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The fear of a number, is just as bad, as the fear of what it represents....

666 appears 4 times in the Bible... But analyse these next prophetic notes:

1. 1st Kings 10:4,
2. 2nd Chron 9:13,
3. Ezra 2:13
4. and Rev 13:18.

In Kings, we learn that ''solomon has Wisdom'' . In 2nd Chron, Solomon, the ''KING OF WISDOM''* gains 666 peices of gold, most probably coins**...

In Ezra 2:13, 666 men of Adonikam... a tribe of the Exiles... More importantly, when they return later in the Bible, there is one man extra, counted as 667... mistake written into the Bible... I say ''No.'' There is definately a message here... (i theorize. It is simply, 1 over 666... )

And of course, the legendary 13:18 of Rev... Those who hath wisdom, let him CALCULATE, the number of the beast, for it is MANS*** number... 666...

* THIS MIGHT BE, where the old saying comes from ''money is the route of all evil,''

** And it says in Revelation 13:18, that ONE MUST HAVE WISDOM, to understand the number of the beast... coincidence? I don't think so.

*** Some theologians translate this possibly as saying, A MANS number, which would point at an individual.

I can't remember where the other 666 is... maybe someone can help me here... anyways... this is about what it means...

There are some key words...




and even... ''Man.'' or ''a man...''

Let us translate what this means... I'll give everyone a head start... I certainly don't have all the answers, but i have an incline..

is Solomon the wisest of all kings back then
and maybe he had a number of how many questions do with his wise answer
and he was a man
only guessing
Is solomon the wisest of all kings back then?


And maybe he had a number of how many question do with his wise answer...


And he was a man

Of course.

Only guessing...

Not bad.
Rather than deal with all the numbers for now, I'll point out one error of quotation.

Your statement ''money is the route of all evil'' is incorrect. The proper quotation is: "The love of money is the root of all evil." Which is just another way of saying greed is the driving force behind all our problems.
Very well... but is still not the same equation, despite the wording?

Absolutely not. Money is nothing but a neutral medium exchange - it is neither good nor evil. But the LOVE of money arises from greed, as I explained, and that IS evil.

Being able to clearly discern things like that is the hallmark of the careful researcher.
really.. let me go over your head on this one...

Jesus was sold for the field of blood of 33 peices of silver, which can be configurated onto easy calculus:
33 is 11 x 3... Jesus began preaching at 12

3 x 4

and at 12, he disappeared for [6] years, reapearing at [18] (6 x 3)

and 37 x 18 = 666

and 37 is the 12th prime, thus note Jesus had 12 deciples...


Jesus fed the 5000 and 4000 = 6 x 1500

He can be related to a multiple of 6 x variations...\

This does not mean he was evil, but we can now calculate that HE WAS in fact showing that humans were invariant to the number 6... The inperfect numver... I could give a load more as well.
really.. let me go over your head on this one...

Jesus was sold for the field of blood of 33 peices of silver, which can be configurated onto easy calculus:

Even more imperfect logic! Judas was paid to betray Jesus and that money eventually went to buy the potter's field. The way you're tried to link that is the same as saying that the United States was founded for the purpose of fighting a war in Iraq.
33 is 11 x 3... Jesus began preaching at 12

3 x 4

and at 12, he disappeared for [6] years, reapearing at [18] (6 x 3)

and 37 x 18 = 666

and 37 is the 12th prime, thus note Jesus had 12 deciples...


Jesus fed the 5000 and 4000 = 6 x 1500

He can be related to a multiple of 6 x variations...\

This does not mean he was evil, but we can now calculate that HE WAS in fact showing that humans were invariant to the number 6... The inperfect numver... I could give a load more as well.

Very sorry to have to say this, but anyone who believes in numerology has a screw that is very, very loose.
The Bible is all about the calculation of numerology... as is said in the calculation fo Solomon and other astronomers of that time... you should be appreciative of this, considering you love astronomy yourself...
Off the top of my head... take this example i showed...

666 were shown in ezra, and 667 came back...

666 x 667 = (444 222) - do you think this is coincidence of choice? and 444 + 222 = 666
The Bible is all about the calculation of numerology... as is said in the calculation fo Solomon and other astronomers of that time... you should be appreciative of this, considering you love astronomy yourself...

No, the Bible isn't about numerology. And astronomy has no use for numerology either. I believe you are confusing astronomy with astrology - HUGE difference there!!

Numerology is no more useful (and every bit as foolish!) as palm and tea-leaves readers, fortune tellers and all of that ragged bit of con artists.
The Bible isn't? Do you know why the Bible chose its numbers? Pure numerology mate. You could realize this OBVIOUS FACT.

God created the world in 6 days... 6 is imperfect, and resembles all that inhabit this corporeal existence... Even the tribes were 12 = 6 x 2

Or how about, the 12 parables 6 x 2 = 12

Jesus has 144,000 TRUE DESCIPLES = 12 X 12000

How much are you going to deny? The Bible is pure numerology, displayed in a definate fasion!!!!
Take this last fact, before i realize you ARE TRYING TO SPAM, obvious facts...

The Bible has 66 books... back to 33 x 2...

Jesus dies at 33... these numbers are not random.
How much are you going to deny? The Bible is pure numerology, displayed in a definate fasion!!!!

Sorry Reiku,..Sprung bad,..On the 66 proof again, that's 6 days in a row!
6 bourbons, 6 scotches.. you know the rest.

BTW, I just smoked my 66th spoon of crack for the day.
SPAMMER... I AM simply showing that the Bible had a numerical configuration. One more spam, and i am reporting.
I have so much more under my sleave to proove, but personally, i have enough proof that 6 is the most destinguished number in the Bible, including it's configurated cousin, 3.
If the bible chooses it's numbers to make some kind of point, what does that tell us about the stories in there ?
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