9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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Please, get a clue. Sustained fire does just as much structural damage as explosions, and we saw a collapse that was consistent with the gradual weakening of the structure..
l do think the engineers were trying to create a structure that would take multiple hits from aircraft and fuel burning temps were factored in. Also, you can find footage of skyscrapers that burn for weeks without falling down.

The result was a long shot to say the least.
Yeah, growing tired of the inundating, but it's silly.

Terrorists blow things up. They use IEDs a lot these days. It's what you might say, natural, for them. When they destroy, that is.

Long shot attitude can't/won't/didn't happen, aside. It's impractical to assume that they could not utilize this method. Even your illustrious Dick Cheney said it's just a matter of time before suicide bombers are seen here. Emphasis on explosives.

If you seek comfort, try music/meditation. Lying about, in that something couldn't happen because it's too inflicting, is an implication of remorse, in that you will not ever succumb to misfortune. Because, after all, the tendency has been well indoctrinated: __GOD MODE++ON__
Why would terrorists wait for the buildings to be evacuated before setting off demolition charges, reducing the casualties significantly?
Indeed. That is something that a military force would do if it didn't increase the risk to themselves. Wars are supposed to be fought with honor and military operations are supposed to minimize civilian casualties. Terrorists have no honor, at least not outside their own twisted thinking. In fact they deliberately target civilians as a way of terrorizing them so that they will lobby their government to give in to the demands of the terrorists. As I have posted elsewhere, terrorism is extortion rather than warfare. It is the Mafia "protection" racket writ large. "Give us what we want or we'll kill your children."
Apparently that rule does not apply to this forum. We've got one moderator who can't seem to speak in complete sentences, but yet, has the ability to edit threads. I guess every town needs a Barney Fife.
If you think a moderator is not doing a good job then please PM any moderator, for example me. Don't just bitch about it to the other members and to all the prospective members who come here to see if they like the place. We can't keep up with each other's boards and know what's being written. But we know we're not perfect and we criticize each other on our private subforum all the time.
l do think the engineers were trying to create a structure that would take multiple hits from aircraft and fuel burning temps were factored in. Also, you can find footage of skyscrapers that burn for weeks without falling down. The result was a long shot to say the least.
As noted, NYC changed the rules about asbestos when the WTC was half complete. Other fireproofing materials are heavier. The blueprints had to be changed when the bottom half of the structures were already built. There is controversy over just how much of an effect this had on the disaster. Nonetheless the terrorists clearly knew about it. They hit the buildings precisely within the ten-story zone right above the asbestos line that engineers agree was the "soft spot."
One thing is for sure, New Yorkers are pissed off. Why are we still hearing about this 7 years later? Why is it so popular a notion that it was an inside job?

I don't know, but if I were in charge of building those things, the very FIRST thing I would wonder is "what if a plane hit this thing?"

Well, the first thing I would wonder is "who the hell would spend every workday in a skyscaper?" followed by "what if it got hit by a plane?"
Actually the first thing the guy in charge of those buildings did - was collect BILLIONS of USD in Insurance.

[edit] September 11, 2001 attacks

[edit] Dispute with insurers
As a private developer with a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center, Silverstein insured the property. Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, he sought payment for the destruction of the towers as two incidents. The two dozen insurers held that it was one incident. If it were considered to be a single incident, the payout would be $3.55 billion and if it were two incidents, it would be $7.1 billion. Silverstein sued the insurers. In October of 2006, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit upheld a jury verdict from the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York that the attacks must be considered a single occurrence. Yet, the same court also upheld a victory in the second phase of trial which was awarded to Mr. Silverstein in which temporary insurance policies in effect when the buildings were destroyed did require that the attack be treated as two occurrences. Thus, nine insurance companies will pay double the approximately $1 billion in coverage under their policies.[10]

On December 6, 2004, a federal jury ruled in favor of Silverstein giving him an additional $1.1 billion from nine insurers, declaring it to be two "occurrences". [11] However, in a previous trial, a different federal jury delivered a mixed verdict which highly favored insurers on April 29, 2004 [12]

At dispute in the trial were interpretation of standard forms used in the application for property insurance and when particular insurers saw which documents.[13]

In total, Silverstein was awarded nearly $5 billion in insurance money following the destruction of the Twin Towers [14]. He plans to use some or all of the settlement to rebuild. [15] The World Trade Center had a total of 24 insurance policies. In 2007, 6 years after the attacks, Silverstein and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey filed a $1 billion lawsuit ($250 million in unpaid claims and $750 million in damages) against Royal & Sun Alliance Group Plc and its U.S. affiliate.[16]

Silverstein's lease with the Port Authority for the World Trade Center requires him to continue paying $102 million annually in base rent.[17] He is applying insurance payments toward the redevelopment of the World Trade Center site.[18]


