
Registered Senior Member
50 million children were aborted in USA since the abortion was legalized, here in the States. Let's no talk about the millions killed in China and other places since.
50 million children were aborted in USA since the abortion was legalized, here in the States. Let's no talk about the millions killed in China and other places since.

So what do you think about that?

Just think if women took birth control pills and men used condoms less abortions would be needed. Until better education and understanding is given out to everyone about birth control and family planning there's always going to be abortions, legal or not. I just would like women to have the opportunity to get a profession doctor to perform the abortion , if needed, than some back room butcher trying to make a quick dollar.
I look at it this way, if those embryos were to have been born they wouldn't have been wanted to begin with and would have had a very tough if not brutal life ahead of them. When children aren't wanted and they are brought into this world with all sorts of problems that will be here ready to make them miserable and even worse. Unwanted children usually are beaten, abused or even killed so I see them as lucky they didn't get born into that type of situation.
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Does that number include abortions to save the life of the mother, or children that would have not lived very long or in pain due to serious health problems? Does it include natural abortions - miscarriages?

Cosmic is right. When abortions were illegal, it didn't stop them, it just made getting them more life threatening. Addressing the real problems that contribute to unwanted pregnancies is the answer, not making legal restrictions for after the case.

You never see anti-abortionists reaching out to pregnant women to try and help them and offering to adopt...it's much easier to label and yell at them while holding a sign.
50 million children were aborted in USA since the abortion was legalized, here in the States. Let's no talk about the millions killed in China and other places since.

When women are empowered to control their own reproductive systems, everyone benefits. And let's be clear, these were not children yet.
When women are empowered to control their own reproductive systems...

they could be, but if they're not, they can always get an abortion. right?

sorry but, from someone who's had an abortion, i don't really think that relying on an on-call surgeon, and my fucking tax dollars, and some imaginary arbitrary line you might draw in the sand is empowering. i think it's quite codependent actually, and having an abortion didn't empower me at all. if anything it enabled me, to be ridiculous.
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We need an actual reason to care

Greenboy said:

50 millions that doesn't bother you? Wow 50 millions is more than the population of many countries.

Why should it bother anyone?

I assure you that in the same period, considerably more real people have died.

Furthermore, it's not like if those would-bes had ever been born, they wouldn't have died.

Life is a 100% fatal sexually transmitted disease. In the history of humanity, countless billions have died of life. Countless billions. Doesn't that bother you?

No, seriously, man, give us a reason to care.

Hell, give us something that sounds like something more than lazy trolling.
There is no Federal funding of abortions.

i thought the federal govt gave money to planned parenthood. doesn't some of that go to fund abortions? granted it was 20 years ago, but my abortion cost $350. can you think of any other surgical procedure that costs that little? i can't. why is that?
i thought the federal govt gave money to planned parenthood. doesn't some of that go to fund abortions?
I don't believe it does...low-income abortions are provided through grants, donations and fund raising, because as far as I know, federal dollars only go to support the contraceptive and health-screening side of things @ PP.

I personally only got knocked up because birth control pills make me go absolutely insane and because I was dumb enough to be undiligent with my barrier methods. I've always decided I wasn't going to have kids, but nobody seemed to be willing to give me a tubal.
I really could have thought of something else to do with $500.

After the abortion...the Toad revealed he had at least two other abandoned kids...and it was shortly after that I figured out he was just using me for money, even though he had plenty.

And he's probably using some other woman now. That Toad won't change his warts. What a lovely first relationship.
50 million children were aborted in USA since the abortion was legalized, here in the States. Let's no talk about the millions killed in China and other places since.

Yeah, and look what an effect it has had on crime rates in the US! Down, down, down, ever since Roe v. Wade.
i thought the federal govt gave money to planned parenthood. doesn't some of that go to fund abortions? granted it was 20 years ago, but my abortion cost $350. can you think of any other surgical procedure that costs that little? i can't. why is that?

No, none of that goes to abortions, it's the law.
50 million children were aborted in USA since the abortion was legalized, here in the States. Let's no talk about the millions killed in China and other places since.

Children don't get aborted. It's impossible by definition.
isn't that what the government's doing by funding my abortion?

Oh you silly. You obviously never heard of the Hyde amendment:

In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortions.[1] It is not a permanent law, rather it is a "rider" that, in various forms, has been routinely attached to annual appropriations bills since 1976. The Hyde Amendment applies only to funds allocated by the annual appropriations bill for the Department of Health and Human Services. It primarily affects Medicaid.

