9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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In 2004, a Zogby poll (http://www.zogby.com/search/ReadNews.dbm?ID=855) found that:
Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and “Consciously Failed” To Act; 66% Call For New Probe of Unanswered Questions by Congress or New York’s Attorney General, New Zogby International Poll Reveals

True, it doesn't specify how many of them felt that demolitions were involved in the 9/11 building collapses. But the fact that it's asking for a new probe might lead one to believe that the demolition theory is something they have in mind.

And how many nationwide?

That Zogby poll was specific to New York. However, a new nationwide zogby poll done in 2007 has this to say:
People who believe:
Official story: 63.6%
Let it happen: 26.4%
Made it happen: 4.6%
NS (I'm guessing Not Sure): 5.6%


The 2004 article also includes some information from other countries:
W. David Kubiak, executive director of 911truth.org, the group that commissioned the poll, expressed genuine surprise that New Yorkers' belief in the administration's complicity is as high or higher than that seen overseas. "We're familiar with high levels of 9/11 skepticism abroad where there has been open debate of the evidence for US government complicity. On May 26th the Toronto Star reported a national poll showing that 63% of Canadians are also convinced US leaders had 'prior knowledge' of the attacks yet declined to act. There was no US coverage of this startling poll or the facts supporting the Canadians' conclusions, and there has been virtually no debate on the victim families' scores of still unanswered questions.

True, it doesn't specify how many of them felt that demolitions were involved in the 9/11 building collapses. But the fact that it's asking for a new probe might lead one to believe that the demolition theory is something they have in mind.


Yeah, "might" tends to mean it's a supposition.

Perhaps doing it in another way would have roused even more suspicion.

Oh? There are a number of ways the kind of damage you're speculating about might have been carried out, and simpler ones too. This is mere handwaving.

How about you give me some theories on a better approach? Or are you all talk ;-)?

If your theory isn't even the same as the pancake theory, all I can say is that if even the government doesn't support it, I'm guessing it's a very weak theory.

Guesswork, frankly. Argument from authority. Yet you willfully ignore that below when you cite [David Ray Griffin]. A theologian, not an architect, nor an engineer.

David Ray Griffin has written 4 books on 9/11, something neither you or I have done. Anyway, I sincerely believe that your theory is essentially what the pancake theory is. But now that I have the following pdf, I think all this pancake and/or boulderist theory begins to really look silly:

And the architect of WTC - did he also say that the building was built to survive both an impact and the ensuing fires? Even if the fire protection was scraped off?

No, he didn't say all of this but I am assuming that's what he meant.

That is a vast assumption, sir, and it's fair to say you cannot justify it.

I disagree; I think the assumption is quite logical. In any case, I think the PDF I mention above makes a very powerful argument against the idea that fires alone could have brought down the building.

I'm glad you admit that engineers can be wrong. If this is the case, then the government's theories are fair game as well. Let the true arguments win.

Well, every time they do, you change the subject.

Can you cite an example of your claim?

You have alluded to Occam's Razor here before; I apply it now. The simplest explanation is that the boasts of the engineers did not stand.

I disagree; I think the simplest explanation is that explosives were used. Because -no one- believes that explosives couldn't have taken down the building and so far the only argument against this that I've heard the government mention is that 'experts' say it can't be so. The american people deserve better then to be high browed by so called experts.

Well, neither of us are engineers; however, from everything I've seen, my bet is that David Ray Griffin is right.

Your preference, you mean.

I prefer the term bet; I would argue that I'm betting a small piece of my online reputation on it :p.

Then you will please to explain the mystery of the melting steel from the truck. Thanks.

I admit that one currently has me stumped. But while this may make me ponder how that steel melted, it seems clear that this is -not- what happened on 9/11.

If you want a scientific explanation on why the jet fuel fires played almost no role in the collapse of the World Trade Center, feel free to try to understand the technical jargon on this page:

Interesting, but I disagree. I think you'll find the answers you're looking for on this page:


God, I just love my counter to that one :)..

Someone here has said that in the case of the twin towers, NIST concluded it was aluminium. How it drew this conclusion, they don't say. I have already shown evidence that the fires the plane caused were not that hot, however, so even the assertion that it was melted aluminium is cast into doubt. But in the case of the WTC 7 building, it wasn't hit by a plane, so this argument can't even be used there.

So illustrate that there was melted metal at WTC 7 at all first, and then you can stake your claim that it must have been melted steel there, too.[/quote]

From Zeitgeist, sometime after minute 50:
Dr. Steven Jones:
"I started looking at the molten metal. All 3 buildings, both towers, in the rubble, in the basement areas, and building 7, there's these pools of molten metal."
For well over 6 weeks after the collapse, hot spots of over 2000F were documented in the debris.

That, I don't have. You'd have to ask him. Unlike David Ray Griffin, however, he is a physicist at BYU, so you can't say that he doesn't have credentials in this area.

Well, if you don't have it, we can't argue it.


Alright, I'll acknowledge that I'm not sure why that steel apparently melted.

Then I submit that we - or you, rather - are done on the melted steel issue. Steel apparently can melt at gasoline fire temperatures, for some reason. Further exploration is probably required. But thus endeth the conspiracy; a naturalistic conclusion is more easily achieved. I do thank you for confronting this issue fairly.

Ok, that's for the melted steel issue for now (perhaps I'll find an explanation soon), but there are still lots of other issues.

No willful attempts to miss anything. You might have noticed that I've been reading and responding to a lot of info and once in a while something gets by. Anyway, fine, demolition experts said it. Do they mention any names or are these experts masked in anonymity?

Why should it matter? You've already implied that personal statements are no good since everyone's afraid of losing their jobs.

Personal statements are great. Unfortunately, some are indeed afraid of losing their job and so may remain silent. Some have actually been fired for what clearly seem to be sinister reasons as well. -However- in the case you mention, the experts are on the government's side. Far from going against the powers suppressing unwanted information, they're agreeing with them. Perhaps what they're afraid of is losing credibility in the community once their so called expert advice turns out to be so nonsense, as seems to be the case with certain elements of NIST's reports.

Steve Jones is a prof from Bring Em Young U, which is the last institution of higher learning I'd expect a sane head to be operating in, save perhaps Al Ahzad.

That's Brigham Young University. And why is it that you hold such contempt for said university?

I didn't suggest it, you did. And seriously, why should he be fired for simply questioning a federal probe? If everyone needed authorization to speak their mind, the dystopian theme of societal control brought up in the book 1984 would have come to pass.

I think 1984 was more about the societal constraints on thought advanced by misguided revolutionism; or so I took from it. A note of caution for Truthers also, I should think. Not so much permission as inability.

What do you mean by 'a note of caution for truthers'? And when you have to ask permission to speak your mind, I think things are pretty far gone. Finally, who's to say that the power you need to ask will grant your wish anyway? Reminds me of China during the Olympics saying protesters could protest but they needed to ask permission, and then, when some did, not only not granting it, but actually arresting some of them.

Anyway: he spoke while being a rep of an engineering firm. It's unfortunate, and even deplorable, but not necessarily conspiratorial.

I'll grant you one other possibility from trying to cover up the idea that fires didn't do it; they thought that perhaps the fires -did- do it and that perhaps they had properly tested the metal of the building and they didn't want this possibility to be investigated. Is this what you had in mind?

So I watch all of Loose Change, but you won't watch even five minutes of Screw Loose Change??

The title itself is offensive. I had thought of not watching it at all, but I managed to stomach 4 minutes before realizing it was a waste.

What does this say about the foundation of the 9/11 Truth movement: objective, or faith-based?

How about trash averse?

The movie was so offensive because it presented a view alternative to your own cherished beliefs that you couldn't even stomach it? My word.

Within the first 4 minutes I heard enough falsehoods to draw the conclusion that the rest wouldn't be worth the trouble.
Originally Posted by scott3x
As to the arson possibility, I got it from wikipedia:

I don't see why explosives couldn't have been used as well.

So everything is explosives.

I'm just saying it's a possibility.

He probably said "Plane yes, fire and plane no."

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

What I'm saying is that the building was built to withstand a hit, but not a hit and a fire. The fire area drastically exceeded internal sprinkler capacity (about 10-fold).

I think the visualization aids pdf puts the whole 'huge fire' idea to rest nicely:

This is what Dr. Hyman Brown said, amoung other things (from http://911research.wtc7.net/disinfo/collapse/meltdown.html):
This building would have stood had a plane or a force caused by a plane smashed into it," he said. "But steel melts, and 90,850 litres of aviation fluid melted the steel. Nothing is designed or will be designed to withstand that fire." 4 "

Are you citing this in support of me? Thanks.

The idea that the fire alone melted the steel beams used to be discredited. But it seems that this truck has put it back in vogue. One thing's for sure though: All of the following can't be right at the same time:
"Steel often melts at around 1370 degrees C (2500°F)."

The maximum temperature of jet fires is 1500°F

I would assume that gasoline can't burn as high as jet fires, but perhaps I'm mistaken. I looked for a while on google to see if I could find the answer, but all I found was the unanswered wiki question on it.

Anyway, according to 911research, the maximum temperature the towers could have experienced from jet fires was 495F.

And my favourite pdf makes it clear that the jet fires lasted for a very short time anyway:

Why would they have planted one there? To what end? "Hey, this machine looks important...let's blow it up?" Where was it in relation to the columns?

I found an interesting possibility here:

Again - supposition.

You don't really expect me to get the people who did it to testify now do you? Barring hard evidence, you have to start with a theory and you work your way from there. I and many others have argued that the first thing to do is to figure out what happened. I believe there is a lot evidence showing what happened. The next step that we're doing here, the whys, are generally more complicated.

An excerpt from the Zeitgeist:
Dr. Steven Jones:
"I started looking at the molten metal. All 3 buildings, both towers, in the rubble, in the basement areas, and building 7, there's these pools of molten metal."
For well over 6 weeks after the collapse, hot spots of over 2000F were documented in the debris.

Well, I'm going to need more than that, I'm afraid. An official report would be good.

Good luck with that; John Gross, one of the lead engineers of the NIST report denies there was molten metal from -any- of the WTC tower collapses, despite the glaring evidence to the contrary which can be seen in the following video clip:

Anyway, as to the WTC 7 pool(s) of molten metal, I couldn't find another reference, but I did find something that seems to have been even hotter there- evaporated metal (at the bottom of the linked page):

Originally Posted by scott3x
No one said it did. The steel is what was smouldering, as a result of thermite being used on it.

Thermite burns quickly and then extinguishes. I know, as I've seen it demonstrated. It doesn't smoulder.

