24 Dead, Frozen Babies Found in Doc's Office

Killing your fetus in the comfort of your own home... A Planned Parenthood Clinic is now giving drugs to women to kill their fetuses at home.:eek: I wonder what's next...

^^ I fixed it btw

Would your rather have some doped out bitch give birth to deformed baby that will cost the state and local government millions. Or end it with a dollar pill?
A male birth control bill? Using stem cells to grow people new hearts and organs? Human-animal transplants? We can only hope.

Well hopefully I could get to see my mom walk again due to stem cell research but according to the sandys of the world that makes me evil.
That is off-topic.
How? This thread is about babies and baby-killing.

That's irrelevant Enmos.Sandy is too cute to be subject to silly forum "off-topic" rules, just like real life.
:D Good point.:D

I fixed it btw...Would your rather have some doped out bitch give birth to deformed baby that will cost the state and local government millions. Or end it with a dollar pill?

Please do not change my posts.
I would rather people behave themselves and not kill babies.
No, the thread is about:

24 Dead, Frozen Babies fetuses Found in Doc's Office
Feds raided Dr. Kermit Gosnell's PA office after a woman died during an abortion and discovered 24 frozen babies fetuses in a freezer. Some dated back 30 years.


Should he be charged with anything?

You call them fetuses. I call them babies. So what?

Dozens of frozen dead babies found stored in abortion clinic:


Does calling the babies "fetuses" make killing them any less horriffic?
If you took a baby out of there mother it would live.
If you took a fetus out of there mother it would do nothing.
You call them fetuses. I call them babies. So what?

Does calling the babies "fetuses" make killing them any less horriffic?

It's not about what you or I call them, it's about how the words 'fetus' and 'baby' are defined. You don't get to redefine words to suit your own beliefs.

So do you not take medication when you come down with a bacterial infection because its the same thing ridding your self of a parasite.
Yea because a baby is alive. A fetus is not.
M*W: A fetus is alive, too, but it doesn't have rights under the law in most states. Depends on how it's disposed of. If you kill a pregnant woman, thats considered murder of two people. Aborting a fetus is legal, depending on the gestional age and the state it is aborted in.