21 years for 77 lives, congrats Norway!!!

I don't have a problem with it, if we agree on what's the goal is. Punishment and/or rehabilitation. BUT! Some people doesn't deserve either. If punishment is the goal, they don't need internet and treadmill... Or they should get punishment first, then rehabilitation. But it looks like there is no punishment in Norway...

actually some people would consider treadmill as a punishment.
This is nonsense, Shadow.

If he had been a Muslim, he would have been treated exactly the same.
If he had killed Jewish children instead of Norwegian children, he would have got the same sentence.
21 years is the maximum period before he must be examined to see whether he is no longer a threat to society.
If he isn't a threat, he will be freed. Same as a Muslim would.
That is their system.

Yeah sorry, I was talking about the media.

& away from the media thing, do you think it is fair to just let him go even if he is no longer a threat? How is that possible? He is a terrorist, what make you sure he will not do it again? He swear to not do it again and then you give him a candy and let him go?
Shouldn't he be excecuted?
I don't call that justice.
Even killing a child or a person for no reason (in case he is sane), he should be excecuted.
Well that's what I think.
It's a weird organisation.
A bit like Nazism, but they see the threat coming from Arabs rather than Jews.
They think that Arabs are taking part in some plot to take over Europe.
Plus, they think that it is impossible for cultures to co-exist.

Breivic will not be popular with his fellow "Templar Knights".
He has scuppered any chance they might have had of political influence.

Out of curiosity, which cultures do coexist? How opposed are such cultures?
This thread reminds me of a feeding frenzy. Is this the reason to punish people, because of mob rule?

Can justice ever be rid of the mob mentality?

What are the prevailing myths about punishment? That everyone who is punished is dangerous? That punishment rehabilitates them?

If a man commits mass murder is he a threat to society? Is that why we remove him to the dungeon, or, more commonly in the US, the gallows? Does it have to be when the man is facing his victims and slaughtering them, or can it occur (speaking of slaughter) as in the fire-bombing of Dresden. Or the nukes at Hiroshima/Nagasaki? All of these are mass murder, no doubt, yet we only circle like wolves when the crime offends us in a certain way. Like the murderer who faces his victims and lets bullets fly as if he were using bug spray on cockroaches.

I wonder, when people pronounce judgment, whether they sense that they are running with the pack in search of raw meat, if not in some barely perceptible way, or whether their nostrils flare and their eyes fly wide open and the adrenaline begins to flow and the gavel pounds and there's just this overwhelming sense of destiny, without the slightest notice that everyone is panting and salivating.

Something akin to the metamorphosis in this murderer.
Out of curiosity, which cultures do coexist? How opposed are such cultures?

That's a whole separate thread to itself,
but I can't see why many cultures shouldn't co-exist side by side,
if they treat each other with tolerance.
Problems occur when one culture wishes to impose itself upon another.
An interesting thought: Let's say 35 years from now Breivik is a changed man. Let's say he realizes how foolish he was, understands that part of his problem was ideological, but also that part of his problem was mental, and has been taking the proper medication for decades.

In other words, let's say he's wholly rehabilitated. Why should he not be able to walk free?
This thread reminds me of a feeding frenzy. Is this the reason to punish people, because of mob rule?

Can justice ever be rid of the mob mentality?

What are the prevailing myths about punishment? That everyone who is punished is dangerous? That punishment rehabilitates them?

If a man commits mass murder is he a threat to society? Is that why we remove him to the dungeon, or, more commonly in the US, the gallows? Does it have to be when the man is facing his victims and slaughtering them, or can it occur (speaking of slaughter) as in the fire-bombing of Dresden. Or the nukes at Hiroshima/Nagasaki? All of these are mass murder, no doubt, yet we only circle like wolves when the crime offends us in a certain way. Like the murderer who faces his victims and lets bullets fly as if he were using bug spray on cockroaches.

I wonder, when people pronounce judgment, whether they sense that they are running with the pack in search of raw meat, if not in some barely perceptible way, or whether their nostrils flare and their eyes fly wide open and the adrenaline begins to flow and the gavel pounds and there's just this overwhelming sense of destiny, without the slightest notice that everyone is panting and salivating.