It seems you didn't listen to what I said. Again:
"The steel is what was smouldering, as a result of thermite being used on it."

By contrast, burning material trapped in a rubble pile does smoulder, and quite spectacularly.

Not at molten or evaporated steel temperatures.

Originally Posted by scott3x
This is just the evidence of the molten metal. Herb Trimpe speculates that this was the heat that was "going on when those airplanes hit", but the only thing for certain is that at some point between the airplanes hitting and the molten metal ending up where it was, something energized that metal with 'demolishing heat', as he put it.

He alludes clearly to the smouldering piles. What else is causing the heat? It's not thermite.

He says (and I quote):
"I talked to many contractors and they said they actually saw molten metal trapped, beams had just totally had been melted because of the heat."

I'm not sure if when you say 'smouldering piles', you mean molten metal. But Molten metal is the term that NIST is so ardently trying to deny out of existence, so I think it's good to use the term to remind people that it's there, despite all the official denials. Anyway, to answer your question, the molten metal was causing the heat.
I advise you to read this:

It details visible evidence of the towers bowing inwards in the areas worst affected by heat. Please, please, please offer an explanation for this that contradicts the fire weakening explanation. Conspiracy theorists have had nothing to say to this in all the times I bring it up. This was the evidence that even managed to get the Loose Change crew to admit the initial collapse was because of fire.

Many explosives were heard before the collapse, so I'm fine with the idea that it was going to collapse 8 minutes before it did. However, this tower didn't just collapse; the concrete was pulverized to fine dust. I remember reading something good on this, about how the building was going to tilt, but was pulverized before it could, but don't know where I read it.

The bowing of the tower and collapse from that point vindicates the fire weakening explanation beyond all doubt. With that in mind you are assuming a single floor can withstand the immense force and momentum of around 30 floors falling from above. This is cartoon physics. Disney couldn't do any better.

Look, I'm not sure if the momentum of 30 floors falling from above would have brought more floors down. But the way in which the building collapsed was typical of a demolition (with some exceptions), not of a fire. For more details, look at the right hand sidebar at this site: From http://www.ae911truth.org/

Exactly. AFTER the collapse. In fact, AFTER the clean up crews were cutting the remainder of the standing beams. I posted video footage of engineers at ground zero saying that they had cut these beams and would cut the ones still standing.

I would go to the effort of finding this video again...

Even if you could find the video again, it would only prove that some engineers (NIST engineers, perhaps?) claimed to have done so. And as a vid clip I've recently posted here regarding NIST's stance on molten metal clearly demonstrates, some of them are not the type of people you'd want to trust in this type of thing.

but after debating you and Ganymede, I know that you are cretinous liars and it would make no difference in showing you this.

And you think me and Ganymede are "cretinous liars" because?

Not that it would be relevant, but can American-Jesus-believing Steven Jones...

American-Jesus believing? What are you talking about?

..prove that thermite could cut through the necessary beams quick enough based on the fact that each floor was obliterated in less than a blink of an eye?

Perhaps. You'll forgive me if I haven't asked him.

It's also worth noting that the core of the South Tower was seen standing momentarily amidst the dust after the building collapsed around it:


So since thermite obviously wasn't used on the core column (of the South Tower) at least. Once again, we return to the fire-weakening pancaking.

The whole fire collapse thing has been thoroughly discredited. I'm not convinced that no explosives were used for the core of the South Tower either; it did collapse eventually, after all. But even if it wasn't, I'm not sure that explosives had to be used on the core itself in order for the tower to explode. These are questions for people who know more about these things, clearly.
Well, as far as I and others are concerned, they failed when it came to the bit about not looking like explosives were going off. But it takes someone who knows what to look for.
Do you mean the unqualified people who make youtube videos, or theologions?

Same thing, I believe, for the sounds made when the buildings were collapsing. I have already explained how the explosives were probably placed in another post, but will be happy to do so again if you missed it.

It had to be done in such a way that the real culprits could get away with it. I imagine they felt that planes were the best way for this to happen.
What you are saying is that they couldn’t get away with bombing the building in a simple way so they had to fly planes into it and bomb the building in a secret, complicated way. That is stupid. If they could get away with doing it the complicated way they would get away with doing it the simple way. Step back and think about what you are suggesting.

And again, any theory that doesn't make much sense can just be labelled 'misdirection'.

Because a smaller event would probably not have triggered the amount of anger needed to wage war in 2 countries and curtail american freedoms, supposedly to get these types of terrorists.
Blowing up the WTC with some big bombs would not be a small event.

There's lots of evidence that the buildings couldn't have fallen based on the pancake theory. If you want, I can post it again..
Ah yes the professor of theology. No thanks.

I would argue that the evidence for a demolition is much stronger then evidence for anything else.

What if the people who placed the bombs were from a security firm in charge of installing some upgrades and doing a few drills a few weeks before the event? You see, it would have taken time to do all of this and it's much harder to sneak into a building and do this much work then it is to simply hijack a few planes. Especially if even the security at the airport and one of the airlines used is apparently on your side (I read some info on this but I don't know where I read it from at present).
But according to you they did sneak in and put invisible, inflammable bombs on most of the floors. If they were capable of that then they would be less likely to get caught with the simpler plan of a couple of big bombs at the bottom.

Sure. But I don't think this theory is absurd or needlessly complex, but rather the theory that best fits the evidence.

Weakened by the steel? You mean by the alleged 'inferno', don't you? Anyway, I'm not sure who decided the columns would stick out, it's something that was said on Zeitgeist.
That was in the link you posted….

Anyway, I can give you some quotes from some notables. Again, from Zeitgeist:
Les Robertson, WTC Structural Engineer:
"We designed the buildings to take the impact of the boeing 707, ah, hitting the building at any location."

Frank A. Demartini, Manager, WTC Construction:
"The building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners."

Interviewer questioning Aaron Swirsky, WTC Architect:
"Interviewer: So you're saying that the plane was actually designed to cope with a hole like that?
Mr. Swirsky: Yeah, it was..."
It did withstand the impact and because it did ten thousand people were able to exit the building.

No, it's not, because the people who built the towers -know- that they fell down on 9/11 and yet they still claimed this. If they had felt that the buildings would have pancaked after a while, they would have said so. Clearly, they believe that the official explanation is absurd.
Scott you made a claim that many of the people who built the WTC believed that pancaking was impossible then you post a link to one person saying that the building would withstand the impact from a large plane. Not the same thing.

Let's take a look at the real story. From "The Terror Conspiracy", page 62-63:
The public might know more of what really happened to the WTC if the New York Police Department and New York Fire Department had been allowed to do their jobs. But, as with the JFK assassination, their work was taken from them by federal officials, who immediately closed doors and shut out the public from their consultations. People were even arrested for taking photographs of Ground Zero.

The FBi took charge of the criminal investigation while the little-understood Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) took responsibility for determining what happened to cause the collapse of the twin towers. FEMA seemed determined to haul away the evidence, even before a full and impartial investigation could be made. Such premature destruction of evidence was called into question by Bill Manning, editor of the 125-year-old firemen's publication Fire Engineering in its January 2002 issue.

"For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap.", wrote Manning. "Did they throw away the locked doors from the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire? Did they throw away the gas can used at the Happyland Social Club Fire? Of course not. But essentially, that's what they're doing at the World Trade Center.

For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap. Crucial evidence that could answer many questions about high-rise building design practices and performance under fire conditions is on the slow boat to China, perhaps never to be seen again in America until you buy your next car."

Challenging the theory that the twin towers collapsed as a result of crashed airplanes and fires, Manning added, "Fire Engineering has good reason to believe that the 'official investigation' blessed by FEMA and run by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is a half-baked farce that may already have been commandeered by political forces whose primary interests, to put it mildly, like far afield of full disclosure.

"Except for the marginal benefit obtained from a three-day, visual walk-through of evidence sites conducted by the ASCE investigation committee members- described by one close source as a 'tourist trip'- no one's checking the evidence for anything.

"The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately", Manning declared.

(further response to be continued)
Could you please explain your point here as just posting page after page of CTs opinion isn’t really a discussion.

.Having access to the area is not the same thing as having access to the material. In my last post, I made this very clear.
Thousands of people were there for months. Nothing suspicious was found. Pieces of the building were everywhere. All you needed to do was pick one up. Stop pretending that something suspicious was going on.

No, but the organizations that did do the work did it in a very questionable manner.

Very funny. But let's face it; ultimately, a person knows what they learn, whether or not they get a degree. Similarly, if a person doesn't want to see something, they can be very good at not seeing it even if they are highly qualified to see it. There is also the fact that there are many experts who question the validity of the official story.
The vast majority of structural engineers do not. Perhaps they were all payed off as well. A professor of theology and scientist whose field is cold fusion (no surprise) do not outweigh their educated opinion.

.I know what?
So even most NGOs could have links traced back to the government. They might be in on it too.

.It brings up a lot of good points, some of which I have already mentioned here. Whether you would find anything you hadn't heard before is something I don't know.


I can agree with that. I also believe that at times it's the government's story that has lots of smoke but little fire. Like the official 'raging inferno' myth. From "The Terror Conspiracy", page 52-53:
As noted by reporter Christopher Bollyn, "The fact that veteran fire-fighters had a 'coherent plan for putting out' the 'two pockets of fire', indicates they judged the blazes to be manageable. These reports from the scene of the crash provide crucial evidence debunking the government's claim that a raging steel-melting inferno led to the tower's collapse.
Supporting Chief Palmer's description of only small fires in the South Tower are survivors Stanley Praimnath, Donovan Cowan and Ling Young. Praimnath, on the 81st floor, recalled, "The plane impacts. I try to get up and then I realize that I'm covered up to my shoulder in debris. And when I'm digging through under all this rubble, I can see the bottom wing starting to burn, and that wing is wedged 20 feet in my office doorway." Cowan was in an open elevator at the 78th floor sky-lobby. She recalled "We went into the elevator. As soon as I hit the button, that's when there was a big boom. We both got knocked down. I remember feeling this intense heat. The doors were still open. The heat lasted for maybe 15 to 20 seconds I guess. Then it stopped." Young was in her 78th floor office and related, "Only in my area were people alive, and the people alive were from my office. I figured that out later because I sat around in there for 10 or 15 minutes. That's how I got burned."
Government pronouncements and hired experts claimed temperatures in the area of these three witnesses were hot enough to cause the trusses of the south tower to fail, yet these eye-witnesses stated temperatures were cool enough for them to walk away.
I think you need to watch some of the footage again. That fire was blazing across many floors. Remember the 200 jumpers.

