3rd ear?!? LOL


Registered Senior Member
I know most people are familiar with the 3rd eye but how about 3rd ear? I do hope someone comes up or gives me a better name for it hehe.
I'm just wondering about it cuz I seem to hear ringing buzzing noises when I meditate. Sometimes I can hear things a lot better than normal without trying to. I remember I was listening to my stereo and , it was on 1 volume , but I can hear it perfectly!! It had me paranoid cuz I kept thinking my music was up too loud and I would get in trouble when it was =\.Not only that I was listening to certain beats on will, and was able to hear them louder than the others. It seemed like I was filtering the sounds.
And lately I've been having dreams when I wake up remembering nothing, but what was said. And I usually remember my dreams.
If you build up your 3rd ear I would guess probably you'd be able to hear peoples thoughts or something. Not that I'm doing this to do that, but this 3rd ear or whatever seems to be opening like my 3rd eye has been.
hmmm i wonder whats next.... the 3rd nose lol ! I'd hate to have that .

thnx bye
LOL! So if you had a 3rd nose you could probably smell better. I don't know if I would like that too much. Alot of the things we smell that stand out are usually the unpleasant smells.

*lets out a stinky fart*

Hehe yea a 2nd nose first hehe. That reminds me Im not sure but I thought I read somewhere that your hearing is connected to your nose or something or somewhere around there..... or is it the throat not sure .

Let us smell stereo!!!

We can locate the direction of a sound with our ears, we listen in stereo, we see depth with our two eyes, we see in stereo.

I want a nose on both sides of the face!!! I want to know from which direction a smell comes!!!
(hmmm, let's make three noses of them, we need one above the mouth too of course)
where would you put your 2nd & 3rd nose? you can't put them in front of your ears.. maybe antenna noses would be an idea.. anyone evolving yet? :p
I read somewhere (ages ago) about how scientists managed to grow a human ear onto a mouse's back. Make of that what you will.
The ear on the back of a mouse was only a piece of organic material, grown just in the shape of an ear, they weren't at all able to grow the hearing-organ.

It was just to show 'the people who pay taxes' what is possible with recent science.

I guess there are people who need this.....I suggest you can also explain something about amazing mr. space, but that's me.

about the nose thing: 1 above your mouth (smell what you eat)
and one behind each ear, then they are nicely spread on the head :D (poor smilies don't have noses at all)
yeah rationally..

you ever get a ringing or an itch in you right ear when you sense that other individuals else where are giving off negative energies at that present moment?well it could be possible this could be your extra ear sense your 3rd ear LoL well have an open mind

Maybe it's the "earie". Btw we do have 2 nostrals.
The third eye is just a metaphor for being able to see beyond the physical, to use your astral eyes basically, and that works with all the other physical organs too. So it would be more appropriate to call it the astral eye instead of the third.

I get ringing noises all the time when I am real calm like a dozing feeling. It's like a wind is in my ear lol like someone is whispering to me. Like today I was out in the woods on the railroad track doing some stances, I heard a light ringing in my ear then it was like a wind in my head like a cool breeze on my skin saying something it was comforting also I kept on thinking I was hearing a dog behind me making a low growl or something. It kept messing up my concentration cuz I kept looking back like "OH NO" lol. Dogs kinda scare me hehe. Not little dogs, mind =). I can't say I feel other peoples positive or negative energies in my ears but I can sense it. Dont know how , just do.

Bebelina , what you mean by your other ograns too? I've read that each organ has its own characteristics, for elements and such but thats all I really know, and little bit of other stuff. Do you mean your organs have eyes or something or sense the metaphysical.
Other night during meditation I was trying to keep my mind quiet. I heard in a differ voice from my own yell ARIZONA! then it changed again to a more mean voice I guess ARIZONA! Then after a while I heard a woman saying softly saying courage honor and love. Then after a while again , I heard the woman saying Help then I heard crying a few minutes later.....it really disturbed me cuz I felt useless cuz I really felt "need" from the voice. Only thing I could do was concentrate my energy to the voice and try to create some good feelings and send it to her.

Can you see beyond the physical? I sometimes get glimpses of things that arent "normal" its been progressing lately. I dont know if everyone sees the same things but I see a lot of fantastic bright colors in the air and other stuff that I'm not sure. And I keep seeing new ones. The newest color I see is a bright pink. I first started seeing yellow, orange, green. Then I started seeing black and purple, then blue now pink. When I'm outside I can see them moving in little seperate circles with no colors , like the movie predator how he camoflauges. But when I concentrate I can see many colors in the circle, the colors of the rainbow. Like looking in a kaleidescope. And No I'm not staring in the sun LOL.
And the other stuff I see it varies from colorless auras, like heat waves. To seeing shadows of the object within the object. Like today in the forest the forest got dim and it was like all the forest was... changing or something. Like I was looking at a shadow and beyond it. But I lost concentration when a plane flew by making everything "POP" back into place.

I have more things to say, most of what I said here I was gonna put on a differ thread.