Something akin to the metamorphosis in this murderer.

I agree. Really, the difference between this mass murder and the mass murder at Hiroshima and Nagasaki is the amount of people who believe each was the right call. You could say that Japan forced the US into action, but Anders Breivik would no doubt echo the sentiment.

I just want to know if the offense we take at this man's "lenient" sentencing is based on any real sensibilities, or if it's just because it's so different from how the US operates.
An interesting thought: Let's say 35 years from now Breivik is a changed man. Let's say he realizes how foolish he was, understands that part of his problem was ideological, but also that part of his problem was mental, and has been taking the proper medication for decades.

In other words, let's say he's wholly rehabilitated. Why should he not be able to walk free?
Because he killed 77 people. His life is forfeit.

The Norwegian mass murderer after being judged sane, was sentenced to 21 full years!! But wait, there is more! He has to serve at least 10 years, so theoretically he could be out by 2022....

Now THAT'S what I call justice!!!

[sarcasm mode off]

And let's give him a platform too:

"Thirty-three-year-old Breivik, who has spent the time since confessing to the killings in a high-security prison wing with access to a computer and his own treadmill, has insisted he’s no lunatic. He’s used the trial to defend his xenophobic views, and said the killings were necessary to protect Norway from multiculturalism."

he is never getting out of jail. unlike the US system in norway if your still deemed a threat to society which this fuck is they won't release you. before you rant about the failures of a foriegn justice system understand all the ramifications and possible actions.
I don't have a problem with it, if we agree on what's the goal is. Punishment and/or rehabilitation. BUT! Some people doesn't deserve either. If punishment is the goal, they don't need internet and treadmill... Or they should get punishment first, then rehabilitation. But it looks like there is no punishment in Norway...

real easy to say that when your not cleaning up the problems that mentality causes. but yeah you get to feel all morally supeiror and these people end uyp being trained to become violent.
I don't have a problem with it, if we agree on what's the goal is. Punishment and/or rehabilitation. BUT! Some people doesn't deserve either. If punishment is the goal, they don't need internet and treadmill... Or they should get punishment first, then rehabilitation. But it looks like there is no punishment in Norway...

His punishment is confinement. Even if he was locked in a day spa, he'd still be a prisoner.
Because he killed 77 people. His life is forfeit.

LOL, life is forfeit? Are you God? Is any human God? No? Thought so. So dont act like anyone has the right to "forfeit" anything of sort. He has every right to live as we all do, he however is a threat and we as people need to localize and eradicate a threat, by confining him.

His Life is Forfeit! Any of you punks got any problems with that?
It was unfortunate that he had a platform in court to promote his very barbaric ideology and severe lack of grasp of ethics.
He should have a platform. The freer he is is to express his beliefs, the easier it is to decide whether he's still dangerous after 21 years.
he is never getting out of jail.

You don't know that. Would you bet your life on it? He might get out after 30 years... There is no point in evaluating him from time to time, unless he actually has a chance of getting released...And why bullshit with this evaluation, instead of just giving him 100 years? So before you understand the issues, blah-blah-blahh....
In other words, let's say he's wholly rehabilitated. Why should he not be able to walk free?

Exactly my point. He should be, according to the Norwegian justice system. So people here who assure me that he will never be a free man, don't understand the whole system, or what it is supposed to do.

Now my answer to the question: Because some people doesn't deserve a second chance. That simple... People who know me here, know my solution: Execute him and donate his body organs. A good 10 people or more could be helped by it, instead of a lifelond debate and agony...
You don't know that. Would you bet your life on it? He might get out after 30 years... There is no point in evaluating him from time to time, unless he actually has a chance of getting released...And why bullshit with this evaluation, instead of just giving him 100 years? So before you understand the issues, blah-blah-blahh....

So you're content to just keep rehashing the same argument without actually having a discussion about it? You never addressed my response to you. And why do you keep asking why they didn't give him 100 years? You already know the answer to this.