The original Hyde Amendment was passed on September 30, 1976 by the House of Representatives, by a 207-167 vote. It was named for its chief sponsor, Republican Congressman Henry Hyde of Illinois. The measure was introduced in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, and represented the first major legislative success by the pro-life movement.

Opponents of the amendment, such as the National Abortion Federation and the American Civil Liberties Union, assert that it unfairly targets low-income women,[2] stating the amendment effectively ended the provision of abortions for low-income women across the United States through Medicaid, the federal health insurance program for low-income Americans.[3] As a rider attached to the yearly appropriations bill for Medicaid, it occasioned intense debate in Congress each time that it came up for renewal. The original measure made no exceptions for cases of pregnancies that were the result of rape or incest or that threatened the lives of pregnant woman, provoking an outcry from women's rights advocates. As a result, beginning in 1977 language was added to provide for such circumstances; however, the exact wording has varied from one year to the next, subject to the outcome of Congressional bargaining on the issue.


The majority of abortions are paid for in private clinics. At least inform yourself on the subject of 'your fucking tax dollars' and get the facts correct.

As for Planned Parenthood:

With a total budget of some $1.1 billion, more than a third of which comes from the federal, state and local governments, Planned Parenthood offers family planning,*H.I.V. counseling, treatment for*sexually transmitted diseases,*cancer*screening and other services as well as abortions, mainly to low-income women. Congress has long barred the use of federal money for abortion, but it provides more than $75 million a year to Planned Parenthood affiliates to support family planning for low-income women. Millions more in federal dollars are provided for sex education and, indirectly, through*Medicaid*and other programs. [The New York Times,*2/17/11]
50 millions that doesn't bother you? Wow 50 millions is more than the population of many countries.


No. Because you are talking about 38 years and over that time we have averaged about 125 million women in the US each year.

A more realistic way of looking at it is that the number of abortions is now running less than 20 per 1,000 women of child bearing age per year (it was as high as 29 back in the early 80s)

Looked at that way the number doesn't seem that high to me, particularly when you consider that half of the abortions are done by women who were using birth control (it failed) and 18% are teenagers and over 40% are very poor.

From your source:

The reasons women give for having an abortion underscore their understanding of the responsibilities of parenthood and family life. Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner.

Oh you silly. You obviously never heard of the Hyde amendment:

In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortions.[1] It is not a permanent law, rather it is a "rider" that, in various forms, has been routinely attached to annual appropriations bills since 1976. The Hyde Amendment applies only to funds allocated by the annual appropriations bill for the Department of Health and Human Services. It primarily affects Medicaid.

The original Hyde Amendment was passed on September 30, 1976 by the House of Representatives, by a 207-167 vote. It was named for its chief sponsor, Republican Congressman Henry Hyde of Illinois. The measure was introduced in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, and represented the first major legislative success by the pro-life movement.

Opponents of the amendment, such as the National Abortion Federation and the American Civil Liberties Union, assert that it unfairly targets low-income women,[2] stating the amendment effectively ended the provision of abortions for low-income women across the United States through Medicaid, the federal health insurance program for low-income Americans.[3] As a rider attached to the yearly appropriations bill for Medicaid, it occasioned intense debate in Congress each time that it came up for renewal. The original measure made no exceptions for cases of pregnancies that were the result of rape or incest or that threatened the lives of pregnant woman, provoking an outcry from women's rights advocates. As a result, beginning in 1977 language was added to provide for such circumstances; however, the exact wording has varied from one year to the next, subject to the outcome of Congressional bargaining on the issue.


The majority of abortions are paid for in private clinics. At least inform yourself on the subject of 'your fucking tax dollars' and get the facts correct.

As for Planned Parenthood:

With a total budget of some $1.1 billion, more than a third of which comes from the federal, state and local governments, Planned Parenthood offers family planning,*H.I.V. counseling, treatment for*sexually transmitted diseases,*cancer*screening and other services as well as abortions, mainly to low-income women. Congress has long barred the use of federal money for abortion, but it provides more than $75 million a year to Planned Parenthood affiliates to support family planning for low-income women. Millions more in federal dollars are provided for sex education and, indirectly, through*Medicaid*and other programs. [The New York Times,*2/17/11]

ok thanks, i think i have it straight now...planned parenthood gets my tax dollars and they perform abortions. :rolleyes: