6 year old hand cuffed

What is it with the US, charging a SIX YEAR OLD????? What's next, charging her as an adult?
A local TV station reported that the child, Salecia Johnson, threw an epic temper tantrum, allegedly knocking over a shelf that injured the principal at Creekside Elementary School in Milledgeville, Ga., before police were called.

She also reportedly threw objects and tore things off the walls.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...emper-tantrum-article-1.1062904#ixzz1sOyY0n7J

So you would let this child just keep breaking stuff and vandalizing the school plus injuring others? Just how would you have stopped her from this tirade? Talked to her, offered her a bottle of milk or what? The girl was not hurt which wasn't reported I see which is the most important thing about this incident. She was handled with restraint not force which wasn't also stressed in the report.
A local TV station reported that the child, Salecia Johnson, threw an epic temper tantrum, allegedly knocking over a shelf that injured the principal at Creekside Elementary School in Milledgeville, Ga., before police were called.

She also reportedly threw objects and tore things off the walls.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...emper-tantrum-article-1.1062904#ixzz1sOyY0n7J

So you would let this child just keep breaking stuff and vandalizing the school plus injuring others? Just how would you have stopped her from this tirade? Talked to her, offered her a bottle of milk or what? The girl was not hurt which wasn't reported I see which is the most important thing about this incident. She was handled with restraint not force which wasn't also stressed in the report.

you are great at spinning words. as having a younger cousin who throws tantrums that are probably 3 times worse than this girl you can do a couple things 1. grab the child from the rear restraining her . or 2 put her in a room by herself in solitary. thoes are just a couple but handcuffing a child is outragous there are many ways other tahn charging a 6 year old for throwing a tantrum. Use your head it does not take much to completly restrain a 6 year old this is comming from experience
She vandelized others property and hurt someone or does that mean anything to you?

shes 6 years old does that mean anything to you? she knows better? YES will a 6 year old still throw a fit if they dont get what they want. yes, if a 6 year old hurt an adult they should have take more control of the situation before it got that out of hand. your blaming a 6 year old for being a 6 year old yet dont place any of the blame on the adults who should have stopped the situation and took control before it got out of hand
you are great at spinning words. as having a younger cousin who throws tantrums that are probably 3 times worse than this girl you can do a couple things 1. grab the child from the rear restraining her . or 2 put her in a room by herself in solitary. thoes are just a couple but handcuffing a child is outragous there are many ways other tahn charging a 6 year old for throwing a tantrum. Use your head it does not take much to completly restrain a 6 year old this is comming from experience

In todays world the teachers are not allowed to restrain children and must call the police if children become violent. The lack of discipline in schools and the lack of teacher control is a big problem because schools are always being sued for reasons just as this when the teachers try to restrain a child and the child doesn't like it and their parents sue the school system for touching their child.
In todays world the teachers are not allowed to restrain children and must call the police if children become violent. The lack of discipline in schools and the lack of teacher control is a big problem because schools are always being sued for reasons just as this when the teachers try to restrain a child and the child doesn't like it and their parents sue the school system for touching their child.

ok that takes out the restrainging one the put the child in a room by themselves until they cool down they are allowd to do this
ok that takes out the restrainging one the put the child in a room by themselves until they cool down they are allowd to do this

But she had already caused the problems and wouldn't listen to what she was told to do. When she might have been told to go into a room alone she probably told the teachers to go fly a kite. You are saying what should be done under ordinary circumstances but when a child becomes aggressive as she did I'd think the police were actually the right way to go. I do however think she will have those charges dropped very soon.
In todays world the teachers are not allowed to restrain children and must call the police if children become violent. The lack of discipline in schools and the lack of teacher control is a big problem because schools are always being sued for reasons just as this when the teachers try to restrain a child and the child doesn't like it and their parents sue the school system for touching their child.

You've hit the real problem - the teachers and other school officials can do NOTHING today - restraint MUST come from law enforcement.

As the full report said, she caused bodily injury and property damage - and was continuing to destroy things.

People like SirFreak (who is just a kid himself) and bleeding-heart Asguard have absolutely NO concept of the oppressive conditions placed on school personnel. This is NOT the 1970s anynore - parents, like many other people have become lawsuit-crazy and will sue the school over practically anything.

Move into the real world, people!
You've hit the real problem - the teachers and other school officials can do NOTHING today - restraint MUST come from law enforcement.

As the full report said, she caused bodily injury and property damage - and was continuing to destroy things.

People like SirFreak (who is just a kid himself) and bleeding-heart Asguard have absolutely NO concept of the oppressive conditions placed on school personnel. This is NOT the 1970s anynore - parents, like many other people have become lawsuit-crazy and will sue the school over practically anything.

