300 People dissolved in acid by one *man*



Meza, who is shown handcuffed and flanked by guards in video released by the government, calls himself "Teo's stewmaker" and says he was paid $600 a week for his macabre duties. The victims, he said, were men who owed Garcia something or had betrayed him.

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (CNN) -- A suspect in police custody calls himself a "stewmaker" for a Mexican drug lord, saying he disposed of about 300 bodies by dissolving them in acid.


Now the question is...is this guy even a man? :bugeye: Sane or Insane? What is wrong with these people?
Now the question is...is this guy even a man? Sane or Insane? What is wrong with these people?

To be honest, I find it strange you decided to make a thread on this. Throughout history there have been much crueller and more twisted individuals than this particular 'disposer' (providing of course the victims were dead before he dissolved them in acid). Would you have been so disgusted if he had simply burned the bodies?
i'm sure this man did not act alone.
someone had to deliver these people to this man.
so, who's the guilty party here?
i'm sure this man did not act alone.
someone had to deliver these people to this man.
so, who's the guilty party here?

I know, I understand your point.

But you know...one bullet, quick death. This is acid, he had to put them alive into acid, this is beyond insane.
I know, I understand your point.

But you know...one bullet, quick death. This is acid, he had to put them alive into acid, this is beyond insane.
yes, the man was insane, which incidentally absolves him of the crime.
this puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of whoever delivered these people to this man.
But he didn't kill these people right? He was basically the cartel's undertaker.
If he had simply buried them, would it have been as sensational a story as it is?
Seems like alot of work to do this incogneto and succesfully. I mean, that's alot of acid to procure and dispose of. Also, a human body takes a good while to disolve in even strong acid, and might leave one hell of a stench to hide.

Gotta wonder how hard it would be to drive a body to the coast so a guy can motorboat out into the ocean a few miles, weight the body down with chain or something, and dump them a few hundred feet underwater? Much less infrastructure and everything. Not as intimidating as acid I guess.

Pardon my playing devil's advocate. This is horrifying, but at the same time I can't resist entertaining the question of how to dispose of a body as cleanly as possible.
Why is there an M-82 (or variant) sitting in front of him. Do the Mexican police keep these around, just incase they need to perforate a few manhole covers?
Pardon my playing devil's advocate. This is horrifying, but at the same time I can't resist entertaining the question of how to dispose of a body as cleanly as possible.

Get the bullet/arrow chainsaw/spikes/etc out and burry him in a shallow grave in the desert?
Though this is a bit macabre, I believe the news article I read called it "acid", but it was in fact lye [Sodium Hydroxide], a strong base, that was used. Much safer to handle [solid pellets when anhydrous], and works much better than acid. It converts organic matter into soap. Tallow factories used lots of lye to make bars of soap. If you get a little NaOH solution on your hands, they become very 'slippery'. This ties nicely into Orleander's other posts regarding lye and lime.
I wonder if the victims in this instance tied in with "The Disappeared" women in Mexico.
But you know...one bullet, quick death. This is acid, he had to put them alive into acid, this is beyond insane.

Since you're Russian, and your grasp of the English language is shaky, I'll refrain from name calling, but typically "bodies" refers to the already deceased. Also note that there was nothing in the article to suggest that the victims were still alive at the time of their dissolution. Had they been, I am sure the press would have pounced on that.
Since you're Russian, and your grasp of the English language is shaky, I'll refrain from name calling, but typically "bodies" refers to the already deceased. Also note that there was nothing in the article to suggest that the victims were still alive at the time of their dissolution. Had they been, I am sure the press would have pounced on that.

yeah...but what if they were? Maybe the press just isnt allowed to say the full details of this. I understand thou that most likely by "bodies" they mean that the victims were already dead.