4000 automatic divorces...because your a "deviant"!

Undecided said:
They still destroyed those marriages, that’s the effect of the ruling.
You can't destroy something that never existed. I'll say it again: I could go out and pronounce two people as married, and it wouldn’t be ‘destroying the marriage’ for someone to come along and point out that I don’t have the authority to marry people.
Granted what the mayor did was legally wrong, but the people who got married should not have their lives altered in such a way.
I agree that it sucks for the people who thought they were married, but any unhappiness they're feeling is the mayor's fault. He's the one who tricked them into thinking that he had the authority to marry them. The judges are just doing their job of analyzing the law in an un-biased way.
To me the courts have two responsibilities one to serve the law and one to serve the public, and that involves legal and ethical duties.
The legal system doesn't work that way. Worrying about the ethics of laws is the job of the legislature and voters, not judges. And with good reason; if judges were free to ignore or change a law any time they thought is was ethically bad, they could re-write any law to suit their whims or personal prejudices.
Hang on, asking:
"Only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California"
sounds circular to me. If it is so recognised by people beforehand, where is the option to change it? Are you supposed to vote no and then admit that you dont know what the law is at this moment?
Why not raise a new proposition:
"The definition of marriage should include homosexual couples."
that would be better.
It is not the judge’s job to make laws or to change society it is the job of congress to make laws. I do not believe that it is right for the state to interfere in private affairs of sexual orientation and feel that homosexuals should have to get married if they want the same privileges that heterosexuals have. I do not believe that people who are civil servants have the same rights of protest and freedom that a private citizen has that is part of the sacrifice that they make in becoming a civil servant. The law is wrong and so is the mayor was also. The injustice against the homosexuals is a fever the mayor deciding that he was above the states law is a heart attack he needs to be removed and arrested. We do not need any more civil wars in the United States.