The argument that the fire couldn’t have been strong because the firefighters charged in is a sad one. Unfortunately that's what firefighters do. Do you really think they are going to look at the WTC burning away and say, “nah it looks pretty dangerous up there, lets just sit out here and see what happens”. They may certainly have thought it would hold as there isn’t a whole body of knowledge on planes flying into skyscrapers. Using this as an argument for conspiracy may really push people’s patience.

It's a little more complex then that. From "The Terror Conspiracy", page 44:
[on 9/11] Rodriguez had worked for the New York and New Jersey Port Authority for about twenty years. In 2001, he was in charge of maintenance for three stairwells in the North Tower.
Arriving at 8:30am on September 11, Rodriguez went to the maintenance office located on the first sublevel, one of six sub-basements beneath ground level. There were a total of fourteen people in the office at this time. As he was talking with others, there was a very loud, massive explosion that seemed to emanate from between sub-basements B2 and B3. There were twenty-two people on B2 sub-basement who also felt and heard that first explosion.
At first he thought it was a generator that had exploded. "When I heard the sound of the explosion, the floor beneath my feet vibrated, the walls started racking and everything started shaking", said Rodriguez. Seconds later there was another explosion way above, which made the building oscillate momentarily. This, he was later told, was a plane hitting the 90th floor.
Upon hearing about the plane, Rodriguez started heading for the loading dock to escape the explosion's fire. When asked later about those first explosions he said: "I would know if an explosion was from the bottom or the top of the building." He was clear about hearing explosions both before and after the plane hit the tower.

Rodriguez said a fellow worker, Felipe David, came into the office. "He had been standing in front of a freight elevator on sub-level 1 about 400 feet from the office when fire burst out of the elevator shaft, causing his injuries. He was so burned so badly from the basement explosion that flesh was hanging from his face and both arms." Rodriguez led David outside but returned to the building after hearing screaming inside.
We have been through this and there are very reasonable explanations for his testimony. My question was - how did the people in the basement know that the first bang was before the plane hit?

I've linked to a possible reason why there were bombs in the basement and in other floors before the collapse, but will do so again if you like.
(response continued in next post)
If you gave a decent reason then yes I missed it. I remember you said one was injured by the bombs so that may have been a reason. However you still have to get past the fact that the collapse was at the top while the bottom held firm. The idea of bombs on the lower floor is completely invalidated.

Ok, so he became a believer of the official story. But that link conveniently fails to mention the hydraulic press at all.
No but he mentioned smelling kerosene from the basement. Wonder how it got down there.

I meant a paltry 1 or 2 hours of weak fires. And alright, the fires certainly weren't weak by human standards, but they were way to weak to melt steel and arguments might even be made that they were too weak to melt aluminum. Since I can't understand the technical jargon from a 9/11 research page, however, I'm not sure.
You’re not sure, but you are sure of this “but they were way to weak to melt steel”. Based on what?

My guess is that they would speak up a lot more if they didn't feel intimidated by people such as former CIA director James Woolsey.
You are moving the goal posts. You suggested they weren’t speaking up due to fear. They are speaking up. Now are you saying that they won’t speak up more due to fear.

Well, yes, something did. From Wing TV (http://www.wingtv.net/paulisaac.html):
Preeminent researcher Jim Marrs (Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies) also quotes author Randy Lavello, who wrote the following about Paul Isaac, Jr.: “New York firemen were very upset by what they considered a cover-up in the WTC destruction. Many other firemen knew there were bombs in the buildings,’ he said, ‘but they are afraid for their jobs to admit it because the higher-ups forbid discussion of this fact.’ Isaac, who was stationed at Engine 10 near the WTC in the late 1990s, said the higher-ups included the NYFD’s antiterrorism consultant, James Woolsey, a former CIA director. ‘There were definitely bombs in those buildings,’ Isaac added.”
No. No one has come forward who was actually part of the conspiracy. For it to happen thousands of people would have been involved. All we have is a conspiracy theorist, who was not involved, making claims. Not really compelling.

9/11 was the first time that steel structured buildings allegedly fell due to fire alone:

Planes flying into two of the tallest buildings in the world doesn’t happen every day either. That is one of the weakest CT arguments of all. It is the first time so it must be a conspiracy.

Never mind that there are examples of steel weakening in building fires like the Windsor Tower, which wasn’t even hit by any planes.

I can't pretend to understand such arguments, but if you want a bunch of structural engineering report that refutes the official story, you need look no further:
I’ll be sure to read those 25 pages when I have nothing to do.

From Zeitgeist, sometime after minute 50:
There is no scenario for a pancake scenario of buildings falling that allows it to fall at the rate of free fall.
Dr. Steven Jones, Physics Professor, BYU (from 'Improbable collapse'):
"Now what can do that, what can move mass out of the way? Explosives.
47 huge steel columns going up from the core and they're interconnected. How do you get them to fail simultaneously so that the the core disappeared? It looks like those core columns were cut."
Controlled demolition expert:
"The way we do this is by cutting the beam at an angle"
(Picture of world trade core column after collapse)
Notice the "cut" shape and the melted or "Molten Metal".
Dr. Steven Jones:
"I started looking at the molten metal. All 3 buildings, both towers, in the rubble, in the basement areas, and building 7, there's these pools of molten metal."
For well over 6 weeks after the collapse, hot spots of over 2000F were documented in the debris. That is 500F hotter then jet fuel even burns.
Dr. Steven Jones:
"So I'm looking through the official reports, what do they say about the molten metal. They say nothing. Now wait a minute. This is important evidence. So where'd that come from?
("Thermite" - Explosive/Incendiary)
Dr. Steven Jones:
"Thermite is so hot, that it'll just cut through steel. Through structural steel, for example, like a knife through butter. The products are molten iron and aluminum oxide, which goes off primarily as a dust. You know those enormous dust clouds? You can imagine when you assemble these chemicals on a large scale."

Thermite would burn out in a matter of seconds and would not explain molten metal either. Is there a theory here or not?

never said it was. Again, from Zeitgeist:
Dr. Steven Jones:
"I started looking at the molten metal. All 3 buildings, both towers, in the rubble, in the basement areas, and building 7, there's these pools of molten metal."
For well over 6 weeks after the collapse, hot spots of over 2000F were documented in the debris.

Pools, not glowing metal. So tell me, how did it arrive in WTC 7? No plane crashed there, so even the argument that it was aluminium from a plane can't be used.
Is the best evidence for pools of metal from Dr Steven Jones? Why didn’t he take some photos?

True. But I was asking a question, not stating how much fuel a car had. Can you answer it? I'm talking in general, not what NIST believes in this particular case.
No idea.

It includes this gem:
************************************************** **
To assist the reader in comprehending the 900 cubic feet volume of jet fuel that remained in
each of the buildings after the fireballs, three familiar examples are provided.

• A single standard 10’x10’ office cubicle filled to 9 feet. Approximately 300 such cubicles
plus walkways and amenities could have been contained on each of the 110 floors
(40,000 square feet) of each Twin Tower.
************************************************** **

And its conclusion is as follows:
************************************************** **
Even NIST admits in its Final Report, “The initial jet fuel fires
themselves lasted at most a few minutes.” 9 The only
remaining source of fuel for the fires was common office
furnishings. The idea that a few floors of common office
furnishings burning for 56 minutes could result in the
demolition of the South Tower is phenomenally ludicrous. If
true, then every high-rise steel tower ever constructed should
be immediately demolished as a hazard to public safety. Of
course, that is unnecessary because no high-rise steel
structure has ever collapsed as a result of fire.
The observed demolition of the Twin Towers could not have
resulted from fires caused by the burning jet fuel and/or office
furnishings. It could only have been accomplished through
the action of some other much more energetic agent.
The most obvious explanation for the demolition of the Twin
Towers is precisely timed detonations of precisely located
explosives, placed prior to September 11, 2001.

This analysis was provided at no cost to the American
************************************************** **
.. and that convinces you? That is merely someone claiming that it just couldn’t happen and explosives must have been used. I like the implication that after nine thousand gallons of jet fuel spreads around your building there should be relatively little damage. Just a couple of small fires really. Disingenuously, the author ignores the damage from the aircraft.
Last edited:
Jim Marrs is certainly not the only person to say that the steel melted, but he believes that it occurred due to explosives being used, not due to fire.

Explosives don't melt steel. Not to my knowledge anyway. Explosives happen in an instant, therefore there is no prolonged exposure to heat.

Amoung then is Dr. Hyman Brown, the project engineer for the construction of the Twin Towers. On 9/11, he stated:
"This building would have stood had a plane or a force caused by a plane smashed into it," he said. "But steel melts, and 90,850 litres of aviation fluid melted the steel. Nothing is designed or will be designed to withstand that fire."

A semantic error perhaps. Even if he meant the steel literally melted rather than be weakened, he was wrong, full stop. But I am pretty sure he knew what he meant and that the wrong word was used. The building would have collapsed long before the steel turned to liquid (even if it was possible for the steel to melt).

So there's some evidence that engineers can certainly come to flawed conclusions.

Yes, but they were also talking to the media in the immediate aftermath in which they would be likely to use laymen terms. It would be quite a different matter if they stated the steel melted in any of their final papers on the issue.

Well it must have been pretty close, if the wing of the plane was there. So tell me, where was the 'worst of the heat, fires or impact damage'? In any case, as stated above, Jim Marrs claims that "Government pronouncements and hired experts claimed temperatures in the area of these three witnesses were hot enough to cause the trusses of the south tower to fail, yet these eye-witnesses stated temperatures were cool enough for them to walk away."

The worst of the fires were on the 82nd floor. This was due to the fact that the body of the plane piled a lot of combustable materials to one side of the building, and so this is where the majority of the heat came from.

NIST finds that there were indeed some relatively cool spots on the 81st floor. Obviously these witnesses were in such a cool spot, otherwise they would be dead, like many others who were likely burned alive.

I'm at least glad to see that you didn't persue the firefighter on the 78th floor. I think even you could see Jim Marrs lied there. However, since you are also a liar, you excuse him.

Are you saying that the government did not in fact claim this?

I'm saying nothing of the sort, but you and your sources are once again deliberately misrepresenting what NIST said, so perhaps you should look at the NIST temperature simulation on each of the floors:
Watch from 2 minutes 45 seconds

Note how the heat is not uniform on any of the floors contrary to what your beloved Jim Marrs says.

Like those on the 81st floor, right? Only there didn't seem to much fire up there either, despite the wing of the plane being right there. Yes, there was some, but not much.

There was a lot of fire on the 81st floor. NIST doesn't deny this. However NIST also describes areas of relative coolness. The heat was NOT uniform throughout the floor and you are a liar if you think so.

