2 Sisters axed in Muslim 'honor killing'

Not only in the middle east, this week a turkish guy (now 20) in The Hague was arrested. Due to the new DNA techniques, the police was able to open an old case, where the 7 year old sister and the uncle of the guy where murdered and the bodies chopped into pieces.

The guy was 12(!) at the time. The stories in the local theahouses go that he couldn't have acted alone, but that the father send out his young son to kidnap the girl (because of underage, lower punishment) and that these were also honour killings.

Surely anybody with remotely statistic knowledge could find a strong correlation for violence against females and quasi-legal deprived status of females in many muslim countries (or would that be just zionist propaganda??)...
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Honormurder can give an interesting view of humanity, or to be specific: male humanity.

I have a theory that can be interesting to get chopped into pieces :) (its rather silly so dont take it too seriously)

The male brain works in a rather primitive way. What keeps us from acting voilently is what we likes to refer to as civilisation, moral, laws, justice etc. But basicly we are not a bit different from other "male humans" in other cultures or the male homosapiens neanderthalis.

We (?) like to think of women as possesions of power. If we can get a sexy babe to "follow us" this is a sign of power. Not power over the female, but power over other men. It becomes somewhat a primitive war or fight over symbols of status.

Successful men (shallow and pathetic in a way) try to gain the usual symbols of power: cars, money, etc... and beautiful women. What is "beauty"? Simple: its what the other men whats.

Most men would never admit this behaivor and most men havent even realised these functions.

(Ofcource when the male finds true love... etc)

Based on this idea, its understandable that a man who loses his symbol of power to another man will generate some agression. Like "if I cant get her then he/she/the-world shall die!" and other neanderthal reactions.

If this woman now is closely related to the mans blood, like a sister, mother etc it will be even harder to accept that she freely plays in this game of symbol of other mens power (by hanging out with other males). Ultimatly thoughts of violence, death, desctuction etc will form in the males head, at least in a subconsions plane. Hate and humiliation. An attack on the male's very soul.

Again, its the civilisation, laws, moral etc that hold most men back. A normal intellegent modern man will recognise the evilness in these feelings when they appear and repress them instantly.

So whats my point?

My point is that maybe we in the west is not that different from these men in the east. The only difference is the concept of civilisation, laws and moral.


you are just creating stereotypes and stopping any opportunity for us to move on and grow as a race of people.
My point is that maybe we in the west is not that different from these men in the east. The only difference is the concept of civilisation, laws and moral.

Because all men are brutes who fundamentally see women as prizes, and are incapable of any thought of morality which isn't imposed upon them by... women I guess, because men don't have the faculties for it?
nope.. men have the capability to understand morality all by them self. But to understand morality doesnt nessesary mean that you cant act immoral. I'd bet that even Jesus (if he ever existed in the form he's known for) had immoral thought, and probably act some of them out.

So what is there to hold us back from doing those deeds?

The point is, I repeat: the men of the west tend to explain these horrible honormurders as an act of an evil kind of people far away from home (you know whom I refer to). But be careful because you might not be that different after all.
The fact that you are vicious, ugly and callous does not make the rest of your gender vicious, ugly and callous.
o my god.. ever heard of irony
but I agree, lets get rid of the one-liners now once and for all.
This is three lines. Over and out.