$5B in new grants will aid medical research

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Supporting our troops/military has nothing to do with big government. It has everything to do with honor, dignity, common sense and patriotism. I support spending a lot of money on keeping America safe from her enemies. I support money for science, too.

Patriotism is being fan of 'Big Government'; you don't have a monarchy, so your country is defined by the Federal Govt. Your military is in the control of the Federal Govt, therefore you are a fan of Big Govt. Even if Big Govt is a problem the founding fathers foresaw, and tried to take steps against becoming too powerful. That makes you anti-constitution, and un_American, while professign patriotism. Ironic eh? Oh sorry, Americans struggle with the concept of irony often.

Also, the best way to keep a country safe from their enemies, is to make as few enemies as possible. That means stop being a xenophobe.
This is stupid. We already know what causes cancer. There are thousands of things found to be carcinogenic. The cure for cancer is to prevent it. If you don't want cancer, then stop putting carcinogenic crap into your body that causes it duuurrr. There give me 175 million dollars.

If only the answer were as simple as you are.
:D Nope. Doesn't work that way.

'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone'.

Sound familiar? George W. was a sinner. He had no business throwing stones.

Also, that makes you a liar and a hypocrite 'Sandy'. Sorry, that's a tautology, as you profess to be a Christian.
Patriotism is being fan of 'Big Government...The best way to keep a country safe from their enemies, is to make as few enemies as possible. That means stop being a xenophobe.

I disagree. Patriotism is loving your country, serving her, and being proud of her. Not being a lazy slug/parasite/America-hater/apologist. We are not xenophobes. We know EXACTLY who our enemies are. They have hated us for centuries and always will.
I disagree. Patriotism is loving your country,

Sorry 'Sandy' but what is your 'country'? Oh yes, it's FEDERALLY GOVERNED, it's not a loose collection of independent states, it's BIG GOVERNMENT.

Like I said, you do not have a monarchy, so the only thing that binds your states into a country that you can love, is BIG GOVERNMENT.

We are not xenophobes.

You are.

We know EXACTLY who our enemies are. They have hated us for centuries and always will.

Centuries? Being gracious, I'll take that as a minimum TWO centuries, which means you are saying people hated the USA within 33 years of the Declaration of Independence.

That's some way to fuck up internationally, isn't it? Or are you talking rubbish?
Sorry 'Sandy' but what is your 'country'? Oh yes, it's FEDERALLY GOVERNED, it's not a loose collection of independent states, it's BIG GOVERNMENT.
Like I said, you do not have a monarchy, so the only thing that binds your states into a country that you can love, is BIG GOVERNMENT.
You are.
Centuries? Being gracious, I'll take that as a minimum TWO centuries, which means you are saying people hated the USA within 33 years of the Declaration of Independence.
That's some way to fuck up internationally, isn't it? Or are you talking rubbish?

You know exactly what I'm talking about. You just like to argue and accuse.
Supporting our troops/military has nothing to do with big government. It has everything to do with honor, dignity, common sense and patriotism. I support spending a lot of money on keeping America safe from her enemies. I support money for science, too.

Are you confusing patriotism and "supporting the troops" with waging indescriminate war on anything remotely deemed an enemy?
By the way, not enough money is spent on the plague of the age... AIDS!!!!


I think, given the horribly high casualties accrued by the continuing rampage of HIV retrovirii (in all their mysterious, elusive strains), I think our brave Federal government is wise to pour more of our tax money into researching a cure. Americans are fat, lazy, and have too much money just lying around. Might as well put that waste to use in AIDS research... it could help the economy in the long run! Maybe with a little more money, they could make a little more progress to perfecting that HIV vaccine they've so far been unsuccessful with...


You may be saying that the amount of money spent per death in AIDS research would be less wastefully spent elsewhere... NONSENSE!!! AIDS as we all know is a special disease. How many diseases have so many famous celebrities raising awareness and money for them??? How many diseases have the same level of glam and imminent importance?

AIDS: the Paris Hilton of the disease world. She has a lot of money. Everyone knows her. She's always in the news. And she does absolutely nothing! :eek:
Are you confusing patriotism and "supporting the troops" with waging indescriminate war on anything remotely deemed an enemy?
By the way, not enough money is spent on the plague of the age... AIDS!...

We already know how to prevent AIDS. Don't put your d*ck in anyone's @ss. Don't put it in any woman not your faithful spouse. Don't have unprotected sex. Behave and you will be fine. Use the money to keep the country safe.

We already know how to prevent AIDS. Don't put your d*ck in anyone's @ss. Don't put it in any woman not your faithful spouse. Don't have unprotected sex. Behave and you will be fine....

What if the d*ck and the @ss are both virgin or disease free? Does AIDS spontaneously arise from anal sex???

Use the money to keep the country safe.

By creating more DHS centers and unchecked wiretapping?
What if the d*ck and the @ss are both virgin or disease free? Does AIDS spontaneously arise from anal sex???

Much of the time.

did you actually pass primary school? do you have any concept of disease theory AT ALL??????????? Or did some time traveler pick you up from the middle ages.

A quick lesson in disease theory, diseases come from viruses or bacteria (for the most part, cancer and pion diseases are different but put that aside). In the case of AIDs it is caused by the Human Imuno Virus probably either A or B (A is the more agressive US strain where as B is the less agressive African strain, havent herd of any other strains currently). The HIV virus (i know thats virus twice, sue me) is a retro virus, which means it works by incoding messanger RNA which then passes into the nucleaus of the cell and rewrites the DNA to encode it to make more virus captules. In Most viruses this isnt a huge issue because they produce antibodies (T cells) which directly atack the virus but in the case of HIV the antibodies are the very cells that the virus atacks. This weakens the bodies ability to respond to other infections which are what eventually kills the pt, not AIDs itself.

Anyway the important part of this is that viruses inspite of what was belived in the 1600's dont magically grow out of nothing. They are like every other form of life (again i KNOW before anyone says anything) in that they need to be passed on. They can only infect someone by transmission from an infected person or object and the amount of time this paticular virus can exist outside the hoast is very low (seconds)
Polio is not eradicated. The criminal aliens brought it back along with whooping cough, cholera, diphtheria,TB, plague, leprosy, smallpox, malaria, viral hemorrhagic fevers (Lassa, Marburg, Eboli, Crimea-Congo, South American, SARS...

Mod note: This sort of uneducated bigoted rubbish gets this thread locked. I'd Cesspool it but I want it to remain as a testament to your prejudiced nonsense. Take your bigotry and racism elsewhere.
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