The initial jet fuel fires themselves lasted at most a few minutes. The only remaining source of fuel for the fires was common office
furnishings. The idea that a few floors of common office furnishings burning for 56 minutes could result in the demolition of the South Tower is phenomenally ludicrous.

Ludicrous? We saw the tower bow inwards due to the heat for fuck sake.

Many explosives were heard before the collapse, so I'm fine with the idea that it was going to collapse 8 minutes before it did. However, this tower didn't just collapse; the concrete was pulverized to fine dust. I remember reading something good on this, about how the building was going to tilt, but was pulverized before it could, but don't know where I read it.

No, you did not answer my question and you are simply the latest in a long line of truthers to completely dodge the bowing inwards of the tower due to fire. For me, this is key, because the bowing of the tower completely vindicates the fire weakening explanation beyond doubt.

Look, I'm not sure if the momentum of 30 floors falling from above would have brought more floors down. But the way in which the building collapsed was typical of a demolition (with some exceptions), not of a fire. For more details, look at the right hand sidebar at this site: From http://www.ae911truth.org/

Nothing like a controlled demolition. No explosions heard by those outside the building, no collapse from bottom up, and pancake collapse.

Even if you could find the video again, it would only prove that some engineers (NIST engineers, perhaps?) claimed to have done so.

Well there is a picture of someone at ground zero cutting the standing beams in exactly the way the engineer described. I can't find the picture again, but I clearly remember seeing one.

American-Jesus believing? What are you talking about?

Steven Jones wrote a paper trying to prove that Jesus visited North America.

The whole fire collapse thing has been thoroughly discredited.

Not until you explain the bowing. It's not discredited simply because you say so, it needs to be proven with honest interpretation of the facts. Something truthers can not do because the are dishonest with their interpretation of the facts all the fucking time.
That Zogby poll was specific to New York. However, a new nationwide zogby poll done in 2007 has this to say:
People who believe:
Official story: 63.6%
Let it happen: 26.4%
Made it happen: 4.6%
NS (I'm guessing Not Sure): 5.6%


So a minority of people interested to answer the poll believe it. Now it bears mentioning that this, also, is the problem. It only took a minority of interested Germans to bring about the Beer Putsch and, ultimately, Krystallnacht against the opposing, but passive will of the majority of Germans. This is where the emotion-based arguments of the Troofer movement is headed.

The 2004 article also includes some information from other countries:
W. David Kubiak, executive director of 911truth.org, the group that commissioned the poll, expressed genuine surprise that New Yorkers' belief in the administration's complicity is as high or higher than that seen overseas. "We're familiar with high levels of 9/11 skepticism abroad where there has been open debate of the evidence for US government complicity. On May 26th the Toronto Star reported a national poll showing that 63% of Canadians are also convinced US leaders had 'prior knowledge' of the attacks yet declined to act.

I've lived in Canada, and I hate to say this...but Canadians are extraordinarily gullible and led about by neoleftism to a degree I don't think would be possible elsewhere. As a genuine communist, this frightens me to no end. They are - with exceptions - uncritical, disinterested, politically ignorant and browbeaten; there is almost a feeling of satisfaction in Canadian teenagers at being ignorant of the world around them excepting the mall. No one questions the questioners, because it's seen psychologically as "rocking the boat" - a colonial leftover that hangs over them still. I feel genuinely sorry for Canada, because it's going down a long, irrevocable road to hell on earth.

Not that everyone else isn't, of course. :D

Yeah, "might" tends to mean it's a supposition.

Then there we are.

How about you give me some theories on a better approach? Or are you all talk ;-)?

Simple. Right off the top of my head, the first thing that occurs is a proper bomb in the basement foundations. It would be simpler, it would be more certain, and conventional materials could be used since the entire affair would appear as an 'actual' terrorism attack. More stuff could be delivered - and if you actually think that the Bushies opened up every little wall and planted explosives in WTC 1 and 2 and 7 and all the others without anyone at all noticing, then you must agree that it would be as easy or in actuality far, far easier to do - planted in complete security - merely throw a "Construction in progress" sign across the basement entrance - and bang, done. Whole truckloads of materials could be delivered, the guards claimed to be dead or bought off, and the buildings destroyed outright (not hit and then left standing while Troofers gathered to gibber at the moon) from the get-go.

What the Troof movement has done is paint an unrealistic picture of a scenario they wish could have happened, since, as we all know (yes, yes, we get it) they really, really hate Bush and federal drinking age restrictions, and also no-coupon days at Urban Outfitters. But it isn't real. It's a fantasy concocted by bitter extremists and wannabe-prophets (like the Un-Reverend Griffin and the equally Un-Reverend Jones) who think they can springboard massive political change ("Political Loose Change"? hehe) on a transparent lie, if only they yell loud enough. And kudos to them for thinking that, because history bears out that a loud, vicious minority can sometimes impose its will on a more vast but timid majority, a la Krystallnacht. For those of us who remember history, however, and its consequences, this is a damning, damning foolish movement, and it might have consequences for us all.

David Ray Griffin has written 4 books on 9/11, something neither you or I have done.

Argument from false authority. He is a priest. (Does he want to be a Kingpriest?)

Anyway, I sincerely believe that your theory is essentially what the pancake theory is.

Then outline how my theory is impossible in your own words, please. I only chase down so many pdfs if the other side won't even do me the courtesy of reading my material in fairness, as you admit below.

Can you cite an example of your claim?

1. The melted steel bridge in California.
2. The explosion of transformers to account for the bangs heard by witnesses.
3. The destruction of the machine listed for no apparent, logical reason. (You realize they were trying to knock the building down, not making guerilla war on the World Trade Center, I hope.)
4. The difficulties of actually planting explosives in any of the buildings. How, for instance, did they predict with such startling accuracy the massive fire in WTC7 caused by burning debris?
5. The failure of Jones to produce any actual evidence of molten metal at WTC 7. Has he no photos, nothing at all?
6. The failure of thermite charges to cause smouldering.

Your contribution in this argument is one of belief, not reason. We are attempting to show you the fallibility of your god, but you prefer not to hear it, and have even resorted to disingenuousness, which shocks and appalls me.

I disagree; I think the simplest explanation is that explosives were used. Because -no one- believes that explosives couldn't have taken down the building and so far the only argument against this that I've heard the government mention is that 'experts' say it can't be so. The american people deserve better then to be high browed by so called experts.

First you demand expert opinions, then you dismiss their importance, taking the word instead of a theologian. Which is it you want? I have no idea how a sensible person can continue to believe in this.

And, no, the simplest explanation is not explosives. That would require substantially, massively greater levels of intrigue on the part of the Americans, and you know it. Let's cast aside pretense, here.

I admit that one currently has me stumped. But while this may make me ponder how that steel melted, it seems clear that this is -not- what happened on 9/11.

Then you will be so good as to illustrate in what way the effects of massive amounts of burning gasoline on steel differ from those of massive amounts of burning gasoline on steel, please. This is twice I've had to ask you about this.

God, I just love my counter to that one :)..

This one is far better, trust me. :)


But there's the love thing - a statement of emotional belief, not factuality. Freud, are you home?

From Zeitgeist, sometime after minute 50:
Dr. Steven Jones:
"I started looking at the molten metal. All 3 buildings, both towers, in the rubble, in the basement areas, and building 7, there's these pools of molten metal."
For well over 6 weeks after the collapse, hot spots of over 2000F were documented in the debris.

You'll forgive me, but this is mere happenstance eyewitness testimony. You've already denounced eyewitness testimony. I would be - quite factually - happy to accept your pronouncement on molten steel at WTC 7, but I would need firsthand corroboration from some other sources. I believe there probably was molten steel at WTC 7, but I can't run around taking Jones' word for it. He's a guy who doesn't believe in third-party investigation.

Ok, that's for the melted steel issue for now (perhaps I'll find an explanation soon), but there are still lots of other issues.

Your entire defense of Trooferism has depended to this point on molten steel. Without it, there is no argument. We cannot now simply push the matter aside because you've hit a troubling spot. We require conclusion, or retraction. Which will you do?

Personal statements are great. Unfortunately, some are indeed afraid of losing their job and so may remain silent. Some have actually been fired for what clearly seem to be sinister reasons as well. -However- in the case you mention, the experts are on the government's side. Far from going against the powers suppressing unwanted information, they're agreeing with them. Perhaps what they're afraid of is losing credibility in the community once their so called expert advice turns out to be so nonsense, as seems to be the case with certain elements of NIST's reports.

Minus the supposition about suppression, is Steve Jones' report on WTC 7 and thermite then also subject to the same fear of loss of credibility? Obviously, yes. He cannot now back down, and he knows it.

That's Brigham Young University. And why is it that you hold such contempt for said university?

I hold contempt for Bring Em Young for the reason that it is located in the midst of a large, festering community of the arguably insane, and speciously malevolent towards the rest of the nation. It's difficult to take anyone seriously who comes from a university run by people who propose to "bleed the Beast", "Beast" being Mormonic for "everyone else".

What do you mean by 'a note of caution for truthers'?

Because in their claims of suppression and oppression (which may or may not be true, but in every case springing from the horror of the wiser mind at sheer gullibility) they seek in their revolutionary zeal to impose the same on the rest of us. It is the classic tyranny of the revolution; silence the opposing voices, so that none may challenge our rubric so dearly held. When someone else speaks, chant them down. Intimidate the masses so they will adhere to our slogan without thought. And so forth.

I'll grant you one other possibility from trying to cover up the idea that fires didn't do it; they thought that perhaps the fires -did- do it and that perhaps they had properly tested the metal of the building and they didn't want this possibility to be investigated. Is this what you had in mind?

Not in the slightest. My point was that he spoke on the record while being a member of an firm that had concluded otherwise. As I said, it's deplorable and definitely should be litigiable (and I would encourage this, frankly, within its proper context), but isn't necessarily conspiratorial.

The title itself is offensive. I had thought of not watching it at all, but I managed to stomach 4 minutes before realizing it was a waste.

Because it contradicted your basic tenets; yes, I know.

Within the first 4 minutes I heard enough falsehoods to draw the conclusion that the rest wouldn't be worth the trouble.

In a word: absurd. I would add: narrowminded. You are proving the position I accused Troofers of: intolerance of dissenting opinion. This is an example of the virulence and anger of the 'movement'. If you were genuinely interested in learning the truth, you'd watch it all, much as I watched the ridiculous Loose Change. I didn't agree with it, I could see every diversion and deception, but I watched it all the same out of respect of the other side. Can you say the same?

Prove your words, Scott. Prove you want to be objective about 9/11. There's hope for you yet if you're really interested in an answer to the mystery - and sometimes answers are "no".

