracy to irritate Troothers? Still arguing about a concrete core? Making yourselves look stupid has been going on in the Troother movement since Adam. Very successfully, I might add.
Everyone is supposed to believe that useful climate models projecting the climate 100 years in the future can be worth a damn but we can't make a computerized skyscraper collapse model.
The NIST report details the computer model they made, so what idiocy are you talking about now. Starting off by denying facts is no way to conduct any kind of investigation, though it's fine for idiotic conspiracy nuts, I guess.
The failure to resolve this in 12 years can never be erased from scientific history.
It is resolved. The only thing not resolved is just how much longer the deniers can continue to deny that fact. And the Troother conspiracy movement is proof positive that some people are really, really stupid, oh the shame. Talk about irremovable black marks on history. Listening to Alex Jones destroys brain cells, evidently. But we knew that already as well.
So scientists will be stuck with the image of having no integrity.
With who? A bunch of idiot Troothers ferociously posting from their mom's basement? I don't think anyone gives a hoot what their reputation is with the idiot Troothers. The scientific community respects the work NIST did on the events of 911, it was as accurate and thorough as it was possible to be given the available evidence. Those who are low information Troothers are ignored by the grownups.
And then they don't even talk about the relevance of accurate mass distribution down a skyscraper even though 50 buildings over 1000 feet tall have been constructed since 9/11.
And liars have integrity? Accurate distribution is available, you would just rather continue to lie about that. The distribution below the impact/fire zone is irrelevant, anyway. Sort of like asking how many rodents were crushed in the collapses, it has nothing to say about how and why the collapses occurred.
So build it with the pasta and prove you can make it completely collapse by dropping the top 15% by height. But you will have to supply distribution of mass data.
Even pasta won't be accurate, gravity does not scale. And repeating the lie that the mass distribution of that whole building is not in the report in excruciating detail just illustrates the dishonesty and belief in non-sense and lies that is the core of Trootherism. You are a waste of bandwidth.