Thnx everyone
That was very interesting. I wonder what that could be exactly. It sounds like you are beginning to see auras and getting in contact with other realms and spiritual levels. I think you should investigate what relevans Arizona has for you, do you have any relatives or old forgotten friends that live there and could use your help?
What I meant with the organs was that the entire body has an astral replica. So I didn't mean that individual organs would have some separate consciousness from yourself ( although they do, but on a very miniscule level as part of your own) but that you have an astral body, including astral organs that in the same way as eyes can sense these other dimensions in their own way with their own functions. Like ears and the hearing as you already have experienced.
I think we all can see beyond the physical, but that to some are given the ability to recognize those moments, which occur all the time. Some other person than you could never even have looked back to see if there really was a dog, just assumed there was and ingored it. You have to be aware of the possibility to recognize the moment.

You know when you seem to hear the phone ring, and it hasn't?

Or when you hear someone whispering, but you're all alone?

Or how about when, late at night, you lie in your bed, and a horrible inner ringing seems to press into your head, as if you were deep underwater, and the pressure is inside and outside your head? The silence is truly deafening.

Once, I was sitting at my computer, and music came out. Without me pressing anything. No windows open. I was doing math hw, in front of my comp, and all of a sudden, this unknown melody melted into the air and disappeared as soon as it was heard. Creepy. :eek:
sometimes my computer's speakers pick up a radio station.. maybe that's what happened..

i live close to an airport, and sometimes the speakers pick up the signal from the tower there.. very funny!
Maybe it was the icecream truck passing by, now with a new enforced signal, that overrides all other signals to be able to thoroughly brainwash all the children.
LOL @ Bebelina :D

or it could've been that bar of chocolate that you put away and are desperately trying not to eat :p
Thats the thing I don't know anyone in Arizona. I never even think about Arizona LOL! Maybe theres someone there like me, trying to find themselves asking for spiritual help. Which I do at times. But other than that I still fill bad, it felt like she was asking for me. Im gonna try something tonight maybe I can contact her since she contacted me. A new abiltiy fruitening?
Yea I guess I'm starting to see aura's , I've been practicing seeing my own. It's hard for me to see it though, but I usually see a silver/white which is between an indigo color.
As to recognize the moment, its easy for me to recognize most of the happenings cuz there mostly visual. I don't want to get excited over things that are strange I just dont want to think "OH WOW I DID THAT, COOL" it makes me feel arrogant heh which will just lessen the experience. I sometimes think some of the stuff is coincidence, like every so often when Im about to listen to my stereo, it comes on by itself hehe or when I meditate I hear my entertainment center make a groan like its breaking apart, and that doesnt happen except during meditation when it happens its kinda gives me a painful feeling that I can't explain, like an explosion happend in my head and I CAN actually see it with a flash of light behind my eyes.
Many things happen when I'm in meditation like what they've said for example about the ringing and such. I sometimes hear music that I never heard before usually a flute or something like that. I don't try to ignore it I just flow with it =). Lately I've been having troube quieting my mind, probably cuz I was doing stances listening to the same song over and over again hehe =( it was really frustrating to make it stop, I mean I'm focused on what I'm doing like my energy centers and stuff but the music is just in the backround the whole time. But I can't get the quietness of mind so I can tune to the "spirits songs". I've been trying to find a guide/teacher for me in the spiritual realm lately cuz I feel lost with these new experiences I dont understand much of anything or know of how to be what I am "Im looking but I'm not seeing" ever since my quest of spirituality I feel like a newborn LOL and I havent even got close to my goal I believe, instead I'm finding out new things of the universe and developing new abilities but thats not the questions I've been asking. I might be given answers in dreams but its all "coded". I dont even know why I truly started this, oh yes I know why I had a nightmare LOL or was it a revelation, but thats not the true answer. I think I do have a sage though, I can hear him when I wake but what he says seem important but they are very blurred like trying to remember your first dreams. Or in deep meditation but I'm not sure if thats just me or him at times.
I get confused about those other bodies we have, I mean theres astral, etheric, etc etc.. whats the difference between them? Arent they all astral? I know about the other bodies it just sounds like different levels of consciousness.
What did the melody sound like?:bugeye:
Baroque classical, but not one I had downloaded on my computer...

sometimes my computer's speakers pick up a radio station.. maybe that's what happened..

i live close to an airport, and sometimes the speakers pick up the signal from the tower there.. very funny!
lol! :D That's so neat, you could listen in to the air traffick conductor's conversations!

lol! @ Bebelina :D "Must...get...icecream..." :eek:
When people progress spiritualy they hear a divine sound, starts of like a high pitched hum, sometimes dirscribed as the sound of a large group of bees heard from a distance, then progresses into an extremily loud noise like a massive river or waterfall, or thunder, they call it Nada (inner sound) or Okmar(sp) or just OM, as it's the origins of this mantra
This comes from the writtings of St. Theresa of Avila:
"The noices in my head are so loud I am begining to wonder what is going on in it...My head sounds just as if it were full of brimming rivers...and a host of little birds seem to be whilsteling, not in my ears but in the upper part of my brain, where the soul is said to be; I have held this view for a long time, for the sprit seems to move upward with great velocity."

Some thoughts, the upperpart of her brain (where the soul is said to be) could be related to the ajna or sahasrara chakras, and the spirit (Holy Spirit?) moving upwards is very likely the same thing as Kundalini moving up from the base of the spine to the top of the head, giving her communion with God

So all that can hear it, try to focus on it, you might see God!!!
Good luck in your search for a guide Lyfe, I'm hopping if found mine, I'll meat him in Feb. I'm pretty sure, *crossing fingers and toes whilst knocking on wood*