Best regards,

Explosives don't melt steel. Not to my knowledge anyway. Explosives happen in an instant, therefore there is no prolonged exposure to heat.


Note how the heat is not uniform on any of the floors contrary to what your beloved Jim Marrs says.

Yeah, that's what I don't understand either. Why would it be uniform? Because fire spreads itself evenly? What sort of madness is that??

Steven Jones wrote a paper trying to prove that Jesus visited North America.

Oh, Lord. As a side-note, God, please stop maniacs from destroying my religion, please.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Well, as far as I and others are concerned, they failed when it came to the bit about not looking like explosives were going off. But it takes someone who knows what to look for.

Do you mean the unqualified people who make youtube videos, or theologions?

First of all, how do you know that everyone on youtube is unqualified? Second of all, there is only one professor of theology that is fairly well known: David Ray Griffin. And he's written 4 books on 9/11, so I would think he knows more then your average professor of theology on the subject. Anyway, if you'd like to hear from someone with official credentials, take a look at this article from Dave Heller. Dave Heller is a physicist, architect and builder:

What you are saying is that they couldn’t get away with bombing the building in a simple way so they had to fly planes into it and bomb the building in a secret, complicated way. That is stupid. If they could get away with doing it the complicated way they would get away with doing it the simple way. Step back and think about what you are suggesting.

I believe that it was the simplest way they could think of. But if you'd like to provide a theory to a simpler one, I'm all ears.

And again, any theory that doesn't make much sense can just be labelled 'misdirection'.

I believe that the demolition theory makes a lot of sense and so do many others, including experts.

Blowing up the WTC with some big bombs would not be a small event.

No, but it would lead to an active search for the people who did it, instead of having all the people who supposedly did it conveniently vaporized.

There's lots of evidence that the buildings couldn't have fallen based on the pancake theory. If you want, I can post it again..

Ah yes, the professor of theology. No thanks.

He's on, but my favourite now comes from the 9/11 Journal:

A lot more criticisms of NIST's findings can be found here:

But according to you they did sneak in and put invisible, inflammable bombs on most of the floors.

I never said invisible. They were simply concealed.

It did withstand the impact and because it did ten thousand people were able to exit the building.

Ok, never mind this whole line of inquiry. As far as I'm concerned, speculating as to what a few people who built the site meant when they said that the WTC could withstand impacts from planes isn't getting us anywhere.

It was there for months, thousands of people were walking around the rubble and yes, it was analyzed. Nothing suspicious here.

Could you please explain your point here as just posting page after page of CTs opinion isn’t really a discussion.

Ok. The page or so I posted blows your 'nothing suspicious here' comment out of the water.

So even most NGOs could have links traced back to the government. They might be in on it too.

Some could be, sure. But you would expect the NGOs to be in on it to -support- the government's findings, not go against them.

I think you need to watch some of the footage again. That fire was blazing across many floors. Remember the 200 jumpers.

By human standards, it was hot up there. By the building's standards, however, the heat from the fires barely scratched its steel structured veneer.

The argument that the fire couldn’t have been strong because the firefighters charged in is a sad one. Unfortunately that's what firefighters do. Do you really think they are going to look at the WTC burning away and say, “nah it looks pretty dangerous up there, lets just sit out here and see what happens”.

If they felt that the risk was too severe to risk it, yes, I do believe this. As a matter of fact, after the first world trade center came down, they had an argument as to whether they should evacuate their personnel from the second one. My guess is that even though it didn't -seem- like the second one should come down, they'd already been surprised once. In any case, the second tower came down in short order, ending the argument.

They may certainly have thought it would hold as there isn’t a whole body of knowledge on planes flying into skyscrapers. Using this as an argument for conspiracy may really push people’s patience.

I recommend you take a look at the following pdf to see how insignificant to the WTC building integrity the plane impacts were:

We have been through this and there are very reasonable explanations for his testimony. My question was - how did the people in the basement know that the first bang was before the plane hit?

They didn't. Atleast, not for the first one. Even Rodriguez makes that clear. But Rodriguez makes it clear that he could tell the approximate -location- of the initial bang (the one in the basement, where he himself was). I don't think it's rocket science to tell when a bang is coming from close by instead of 80+ floors up.

I've linked to a possible reason why there were bombs in the basement and in other floors before the collapse, but will do so again if you like.

If you gave a decent reason then yes I missed it. I remember you said one was injured by the bombs so that may have been a reason. However you still have to get past the fact that the collapse was at the top while the bottom held firm. The idea of bombs on the lower floor is completely invalidated.

It's not completely invalidated. The only thing you're claiming right now is that the basement bombs were ineffectual in bringing down the building alone. To this I would say, yes, it held, but it was certainly weakened. The reason I am referring to above, however, is not whether or not it occurred (I think 22 witnesses is fairly good proof of that), but rather what was the motivation for detonating explosives in the basement that didn't bring the tower down. There are 2 theories that I've heard of and it may be that both are actually true. One is that the explosions were meant to 'soften' the basement so that when the final explosions there occurred, they wouldn't have to be too loud (this is assuming that the basement levels are extra hard to bring down). The other is that explosives were placed there in order to overwhelm rescue efforts. The basement is not the only place that suffered destruction before the building came down, as I have mentioned in the past as well.

Ok, so he became a believer of the official story. But that link conveniently fails to mention the hydraulic press at all.

No but he mentioned smelling kerosene from the basement. Wonder how it got down there.

I haven't seen him mention kerosene; can you link to that? In any case, whether or not he smelled kerosene doesn't explain how a 50 ton hydraulic press was pulverized.

Originally Posted by scott3x
I meant a paltry 1 or 2 hours of weak fires. And alright, the fires certainly weren't weak by human standards, but they were way to weak to melt steel and arguments might even be made that they were too weak to melt aluminum. Since I can't understand the technical jargon from a 9/11 research page, however, I'm not sure.

You’re not sure, but you are sure of this “but they were way to weak to melt steel”. Based on what?

Based on science. Dave Heller, who has degrees in physics and architecture, is a builder and engaged citizen in Berkeley, California has this to say on it:
"But steel-framed skyscrapers have never collapsed from fire, since they're built from steel that doesn't melt below 2750 degrees Fahrenheit. No fuel, not even jet fuel, which is really just refined kerosene, will burn hotter than 1500 degrees Fahrenheit."


You are moving the goal posts. You suggested they weren’t speaking up due to fear. They are speaking up. Now are you saying that they won’t speak up more due to fear.

Sure, I suggested they weren't speaking up due to fear. I didn't say that -no one- was speaking up, however. Right from the get go, I made it clear that Paul Isaac did, for starters. And there were others as well.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Well, yes, something did. From Wing TV (http://www.wingtv.net/paulisaac.html):
Preeminent researcher Jim Marrs (Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies) also quotes author Randy Lavello, who wrote the following about Paul Isaac, Jr.: “New York firemen were very upset by what they considered a cover-up in the WTC destruction. Many other firemen knew there were bombs in the buildings,’ he said, ‘but they are afraid for their jobs to admit it because the higher-ups forbid discussion of this fact.’ Isaac, who was stationed at Engine 10 near the WTC in the late 1990s, said the higher-ups included the NYFD’s antiterrorism consultant, James Woolsey, a former CIA director. ‘There were definitely bombs in those buildings,’ Isaac added.”

No. No one has come forward who was actually part of the conspiracy.

You think the people who perpetrated 9/11 are going to simply come out?

For it to happen thousands of people would have been involved.

Indirectly, perhaps. I can certainly believe that thousands of people have decided to look the other way in order to not get fired or perhaps get a promotion. But in terms of actually being one of the people involved in -perpetrating- 9/11, I don't think that many people had to have been involved.

All we have is a conspiracy theorist, who was not involved, making claims. Not really compelling.

What we have are a -lot- of people making some very disturbing claims that should be more thoroughly investigated.

Originally Posted by scott3x
From Zeitgeist, sometime after minute 50:
("Thermite" - Explosive/Incendiary)
Dr. Steven Jones:
"Thermite is so hot, that it'll just cut through steel. Through structural steel, for example, like a knife through butter. The products are molten iron and aluminum oxide, which goes off primarily as a dust. You know those enormous dust clouds? You can imagine when you assemble these chemicals on a large scale."

Thermite would burn out in a matter of seconds and would not explain molten metal either.

I think I'll trust a physicist over you on that one.

Is the best evidence for pools of metal from Dr Steven Jones? Why didn’t he take some photos?

You know some people were arrested for taking photos? In any case, someone managed to take some video footage of some of the molten metal on the tower itself. The NIST denials of molten metal would be funny if this issue wasn't so serious:

Originally Posted by scott3x
True. But I was asking a question, not stating how much fuel a car had. Can you answer it? I'm talking in general, not what NIST believes in this particular case.

No idea.


And its conclusion is as follows:
Even NIST admits in its Final Report, “The initial jet fuel fires
themselves lasted at most a few minutes.” 9 The only
remaining source of fuel for the fires was common office
furnishings. The idea that a few floors of common office
furnishings burning for 56 minutes could result in the
demolition of the South Tower is phenomenally ludicrous. If
true, then every high-rise steel tower ever constructed should
be immediately demolished as a hazard to public safety. Of
course, that is unnecessary because no high-rise steel
structure has ever collapsed as a result of fire.
The observed demolition of the Twin Towers could not have
resulted from fires caused by the burning jet fuel and/or office
furnishings. It could only have been accomplished through
the action of some other much more energetic agent.
The most obvious explanation for the demolition of the Twin
Towers is precisely timed detonations of precisely located
explosives, placed prior to September 11, 2001.

This analysis was provided at no cost to the American

.. and that convinces you? That is merely someone claiming that it just couldn’t happen and explosives must have been used. I like the implication that after nine thousand gallons of jet fuel spreads around your building there should be relatively little damage.

As I mentioned in my last post, while it sounds like a lot, it's not actually that much. To wit:
To assist the reader in comprehending the 900 cubic feet volume of jet fuel that remained in
each of the buildings after the fireballs, three familiar examples are provided.

• A single standard 10’x10’ office cubicle filled to 9 feet. Approximately 300 such cubicles
plus walkways and amenities could have been contained on each of the 110 floors
(40,000 square feet) of each Twin Tower.
So: when dealing with the size of the WTC buildings, yes, relatively little damage.

Just a couple of small fires really. Disingenuously, the author ignores the damage from the aircraft.

