300 People dissolved in acid by one *man*

Seems like alot of work to do this incogneto and succesfully. I mean, that's alot of acid to procure and dispose of. Also, a human body takes a good while to disolve in even strong acid, and might leave one hell of a stench to hide.

Gotta wonder how hard it would be to drive a body to the coast so a guy can motorboat out into the ocean a few miles, weight the body down with chain or something, and dump them a few hundred feet underwater? Much less infrastructure and everything. Not as intimidating as acid I guess.

Pardon my playing devil's advocate. This is horrifying, but at the same time I can't resist entertaining the question of how to dispose of a body as cleanly as possible.

I think it's mostly cultural. Mexicans make a big deal out of funerals. On top of that, if you dissolve some one, there is never any proof (no body of evidence, lol) that they are really dead. It's why the US military is so big at identifying the remains of POWs from our wars in Southeast Asia. It's not that anyone believes any of those POWs are still alive, but that it gives the families some closure.
can they DNA the goop? Was it individual spots of goop or were they disolved in 1 area, 1 on top of the other?
can they DNA the goop? Was it individual spots of goop or were they disolved in 1 area, 1 on top of the other?

Unlikely. They probably didn't keep the acid, more than one victim was probably dissolved at a time, and the DNA would probably be too damaged.
Originally Posted by Draqon
yeah...but what if they were? Maybe the press just isnt allowed to say the full details of this. I understand thou that most likely by "bodies" they mean that the victims were already dead.

I think that would be very unlikely. If the media was being censored why would they have reported the whole story except that one detail?
yeah...but what if they were? Maybe the press just isnt allowed to say the full details of this. I understand thou that most likely by "bodies" they mean that the victims were already dead.

And what if this guy was secretly leading a death cult of Nerull, their black cabal ritualistically slaughtering humans in sacrifice to their corpse god?

Wouldn't that make him a monster? I mean, can you really call him a man, knowing that he was into that sort of thing?
If I'm gonna be dissolving bodies in acid for only $600 a week.

There better be all thee free yeyo, heroin and weed I want too or it's no deal.