Move into the real world, people!
Ah yes, the son of a teacher, a primary school teacher at that has no idea about the lives of teachers. There is no excuse for CHARGING A SIX YEAR OLD, restraining if nessary, calling the parents but there is no excuse for this idiocy.
shes 6 years old does that mean anything to you? she knows better? YES will a 6 year old still throw a fit if they dont get what they want. yes, if a 6 year old hurt an adult they should have take more control of the situation before it got that out of hand. your blaming a 6 year old for being a 6 year old yet dont place any of the blame on the adults who should have stopped the situation and took control before it got out of hand

Anyway you look at it, that child needs to learn there are consequences when she destroys property and hurts others. Handcuffs don't seem unreasonable as they don't cause pain or harm, but they do help make a much needed statement to the child, and the child's parents. Exactly what do you find so objectionable about using handcuffs?
Ah yes, the son of a teacher, a primary school teacher at that has no idea about the lives of teachers. There is no excuse for CHARGING A SIX YEAR OLD, restraining if nessary, calling the parents but there is no excuse for this idiocy.

Yeah, typical Asguard reply - knowing absolutely nothing about WHY charges are necessary under U.S. law. :shrug: (And I'm not about to write a very lengthy post to explain all that to you.)

Once again, as I've told you MANY times before, stick to your OWN country with your opinions - where you at least know something about how it operates!
How stupid is your country, the police in one state refuse to even AREST someone for shooting a kid in cold blood over a packet of skittles until there is international condemnation and yet it's ok to charge a SIX YEAR OLD for throwing a tantrum
How stupid is your country, the police in one state refuse to even AREST someone for shooting a kid in cold blood over a packet of skittles until there is international condemnation and yet it's ok to charge a SIX YEAR OLD for throwing a tantrum

Here you go AGAIN with your UNINFORMED nonsense!!!! That incident had NOTHING to do with the skittles and your "cold-blooded shooting" is still in question - just more of your extremely poor reading and comprehension skills being displayed here. Man!!! :mad:
Yeah, typical Asguard reply - knowing absolutely nothing about WHY charges are necessary under U.S. law. :shrug: (And I'm not about to write a very lengthy post to explain all that to you.)

Once again, as I've told you MANY times before, stick to your OWN country with your opinions - where you at least know something about how it operates!


You're trying to justify charing a 6 year old girl because she threw a temper tantrum?


What do you think happens when kids throw a tantrum, Read?

They throw things, they will sometimes hit and lash out at anyone who comes near them. They will sometimes try to push things over (ie shelves), rip stuff off shelves, stomp their feet, wave their arms about, throw their bodies on the floor and/or all of the above. That is why it is called a temper tantrum.

They will usually do it when they are tired, upset, hungry or because they desperately want something and they aren't getting it or just because..

To have adults call the police because they can't let the tantrum die down on its own, which it usually does within about 5-10 minutes and then give the child some quiet time and a drink and probably something to eat to help them get back on an even keel and settle their minds, well, I'm sorry, but that's laughable.

I have a 6 year old. And I have had him throw that kind of tantrum at me once in a supermarket. He was tired, not feeling well and he just lost it. At no time was the police even mentioned. In fact, the guy who was restocking the shelves in the aisle we were in chuckled and said 'just let him get it all out' and I did. Within about 3 minutes he was calm again, very upset and I apologised to the manager, offered to pay for the broken jar of peanut butter that had been broken in the process, which he refused, and I took my son home, gave him a cuddle, a snack and he has never done it since.

The same applies to the kids in my children's class. Some of whom suffer from ADD and ADHD and when they throw that kind of tantrum, the child's safety is ensured and they let the kid wear themselves out and then the parents are called and told what happened and they carry on as normal.

It is normal for a child to have a tantrum. What is not normal is calling the police and having that child handcuffed and then charged for it.

So you will excuse me if I find your attempts to defend calling the police because a little girl threw a tantrum and broke some stuff and even hit a teacher in the process, to be hilariously funny. Those things happen in temper tantrums. That's why they are called temper tantrums.

You're trying to justify charing a 6 year old girl because she threw a temper tantrum?


What do you think happens when kids throw a tantrum, Read?

They throw things, they will sometimes hit and lash out at anyone who comes near them. They will sometimes try to push things over (ie shelves), rip stuff off shelves, stomp their feet, wave their arms about, throw their bodies on the floor and/or all of the above. That is why it is called a temper tantrum.

They will usually do it when they are tired, upset, hungry or because they desperately want something and they aren't getting it or just because..

To have adults call the police because they can't let the tantrum die down on its own, which it usually does within about 5-10 minutes and then give the child some quiet time and a drink and probably something to eat to help them get back on an even keel and settle their minds, well, I'm sorry, but that's laughable.