Another report from the same site (http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/2008/FentonWTCInitiationFloors.pdf) deals with the insignificant damage from aircraft:
According to the final reports of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the collapse of the North Tower, began on floor 98.[1] NIST also reproduces photographs said to be taken at the time of the collapse showing fire and debris being
expelled from floor 98, and showing the section of the building above this floor tilting.[2] Although some aspects of NIST's work on the WTC have been questioned, the author is not aware of any reliable claims giving the collapse initiation floor for WTC1 as anything other than 98. In addition, a review of video sequences appeared to confirm NIST’s

Floor 98 was not in the centre of the impact area, but was struck by a portion of the aircraft. The fuselage and the engines hit floors 95 and 96, whereas floor 98 was only hit by the outer section of the plane’s starboard wing. Five of the perimeter columns on floor 98 were severed. If 50% of the building’s gravity load is assumed to be carried by the columns in the building's core and 50% by the 236 perimeter columns, the five
severed perimeter columns would have degraded floor 98’s ability to bear the gravity load it supported by slightly more than 1%.
Last edited:
You'll forgive me for writing in on your post, but I had to comment:

First of all, how do you know that everyone on youtube is unqualified? Second of all, there is only one professor of theology that is fairly well known: David Ray Griffin. And he's written 4 books on 9/11, so I would think he knows more then your average professor of theology on the subject.

He's still not a physicist. Shouldn't I take the word of a physicist over a non-physicist? (See below.)

Anyway, if you'd like to hear from someone with official credentials, take a look at this article from Dave Heller. Dave Heller is a physicist, architect and builder:

Well, for starters, Davey thinks the towers fell in 6.5 seconds. They didn't.

I believe that it was the simplest way they could think of. But if you'd like to provide a theory to a simpler one, I'm all ears.

I've suggested one.

I believe that the demolition theory makes a lot of sense and so do many others, including experts.

But more experts say it doesn't. So which side do I choose.

No, but it would lead to an active search for the people who did it, instead of having all the people who supposedly did it conveniently vaporized.

What, by being on the planes that crashed into the Towers? Sort of quibbling here, are we? (If they'd only thought to bail out James Bond-style.) Well, how about these guys?


Ok, never mind this whole line of inquiry. As far as I'm concerned, speculating as to what a few people who built the site meant when they said that the WTC could withstand impacts from planes isn't getting us anywhere.

By which you mean you were incorrect?

One is that the explosions were meant to 'soften' the basement so that when the final explosions there occurred, they wouldn't have to be too loud (this is assuming that the basement levels are extra hard to bring down). The other is that explosives were placed there in order to overwhelm rescue efforts.

The first is absurd: what were they going to claim when the tower began to collapse from the bottom? And what would that have helped with? By the time the collapsing mass struck there, there'd be no need whatsoever for explosives there. Moreover, they could then have as easily done it as I suggested, with no complications and no airplane nonsense.

The latter point is foolhardy in the extreme: why would the evil conspiracy have cared about rescue efforts? To what possible end? It illustrates, again, that you consider the terrorist attacks on the WTC as some kind of planned 'battle' against rescue personnel. But how would they have explained such bombs? And why not simply say right after the fact that bombs were carried in on the planes? This is verging on the absurd.

I haven't seen him mention kerosene; can you link to that? In any case, whether or not he smelled kerosene doesn't explain how a 50 ton hydraulic press was pulverized.

By collapsing rubble, what else? Hundreds of tons of material falling on things will do that, you know. Concrete and stone can even be reduced to dust. I have a friend who's a geomorphologist and he works on this very issue.

Indirectly, perhaps. I can certainly believe that thousands of people have decided to look the other way in order to not get fired or perhaps get a promotion.

With the tiny added problem that they all know each other. Thousands of people, all linked, all knowing the "Troof".

I think I'll trust a physicist over you on that one.

Not a theologian? Sorry, my little joke. :D

As for your column-cutting theory: you forget that the insulation was stripped away and that uninsulated steel loses 50% of its strength above 500C. So whole sections of floor 98 and several others lost at least 50% of their structural strength. I note that the second tower to fall was listing before it went down. Classic failure of steel supports, and nothing at all to do with imaginary explosives.

9/11- Serious theories

I must admit that I am a little tired of the title of the current thread on 9/11. We long ago stopped talking about what Larry Silverstein meant when he said that they decided to 'pull it'. I like the tone that is in there now, but I wish we had a different title.

So I thought I'd bring up this little bit of information that isn't in response to anything and see if it gets anywhere.

Manuel Garcia, a 9/11 official story supporter, has apparently done a lot of work trying to discredit 9/11 truthers. His background is interesting, to say the least.

From 9/11 Review (http://911review.com/articles/ryan/garcia.html):
Garcia not only works for the government, he works for a very interesting organization in terms of the best hypothesis for what happened that day. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Garcia's employer, appears to be where explosive thermite was invented, and it continues to be a focus of research there. (1) At LLNL, government scientists have learned how to combine the exothermic power of the thermite reaction with organic moieties to produce a thermite reaction that can do pressure/volume work (i.e. turn massive quantities of concrete and other building materials into dust). From the research of Steven Jones, we know that the thermite reaction likely played a role in bringing the towers down, and it would not be surprising if technology developed by LLNL was involved. Could that be why Manuel Garcia is so intent on seeing Physics that don't exist, in order to avoid seeing links to technology developed by his employer?

An excerpt from Manuel Garcia's argument for the official story:
A hijacked airliner was crashed into each building about 10 or 20 stories down from the top. The columns along one face of the building were sheared for a height of several floors, as were many of the columns at the core. The exploding fuel from the airliner ignited fires throughout the levels within the impact zone, as well as dropping fire down the stairwells and elevator shafts at the building's core, and billowing up to higher levels. The shocks of impact and detonation loosened the "fire protection" thermal insulation on steel beams in the impact zone.

Jim Hoffman responds:
I count five inaccurate or misleading statements in this paragraph

* The plane crashes were centered at 15 and 30 stories below the tops, not 10 or 20 stories.
* About half the perimeter columns were severed on the impacted faces, not all of them.
* The fuel ignited fires on portions of the impacted floors, not throughout those floors.
* Un-ignited fuel may have spilled down elevator shafts, but not fire, which tends to rise.
* NIST's own experiments show that fireproofing could only be dislodged by being sheared off, not by "shocks of impact".
Explosives don't melt steel. Not to my knowledge anyway. Explosives happen in an instant, therefore there is no prolonged exposure to heat.

This may be true for regular explosives, but not for thermite. Here are links with the evidence that this is what happened in the towers:


Amoung then is Dr. Hyman Brown, the project engineer for the construction of the Twin Towers. On 9/11, he stated:
"This building would have stood had a plane or a force caused by a plane smashed into it," he said. "But steel melts, and 90,850 litres of aviation fluid melted the steel. Nothing is designed or will be designed to withstand that fire."

A semantic error perhaps. Even if he meant the steel literally melted rather than be weakened, he was wrong, full stop. But I am pretty sure he knew what he meant and that the wrong word was used.

Why do you feel 'pretty sure' that that's what he meant?

The building would have collapsed long before the steel turned to liquid (even if it was possible for the steel to melt).

In the actual event, it was not only possible, it was recorded:

But I'm not arguing it was due to fires.

So there's some evidence that engineers can certainly come to flawed conclusions.

Yes, but they were also talking to the media in the immediate aftermath in which they would be likely to use laymen terms. It would be quite a different matter if they stated the steel melted in any of their final papers on the issue.

Alright, let's imagine that this was the case. All the more reason to look at the expert arguments against the government's case then, don't you think? After all, the experts have had more time to analyze what really happened.

The worst of the fires were on the 82nd floor. This was due to the fact that the body of the plane piled a lot of combustible materials to one side of the building, and so this is where the majority of the heat came from.

Even NIST admits in its Final Report, “The initial jet fuel fires themselves lasted at most a few minutes. 9 The only
remaining source of fuel for the fires was common office
furnishings. The idea that a few floors of common office
furnishings burning for 56 minutes could result in the
demolition of the South Tower is phenomenally ludicrous. If
true, then every high-rise steel tower ever constructed should
be immediately demolished as a hazard to public safety. Of
course, that is unnecessary because no high-rise steel
structure has ever collapsed as a result of fire.


I'm at least glad to see that you didn't pursue the firefighter on the 78th floor. I think even you could see Jim Marrs lied there. However, since you are also a liar, you excuse him.

What firefighter on the 78th floor? I only remember citing a south tower survivor on the 78th floor named Ling Young. I can imagine that the government has come up with this 'cool spots' scenario in order to fit in with witness testimony. The most important thing, however, is that even NIST admits that the jet fuel burned for a few minutes and a steel structured building has never collapsed due to fire in the past. Finally, to discredit the idea that there was a raging inferno anywhere in the south tower before it collapsed:
Immediately after the impact, flames were visible around the region of the impact. Unlike the North Tower, in which some fires were visible well above the impact zone, the fires in the South Tower never spread beyond the impact zone. In fact there is no evidence that the fires on the floors at the impact zone even spread to the opposite side of the building. By the time the building collapsed, the fires appeared to be suffocating, as no flames were visible, and only black smoke was emerging. At that time the vast majority of smoke was coming from the North Tower. New York firefighters reached the crash zone before the building broke up, and described "two pockets of fire".


Here's a picture of the south tower shortly after the plane crashed into it. Even at this early point, the fire is fairly small:

Are you saying that the government did not in fact claim this?

I'm saying nothing of the sort, but you and your sources are once again deliberately misrepresenting what NIST said, so perhaps you should look at the NIST temperature simulation on each of the floors:
Watch from 2 minutes 45 seconds

Note how the heat is not uniform on any of the floors contrary to what your beloved Jim Marrs says.

Jim Marrs never said that the heat was uniform. I will acknowledge, however, that it may be that he was operating without the information from NIST's simulation, since his "Terror Conspiracy" book was published in 2006. In the ending, though, it makes little difference; there is a lot of evidence that the fires couldn't have taken down the buildings; a few pockets of heat that couldn't even melt the steel framework just couldn't have brought it down.

Ludicrous? We saw the tower bow inwards due to the heat for fuck sake.

Let's put your argument in context. This is an excerpt from NIST's 2006 FAQ :
NIST’s findings do not support the “pancake theory” of collapse, which is premised on a progressive failure of the floor systems in the WTC towers (the composite floor system—that connected the core columns and the perimeter columns—consisted of a grid of steel “trusses” integrated with a concrete slab; see diagram below). Instead, the NIST investigation showed conclusively that the failure of the inwardly bowed perimeter columns initiated collapse and that the occurrence of this inward bowing required the sagging floors to remain connected to the columns and pull the columns inwards. Thus, the floors did not fail progressively to cause a pancaking phenomenon.