Kinda odd he got specific insurance in case of TWO seperate attacks.
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I don't know, but if I were in charge of building those things, the very FIRST thing I would wonder is "what if a plane hit this thing?"
They did. It would be irresponsible not to. The probability is small but the damage is enormous so you have to take it seriously. The problem is that the bureaucrats second-guessed the engineers (as bureaucrats are wont to do) and forced them to jury-rig the upper half of the towers instead of building them the way they were designed. As I said, there's much controversy over how much effect this had. But to me, the fact that the building was designed to withstand the impact of an airliner crash, and DIDN'T, means that we should at least think about blaming the bureaucrats. Leaving the asbestos out of HALF of those two buildings probably saved something like two lives that would have been lost to cancer over 100 years. Instead, by taking the risk and tempting fate, we've lost 3,000 people.
Large structures being built take into account catastrophic failure attempts.
Has been so since the late 1970's when terrorists first started blowing up planes, and hijacking them. Although, typically it was to raise interest in their party, by flying them to a destination other than the intended one; it was assumed after several planes hit targets in the early 80's this was a scenario.

It's minimal, but it's a concern. However, to 'plane-proof' a building could be swelled up better by the notion of impact survival gear. Personal parachutes, still available on Ebay, for fleeing a hit building. Are, in fact, much more economical, practical, and seem to sooth the mind for this level of thinking. Whereas, you are invulnerable, can do no wrong, and nothing dares stray from your line of thinking.
neitszchefan said:
Kinda odd he got specific insurance in case of TWO seperate attacks.
According to your link, he didn't get insurance that clearly applied to the kind of event that occurred - he had to go to court to get his interpretation of some apparently non-specific language enforced.

clustering said:
One thing is for sure, New Yorkers are pissed off. Why are we still hearing about this 7 years later? Why is it so popular a notion that it was an inside job?
There were a lot of odd circumstances involved. People have cause to be suspicious. But wild speculations about Mission Impossible secret demolition rigging is a deflection of those suspicions down easily handled paths.

The suspicion that the contractors cut a few corners during construction, for example, and concealed the evidence of that in the disposal of the steel, gets lost.

The suspicion that a fair number of people had some pretty solid indications, as much as nine months in advance, of the date and the target of some kind of serious attack, gets lost.

The suspicion that certain preventative measures indicated by the disturbing circumstances in accellerating accumulation before the event were negligently - or even deliberately - slacked, gets lost.

The suspicion that the money trail both before and after the event has not been diligently pursued, for incriminating reasons, gets lost.

And so forth.
No, man...not here, not this one, not this time...

NORAD was at official Defcon stat. 2, then 1. In the midst for about 4 or so hours. Watching, tracking. Especially the final dot. As the terrorists had figured out by monitoring, it wasn't happening.

That's why I don't agree with the accepted demolition of the Pentagon via non-plane method.
Eyes wide open...very Dramatic...
I'll play Captain Obvious

One thing is for sure, New Yorkers are pissed off. Why are we still hearing about this 7 years later? Why is it so popular a notion that it was an inside job?
Because this is the only way the anti-American, President Bush hating, love all the Islamofascists, socialist promoting whack jobs can keep blaming the problem on everyone and everything but where it belongs.

It cannot be the fault of the Muslim extremists who claimed responsibility; the left favors them.

It cannot be the Clinton Administration's neglect of intelligence gathering, military preparedness and general dismissive attitude of national security and defense; the left favors them.

It has to be Republicans. Especially that evil Bush guy. And at the time, his puppet master, that evil Cheney guy.

It's bad enough those loonies really believe this sort of thing. They think you'll believe it too if they repeat it long enough. Remember, to a good Marxist, 'Truth is that which serves the revolution.'
Because this is the only way the anti-American, President Bush hating, love all the Islamofascists, socialist promoting whack jobs can keep blaming the problem on everyone and everything but where it belongs. It cannot be the fault of the Muslim extremists who claimed responsibility; the left favors them. It cannot be the Clinton Administration's neglect of intelligence gathering, military preparedness and general dismissive attitude of national security and defense; the left favors them. It has to be Republicans. Especially that evil Bush guy. And at the time, his puppet master, that evil Cheney guy.
As I've noted elsewhere, anti-American sentiment throughout the Middle East was fomented throughout the Cold War, when the Soviets and the CIA used the region as their private chessboard and treated the people who lived there as expendable pawns. Every postwar administration--Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and the Retard, five Democrats and six Republicans--has contributed to their resentment of us (and the Soviets of course but now they're gone).