I have a 6 year old. And I have had him throw that kind of tantrum at me once in a supermarket. He was tired, not feeling well and he just lost it. At no time was the police even mentioned. In fact, the guy who was restocking the shelves in the aisle we were in chuckled and said 'just let him get it all out' and I did. Within about 3 minutes he was calm again, very upset and I apologised to the manager, offered to pay for the broken jar of peanut butter that had been broken in the process, which he refused, and I took my son home, gave him a cuddle, a snack and he has never done it since.

The same applies to the kids in my children's class. Some of whom suffer from ADD and ADHD and when they throw that kind of tantrum, the child's safety is ensured and they let the kid wear themselves out and then the parents are called and told what happened and they carry on as normal.

It is normal for a child to have a tantrum. What is not normal is calling the police and having that child handcuffed and then charged for it.

So you will excuse me if I find your attempts to defend calling the police because a little girl threw a tantrum and broke some stuff and even hit a teacher in the process, to be hilariously funny. Those things happen in temper tantrums. That's why they are called temper tantrums.

Yeah, right. :bugeye:

FYI, I've raised four kids and have seven grandkids that are at my house very often and sometimes for lengthy periods. I know full-well what tantrums are about and how to get them under control.

Your failure here is in not considering the full context of this particular incident. This happened in a SCHOOL, not at home, and all school officials have been made KEENLY aware of what can happen if they take ANY physical approach with ANY kid over ANYTHING.

Living in your ivory tower has completely detached you from the actual problems our teachers face in the real world today. I would agree with the fact that it's almost unbearable for teachers having to live and operate under these conditions - but that IS the reality today. NEVER, EVER touch a child for ANY reason. That's the rule and it's cast in stone! Call law enforcement instead.

NOW who's laughing here? Not me. And not the school officials who did what was required of them.
Yeah, right. :bugeye:

FYI, I've raised four kids and have seven grandkids that are at my house very often and sometimes for lengthy periods. I know full-well what tantrums are about and how to get them under control.

Your failure here is in not considering the full context of this particular incident. This happened in a SCHOOL, not at home, and all school officials have been made KEENLY aware of what can happen if they take ANY physical approach with ANY kid over ANYTHING.

Living in your ivory tower has completely detached you from the actual problems our teachers face in the real world today. I would agree with the fact that it's almost unbearable for teachers having to live and operate under these conditions - but that IS the reality today. NEVER, EVER touch a child for ANY reason. That's the rule and it's cast in stone! Call law enforcement instead.

NOW who's laughing here? Not me. And not the school officials who did what was required of them.
What ivory tower?

You mean the country I live in where kids still hug their teachers hello in the morning and goodbye in the afternoons while in primary school and they aren't handcuffed and charged for throwing a tantrum? That's an ivory tower to you? To me that's normal..

I have seen kids throw massive tantrums in my son's class. They just let him wear himself down, give him a hug, get him something to eat, ask him to say sorry and get him to help pack up what he had thrown on the floor or broken and his parents were called and told what had happened. It's a 6 year old. Not an adult having a drug induced episode that would require handcuffs and criminal charges. My husband's best friend since he was 8 is a primary school teacher. He had a little boy, around 7 or so try to stab him with a pen. And no, the police weren't called. The parents were called but at no time were the police even considered.

When you start to think about it in the sense that the police charged a 6 year old because she threw a tantrum at school (god forbid she'd thrown it in the supermarket, they'd have probably maced her:rolleyes:) and you might, just might realise how ridiculous you actually sound in defending this.

You're trying to justify charing a 6 year old girl because she threw a temper tantrum?

If the police take her into custody, they have to charge her Bells, but because of her age, she won't be prosecuted, so it's really just a formality.

As to the story and the reason for the Handcuffs:

"Our policy is that any detainee transported to our station in a patrol vehicle is to be handcuffed in the back. There is no age discrimination on that rule," Milledgeville Chief of Police Dray Swicord

And on the event:

Swicord added that Johnson was handcuffed for her safety as well as the safety of others. She was taken to the principal's office after pushing two other students, according to a police report.

"The student was never placed in a holding cell or jail cell and the student's safety was of the utmost importance," Swicord said.


The officer's police report says Johnson began tearing items off the school principal's office walls and was throwing furniture. The report says Johnson knocked over a shelf that injured the principal.

Johnson also was reportedly biting a doorknob and attempting to break a glass frame while jumping on top of a paper shredder.

As to what the parents had to say about what was described as an "EPIC Temper tantrum"

"She has mood swings some days, which all of us had mood swings some days," Johnson's mother Constance Ruff told WMAZ. "I guess that was just one of her bad days."

No, it was way over the top and involved pushing two other children and injuring the principle and doing things which put her safety in question.
Sure the schools should be able to deal with it, but they can't because of legal issues about not being able to touch the kids, so in essence are forced, at some point, to get the police involved if physical restraint is required.

Which I'm not saying is right by the way, but it is pretty much the way it is here.

Finally, my guess is that the "mood swings" the mother mentions are not mood swings at all but likely a more serious, and untreated issue.
