2 Dollars

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I'll let the thread die now. Umm no I didn't recieve 2 dollars. I'll post a new thread when I get my first ever payment if that ever happens.
For your offshore overseas investment you will receive a feeling. Every feeling is unique to an individual. You may feel ripped off as a classic example of one of the many available possible feelings "you will get" in return for your 2 dollars.

(Sell Sell Sell)

Furthering the cause of immortality can be seen as another classic example of a feeling one might receive.

The possibilities are endless.

(Sell Sell Sell)
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i have $80... not that it does me much good stuck 10km from the nearest town without any means of transport other than my legs.
Well get your fatass off the computer and start running.

I feel bad about how I got my $30 (initial.. anyway).

I bought my books using financial aid credit (meaning I have no money yet). To get cash, I decided to buy a book and then sell it to another bookstore. My book wasn't in demand (except for the CD that came with it). So I spent $100 to get $30.

I feel like I am dealing with a loan shark. That's more than 200% interest. On top of that, I got to pay my aid back in a few years.

But, I am broke.
I'll make you a deal. I'll give you $2 in your account if you put $3 in my account first. that's fair, no?
Holy shit. He did. He sold all 1 million pixels.

Nifty idea :)

That reminds me of the guy that asked 20 million people for 1 penny each. He ended up with $20,000 to pay for college back in the 80s.
So i'll let the thread die now. *sob* no two dollars *sob* noones interested in buying feelings. *sob*
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Thats one of the many feelings im selling yes. But i've said that.
sderenzi said:
It's simple, if everyone on the forums donates 2 dollars to him then at the end of the day he'll have a substantial sum of cash in his account. I myself often think what if I were to merely put up a Website indicating my desire for low amounts of donations, say 1 dollar, would I get more then 1,000 people who were bored donating 1 dollar to me for absolutely no reason?!

i don't know if this is still open but...
a woman has already done that. she was a shopaholic and she maxed all of her many credit cards. the courts ordered her to pay all the money and she can't do it. so she set up a website with her sobstory and got people all over the world to feel sorry for her and THEY ACTUALLY BOUGHT IT AND PAID OFF HER DEBT...
honestly, it makes me ill.
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