Jim Hoffman responds :
There is nothing accurate about NIST's result, which is no result at all -- just a vague theory of "collapse initiation" that NIST couldn't even get their tweaked computer models to support.
Look, I'm not sure if the momentum of 30 floors falling from above would have brought more floors down. But the way in which the building collapsed was typical of a demolition (with some exceptions), not of a fire. For more details, look at the right hand sidebar at this site: From http://www.ae911truth.org/

Nothing like a controlled demolition. No explosions heard by those outside the building, no collapse from bottom up, and pancake collapse.

Not even NIST believes the pancake collapse at this point. Anyway, it looks like you're not going to go to the link I put up, so I'll bring the text to you:
As your own eyes witness — WTC Building #7 (a 47-story high-rise not hit by an airplane) exhibits all the characteristics of a classic controlled demolition with explosives: (and some non-standard characteristics)
1. Rapid onset of “collapse”
2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a full second prior to collapse
3. Symmetrical “collapse” – through the path of greatest resistance – at nearly free-fall speed — the columns gave no resistance
4. “Collapses” into its own footprint – with the steel skeleton broken up for shipment
5. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds
6. Tons of molten metal found by CDI (Demolition Contractor).
7. Chemical signature of Thermate (high tech incendiary) found in slag, solidified molten metal, and dust samples by Physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.
8. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples
9. Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional
10. Fore-knowledge of “collapse” by media, NYPD, FDNY

And exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire, i.e.
1. Slow onset with large visible deformations
2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, to the side most damaged by the fires)
3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel
4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have never “collapsed”.
I completely stopped reading when I came upon this early on: "... where explosive thermite was invented..."

Only an idiot with NO knowledge of chemistry thinks thermite is explosive!!!:bugeye:

So I saw no point in reading any more of what is probably also nonsense as well.
Coincidence theorist or conspiracy theorist...hmmm.
The gov has lied many times.
Over $2 million dollars of tax payer money goes "missing" and unaccounted for every 3 minutes.
Instances of false flag operations happening in the past.
The only 3 steel structured buildings to come down ever in a single day.
Huge insurance policy taken out just weeks before hand.
Inncredibly convienient for current actions (Iraq, patriot act) to have taken place.
No plane hit building 7.
Flight 93 was disintegrated.
Key witnesses heard explosions in the basement and throughout the buildings.

That's a lot of coincidences and I don't think I have named them all.
Would have to say I lean a little more towards the conspiracy theorists side as apposed to the coincidence theorists side.

Bottom line is I may never know.
Scott, your links on thermite are about microstructure. Slicing beams with thermite means macrostructure; massive amounts of chemically cut steel. Jones is also going to have to prove that thermite can smoulder for weeks.

From your own link:

High levels of metals found in aluminothermic incendiaries -- such as manganese, zinc, and barium

Where else are they found? Office buildings, perhaps? Jones has to demonstrate that they shouldn't be there in the first place. We have no idea if they're out of order or not.

Let's address your quote at the end of your last post:

1. Rapid onset of “collapse”

Five hours is rapid?

2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a full second prior to collapse

Never heard this one about WTC 7 - evidence? What was blowing up, anyway? Was it the thermite? Because thermite explosives don't make big bangs.

3. Symmetrical “collapse” – through the path of greatest resistance – at nearly free-fall speed — the columns gave no resistance

First, not at free fall speed. None of the buildings at all fell at free fall; this is best illustrated by the debris that falls faster than the buildings it comes off of. I would submit that falling items possess actual free-fall speed.

4. “Collapses” into its own footprint – with the steel skeleton broken up for shipment

Is this unusual? How many buildings do in fact topple sideways after such a fire? How many samples do you have? Are you aware, or is your source aware, that the buildings were starting to lean prior to collapse?

5. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds

Does your source realise that collapsing buildings and crumbling concrete do indeed create large dust clouds? Even Hollywood knows this. Next.

6. Tons of molten metal found by CDI (Demolition Contractor).

Proof first, then we can debate it. What does it mean that a gas fire from a truck also melted steel on a bridge?

7. Chemical signature of Thermate (high tech incendiary) found in slag, solidified molten metal, and dust samples by Physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.

Proof please. Will Steve open up his samples for peer review? Why not?

8. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples

In tiny, tiny marks. Meaning random bits of sulphurous trash. What other artificial objects in an office building contain sulphur? PVC pipe, perhaps? Rubber? Any vulcanized substance?

9. Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional

And what of the multitude of other experts who disagree completely with this assessment? If we were weighing experts, would the total mass of my experts be greater than the total mass of your experts? Would the situation change any if we did a head count?

10. Fore-knowledge of “collapse” by media, NYPD, FDNY

Proof? In context, please.

Think, Scott. You don't have to believe this because it seems popular, you know. The truth is more important.

In the ending, though, it makes little difference; there is a lot of evidence that the fires couldn't have taken down the buildings; a few pockets of heat that couldn't even melt the steel framework just couldn't have brought it down.

"In the ending"? Odd phrase.

Anyway - it is very clear that the fire could easily have taken the buildings down, since temperatures in the building exceeded 500C, a point at which steel loses 50% of its integral strength.
This may be true for regular explosives, but not for thermite. Here are links with the evidence that this is what happened in the towers:


Well that second link is obviously molten Aluminium. Since we know Aluminium was in that zone, and that temperatures there were hot enough to melt Aluminium. Using common sense, this was the cause that that material being ejected.

Why didn't we see more of this kind of 'thermite' reaction throughout the entire height of the building if we are indeed to believe that thermite was used?

Why do you feel 'pretty sure' that that's what he meant?

Because it's reasonable. If however he literally meant steel melted, I'm sure afterwords he realized this was an error after he looked at the evidence.

In the actual event, it was not only possible, it was recorded:

That's not thermite you demonstrative liar.

Alright, let's imagine that this was the case. All the more reason to look at the expert arguments against the government's case then, don't you think? After all, the experts have had more time to analyze what really happened.

You can't prove a falsehood. Thus you don't have any experts on your side.


Even NIST admits in its Final Report, “The initial jet fuel fires themselves lasted at most a few minutes. 9 The only
remaining source of fuel for the fires was common office
furnishings. The idea that a few floors of common office
furnishings burning for 56 minutes could result in the
demolition of the South Tower is phenomenally ludicrous. If
true, then every high-rise steel tower ever constructed should
be immediately demolished as a hazard to public safety. Of
course, that is unnecessary because no high-rise steel
structure has ever collapsed as a result of fire.


Discredited by whom? Oh, "Anon".

High rise steel fires are extremely rare, so don't go demolishing them all as a safety hazard just yet. From what I gather no fire has happened in any building remotely resembling the WTC? Neither have they been hit by airliners going full speed.

What firefighter on the 78th floor? I only remember citing a south tower survivor on the 78th floor named Ling Young.

I'm pretty sure you mentioned one of the firefighters radioing isolated fires from the 78th floor. Whatever the source, anything on the 78th floor is completely invalid for proving there was no intense heat in the tower.

I can imagine that the government has come up with this 'cool spots' scenario in order to fit in with witness testimony. The most important thing, however, is that even NIST admits that the jet fuel burned for a few minutes and a steel structured building has never collapsed due to fire in the past.

Well it's kind of hard to debunk you and have you honestly conceed these silly points when you will always say "well the man in the trench coat just invented that".

Finally, to discredit the idea that there was a raging inferno anywhere in the south tower before it collapsed:


Here's a picture of the south tower shortly after the plane crashed into it. Even at this early point, the fire is fairly small:

Truther tactic #47: Deliberately use pictures which you think support your point even if there are other pictures which contradict it.

There are pictures that show the extent of the fires more clearly. It all depends on the angle, and time of picture:



Another example of this dishonest truther tactic is when Loose Change used a picture of the Pentagon with a fire truck and water gushing out which obscured much of the damage, when they could have used lots of other picture more clearly showing the damage. Proof if proof were needed that you and your gang are nothing but a bunch of dishonest conspiracy kooks.

Jim Marrs never said that the heat was uniform. I will acknowledge, however, that it may be that he was operating without the information from NIST's simulation, since his "Terror Conspiracy" book was published in 2006. In the ending, though, it makes little difference; there is a lot of evidence that the fires couldn't have taken down the buildings; a few pockets of heat that couldn't even melt the steel framework just couldn't have brought it down.

You said it again, "melt the steel". That never happened, you haven't proved from a reliable source that it happened and you are a moron.

I on the other hand pose the question to you that debunks your whole "fire can't bring a building down" claim. Why was the tower bowing? This proves that steel truses were weakening due to the heat.

Not even NIST believes the pancake collapse at this point. Anyway, it looks like you're not going to go to the link I put up, so I'll bring the text to you:

I thought I explained this several days ago. When I use the term 'pancake collapse', I don't mean it literally. I don't know what the official term would be, but my stance is that the weight and momentum of the building falling from above was sufficient to destroy the rest of the building below it. For me, I call this a pancake collapse because it's quicker to say.

Now let me have a pop at some of the points you quoted from an ever so reliable source (not):

1. Rapid onset of “collapse”

Remember that video of the collapsing 10 story apartment building due to fire? That was rapid onset.

2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a full second prior to collapse

This really interests me. What is the evidence for this?

3. Symmetrical “collapse” – through the path of greatest resistance –

10 story apartment building collapsed straight down also. I would argue that falling straight down is the path of least resistance. I believe it's called gravity. The only question is whether or not the materials below are strong enough to withstand the weight and momentum.

at nearly free-fall speed — the columns gave no resistance

10 story building looked like free fall too.

4. “Collapses” into its own footprint – with the steel skeleton broken up for shipment

10 story footprinted too.

5. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds

Now this makes me LOL! Do you know what pyroclastic means?
composed chiefly of fragments of volcanic origin, as agglomerate, tuff, and certain other rocks; volcaniclastic.

And 10 story also had a large volume of 'expanding pyroclastic (lol) dust also.

6. Tons of molten metal found by CDI (Demolition Contractor).

Even if true, how does this prove any kind of demolition?

7. Chemical signature of Thermate (high tech incendiary) found in slag, solidified molten metal, and dust samples by Physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.

This "chemical signature" doesn't prove thermite was used as the same elements were already commonly found throughout the WTC with the paint and office equipment etc.

Steven Jones is an unpublished kook.

9. Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional


10. Fore-knowledge of “collapse” by media, NYPD, FDNY

I could tear this apart all night long, but I think I'll just leave it to speak for itself - it is that stupid. The fact that you think that not only were sections of the government "in on it", but they somehow wanted to tell the media and police officers about it, and well, hundreds of fire fighters died that day (and probably a lot of NYPD too?) so they can't possibly be "in on it".