We supported the creation and armament of Israel. We kept the Shah in power. When he was ousted we supported Saddam in his war against Iran. But then when he attacked Kuwait we sided with Kuwait. When the Russians tried to get a foothold in Afghanistan we gave financial support and training to the backwoods militia that became the Taliban. Throughout all of this we've kept Christian soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia, uncomfortably close to Medina and Mecca, Islam's most holy sites. After 9/11, which was perpetrated by Saudis, to the bafflement of the entire human race we responded by overthrowing the governments of Afghanistan (which was only tenuously involved) and Iraq (the only secular, pro-Western Muslim nation in the entire region).
It's bad enough those loonies really believe this sort of thing. They think you'll believe it too if they repeat it long enough. Remember, to a good Marxist, 'Truth is that which serves the revolution.'
These "loonies" have plenty of reason to hate us. The guilt does not rest entirely on the head of The First President With Pre-Senile Dementia, or even on the G.O.P., but there's more than enough to go around and no one in Washington is blameless.

I'm not leftist. I'm a libertarian. I hold both nearly indistinguishable conferences of the Republocrat League in equal contempt. And I hold them both responsible for at least contributory negligence in regards to our current dismal relations with the Middle East. You can't treat people like chessmen for sixty years and expect them to respect you.
Leaving the asbestos out of HALF of those two buildings probably saved something like two lives that would have been lost to cancer over 100 years. Instead, by taking the risk and tempting fate, we've lost 3,000 people. ”

I keep saying that the environmentalists don't care who they kill.
I've been wondering if there were anything that switched off the judgment module of the reactionary mind faster than "terrorist" - of course there is: "environmentalist".

The banning of asbestos in building insulation has probably saved more than 3000 people from particularly ugly deaths, the collapse of the towers is not directly tied to any lack of asbestos (the existing insulation, if installed as specified, was equivalent), many hundreds of the 3000 would have died regardless of the collapse - and "environmentalists" were not directly involved anyway.

The asbestos in the lower floors, btw, is a serious concern - the health effects of the tower collapses are still playing out.
These "loonies" have plenty of reason to hate us.
FR, you missed what I was saying. The 'loonies' who hate the U. S. and to whom I referred are those U. S. born 'truthers' who feel their mission in life is to be ashamed of the U. S. At the moment, that means hating President Bush; just as they hated President Johnson in the '60s and then President Nixon for the overwhelming sin of fighting communism. These are the people who simply have to believe the Twin Towers attack was 'an inside job'. If it were not, then they couldn't hate President Bush for it. Not only that, but they would then have to support President Bush in the effort to combat Islamofascist terrorism.

[sarcasm]Could you possibly imagine anything worse?[/sarcasm]
FR, you missed what I was saying. The 'loonies' who hate the U. S. and to whom I referred are those U. S. born 'truthers' who feel their mission in life is to be ashamed of the U. S. At the moment, that means hating President Bush; just as they hated President Johnson in the '60s and then President Nixon for the overwhelming sin of fighting communism. These are the people who simply have to believe the Twin Towers attack was 'an inside job'. If it were not, then they couldn't hate President Bush for it. Not only that, but they would then have to support President Bush in the effort to combat Islamofascist terrorism.
I've become increasingly ashamed of the U.S. ever since the Religious Redneck Retard Revival began reversing all the intellectual and social progress we made in the 1960s and early 1970s. I'm especially ashamed of it now because I have no answers for many of the quite reasonable criticisms made, even right here by my friends on SciForums. I've been antagonistic to our government for years, since the checks and balances stopped functioning and it has been consolidating power at a dizzying rate. I haven't liked the presidents in my lifetime very much except Eisenhower and Clinton, but I hold Carter and the two Bushes directly responsible for our problems in the Middle East. When I saw the Twin Towers fall, my first reaction was, "This was bound to happen, we and the Russians used the Middle East as a chessboard for forty years and we still have Christian soldiers stationed near Mecca."

But even I don't think it was an inside job. It doesn't have to be. The event as it actually occurred indicts our postwar political folly just fine. We're all guilty. I voted for LBJ because I thought he would end the war, and for Carter because I didn't think anybody could be more inept than Ford.
I voted for LBJ because I thought he would end the war, and for Carter because I didn't think anybody could be more inept than Ford.

Fraggle: Nice to see you date yourself. However, I suspect that most of the readership haven't a clue who LBJ was, or which war you're talking about. Same might even be true for Carter for a significant percentage of those who post here.

I believe a lot of people voted as you did for the same reasons. Lyndon B. Johnson inherited Kennedy's war in Vietnam following Kennedy's assasination, and people believed he'd end it when they later voted for him, and not make it a bigger quagmire as he later did after being elected. Later, they voted for Nixon for the same reason, obtaining the same opposite result. When Ford took over after Nixon resigned, Carter promised a breath of fresh air [an outsider from Georgia going into Washington], and was elected on that premise, it would appear.
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