15 Minutes Of Fame...


oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you :D

According to the advanced personality analysis techniques (pioneered by the eminent psychologist Dr Y.L. d'Gess), you should be a...

Blue Peter presenter

"Never work with animals or children," they say - but with your relaxed, open manner, you'd have no problems there. Just remember not to run with scissors and it'll be alright on the night.

what the heck is a blue peter presenter?
what the heck is a blue peter presenter?

I had the same outcome and didn't know what it was either. :) There's a description of Blue Peter on the first page of this thread. Take a look...:)

willing to try scuba diving (with great whites), bungee jumping off Niagra, flying microlites, base jumping that sort of thing.

I did scuba diving! I'd love to bungee from any height!!! daring the world-record for my part,... hell : I'd even jump the Niagara falls WITHOUT bungee,..!!! Base jumping,...nah,...too boring: give me a ride too MARS instead and let ME plant the first leap for mankind in the sands of cydonia,...:p now 'THAT's' exiting,...

:rolleyes: :p :D
That test takes too long to get together... I dont have time, in fact I dont have time for tIme! I want that test done yesterday by tomorrow...... now. COz I said :p