3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel

Totally wrong. The bowing effect shows that the towers support was being 'softened'.
Huge insurance policy taken out just weeks before hand.

From what I've heard, Larry Silverstein insured the buildings for the minimum amount. He didn't even make any profit as the rebuilding cost more than the insurance payout.

Flight 93 was disintegrated.

Ummm... that's what happens when a plane lands face down in the ground at near the speed of sound. Moron.

Key witnesses heard explosions in the basement and throughout the buildings.

They also smelled kerosine in the basement, and thus 'explosions' could be described by ignited jet fuel traveling down the elevator shafts which is not controversial as it was described by many witnesses. Also we have to accept the probably of elevator cars falling to the basement/lobby, or other debris falling down the elevator shaft.

Since the basement played no part in the collapse, it's irrelevant to the conspiracy theory. So it's not 'coincadental' at all.[/QUOTE]
I realize that all this conspiracy junk isn't going to go away, but I sure will be glad when the morons get tired of talking about it so much.:bugeye:

I suppose since their minds are so small and their intelligence/knowledge so limited ("exploding" thermite - egad!!!) they have nothing else that they CAN talk about.
First of all, how do you know that everyone on youtube is unqualified? Second of all, there is only one professor of theology that is fairly well known: David Ray Griffin. And he's written 4 books on 9/11, so I would think he knows more then your average professor of theology on the subject.
Well if he knows more than the average professor of theology….. his opinion would still be invalid when contradicted by structural engineers who actually work in the field.

Anyway, if you'd like to hear from someone with official credentials, take a look at this article from Dave Heller. Dave Heller is a physicist, architect and builder:
A quick skim of that article and I can see the same old argument about jet fuel not being hot enough to melt steel. He may have a degree in physics but his article, like so many from the CTers, is poorly researched. I’m not going to read it further as we would be going backwards.

I believe that it was the simplest way they could think of. But if you'd like to provide a theory to a simpler one, I'm all ears.
I have been. All they needed to do was put two really big bombs on the lower floors or even the basement and they could have blown the two buildings that way. You are claiming that they couldn’t have gotten away with that so instead they managed to get them on nearly every floor undetected, hijack the planes and set these invisible bombs off with perfect millisecond timing. Can you not see why that is absurd? That’s not the simplest way is it?

I believe that the demolition theory makes a lot of sense and so do many others, including experts.
Yes experts in irrelevant fields.

No, but it would lead to an active search for the people who did it, instead of having all the people who supposedly did it conveniently vaporized.
Think Scott. They could have been there when the bombs went off and still vaporised. Thats what terrorists do.

He's on, but my favourite now comes from the 9/11 Journal:

A lot more criticisms of NIST's findings can be found here:

I never said invisible. They were simply concealed.
So explosives were concealed on most of the 110 floors and no one saw them, you don’t see any explosives going off and then nothing was found afterwards. However you believe that explosives were involved because some people said they heard something that sounded like bombs even though there are explanations for what those noises were. It’s like a religious faith I guess.
Ok, never mind this whole line of inquiry. As far as I'm concerned, speculating as to what a few people who built the site meant when they said that the WTC could withstand impacts from planes isn't getting us anywhere.
Well it’s not getting you anywhere.

Ok. The page or so I posted blows your 'nothing suspicious here' comment out of the water.
Now I’m starting to think you are actually as delusional as Ganymede. The wrecked WTC was there for months. Thousands of people had access to it. It wasn’t spirited away quickly it took a long time and anyone could have had a good look at it or taken a piece. You are trying very hard to paint everything here as suspicious, even that a driver supposedly lost his job, but it is clear that you and others have a belief and are just desperate to substantiate that with anything that sounds like evidence.

Some could be, sure. But you would expect the NGOs to be in on it to -support- the government's findings, not go against them.
So pretty much anyone could be in on it if you want to believe. Except for a few eager but poorly qualified conspiracy theorists.

By human standards, it was hot up there. By the building's standards, however, the heat from the fires barely scratched its steel structured veneer.
Jet fuel burns hot enough to weaken steel, there were thousands of gallons of jet fuel. :shrug:

If they felt that the risk was too severe to risk it, yes, I do believe this. As a matter of fact, after the first world trade center came down, they had an argument as to whether they should evacuate their personnel from the second one. My guess is that even though it didn't -seem- like the second one should come down, they'd already been surprised once. In any case, the second tower came down in short order, ending the argument.
Which doesn’t help your point.

I recommend you take a look at the following pdf to see how insignificant to the WTC building integrity the plane impacts were:
While I doubt the figures in that I won’t bother going through it because it is unimportant. If there was no jet fuel on the planes the buildings may certainly have stayed up.

They didn't. Atleast, not for the first one. Even Rodriguez makes that clear.
So when you say “People below were treated to an explosion -before- the plane even hit.” you don’t actually know this to be the case but are just applying a little faith.

But Rodriguez makes it clear that he could tell the approximate -location- of the initial bang (the one in the basement, where he himself was). I don't think it's rocket science to tell when a bang is coming from close by instead of 80+ floors up.
You just won’t let go of the belief will you?
This is what Rodriguez said. "We heard a loud rumble, then all of a sudden we heard another rumble like someone moving a whole lot of furniture," Rodriguez said. "And then the elevator opened and a man came into our office and all of his skin was off."
Two rumbles with no description of where they were from and that testimony was taken on the day.

It's not completely invalidated. The only thing you're claiming right now is that the basement bombs were ineffectual in bringing down the building alone. To this I would say, yes, it held, but it was certainly weakened.
Certainly weakened? Based on what? The bottom part of the building held strong while the top collapsed from the point of the impact. Can’t you understand this?

If there were bombs in the basement they didn’t do anything. That there are perfectly reasonable explanations for hearing a rumble in the basement will not phase a CTer who wants the conspiracy to be real.

The reason I am referring to above, however, is not whether or not it occurred (I think 22 witnesses is fairly good proof of that), but rather what was the motivation for detonating explosives in the basement that didn't bring the tower down. There are 2 theories that I've heard of and it may be that both are actually true. One is that the explosions were meant to 'soften' the basement so that when the final explosions there occurred, they wouldn't have to be too loud (this is assuming that the basement levels are extra hard to bring down). The other is that explosives were placed there in order to overwhelm rescue efforts. The basement is not the only place that suffered destruction before the building came down, as I have mentioned in the past as well.
Scott that is the worst point you have made yet. Stop what you are doing and re-read what you wrote. I’m not even going to address it.

I haven't seen him mention kerosene; can you link to that? In any case, whether or not he smelled kerosene doesn't explain how a 50 ton hydraulic press was pulverized.

Who knows what happened it to the press. Debris from the explosion? The fact the kerosene was smelled is enough to give you an indication. Once again, no bombs.

Based on science. Dave Heller, who has degrees in physics and architecture, is a builder and engaged citizen in Berkeley, California has this to say on it:
"But steel-framed skyscrapers have never collapsed from fire, since they're built from steel that doesn't melt below 2750 degrees Fahrenheit. No fuel, not even jet fuel, which is really just refined kerosene, will burn hotter than 1500 degrees Fahrenheit."

His article is rubbish which has been debunked over and over. The fact that you are still quoting melting steel makes me question your intelligence.

So you are swayed by science? You ignore the consensus of structural engineers and take the word of a theologian and a physicist who thinks jesus visited America. You have a strange standard when it comes evidence or what you call science.

Sure, I suggested they weren't speaking up due to fear. I didn't say that -no one- was speaking up, however. Right from the get go, I made it clear that Paul Isaac did, for starters. And there were others as well.
.. and have they all lost their jobs?

Stop repeating the same old nonsense about people too scared to speak up. People are speaking up everywhere and not getting killed. In seven years someone would have retired or changed jobs and no one is speaking up.

You think the people who perpetrated 9/11 are going to simply come out?
Conspiracies usually get out eventually. There is absolutely no way that a conspiracy like this involving thousands and thousands of people would have been kept quiet this long.

Indirectly, perhaps. I can certainly believe that thousands of people have decided to look the other way in order to not get fired or perhaps get a promotion.
Have they been waiting for that promotion for seven years?

What we have are a -lot- of people making some very disturbing claims that should be more thoroughly investigated.
We also have a lot of people who think Elvis is alive and that Sai Baba is a god but that doesn’t mean a lot. As a sceptic I would be all for more investigation if the arguments put forward by CTers weren’t so laughable. It only takes a little scrutiny to see how bad they are.

I think I'll trust a physicist over you on that one.
Do some research on how thermite burns. It fires up and burns in seconds. This would not explain molten metal later on.

You know some people were arrested for taking photos? In any case, someone managed to take some video footage of some of the molten metal on the tower itself. The NIST denials of molten metal would be funny if this issue wasn't so serious:
I saw plenty of photos. Not one of molten pools of metal.

I think you will find NIST acknowledged that there could certainly have been molten aluminium.

As I mentioned in my last post, while it sounds like a lot, it's not actually that much. To wit:
To assist the reader in comprehending the 900 cubic feet volume of jet fuel that remained in
each of the buildings after the fireballs, three familiar examples are provided.

• A single standard 10’x10’ office cubicle filled to 9 feet. Approximately 300 such cubicles
plus walkways and amenities could have been contained on each of the 110 floors
(40,000 square feet) of each Twin Tower.
So: when dealing with the size of the WTC buildings, yes, relatively little damage.
What does the cubic feet of jet fuel have to do with anything? A simple layer or splash of jet fuel is enough to get a fire going. There were thousands of gallons of the stuff.

Another report from the same site (http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/2008/FentonWTCInitiationFloors.pdf) deals with the insignificant damage from aircraft:
According to the final reports of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the collapse of the North Tower, began on floor 98.[1] NIST also reproduces photographs said to be taken at the time of the collapse showing fire and debris being
expelled from floor 98, and showing the section of the building above this floor tilting.[2] Although some aspects of NIST's work on the WTC have been questioned, the author is not aware of any reliable claims giving the collapse initiation floor for WTC1 as anything other than 98. In addition, a review of video sequences appeared to confirm NIST’s

Floor 98 was not in the centre of the impact area, but was struck by a portion of the aircraft. The fuselage and the engines hit floors 95 and 96, whereas floor 98 was only hit by the outer section of the plane’s starboard wing. Five of the perimeter columns on floor 98 were severed. If 50% of the building’s gravity load is assumed to be carried by the columns in the building's core and 50% by the 236 perimeter columns, the five
severed perimeter columns would have degraded floor 98’s ability to bear the gravity load it supported by slightly more than 1%.
Did you think that the crash alone brought that tower?
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